Sanctum is not opening the door / can't enter Sanctum

Hello guys,

On the third floor, I encountered a bug where the doors would not open. I tried opening it again, but nothing happened, and I also could not leave the Sanctum.
After 2 minutes, the server kicked me.
I connected again, and the door opened again, but the same problem would occur again.

This continued until I reached the boss. The door didn't open again. I got kicked, but now I can't open the Sanctum.
When I try opening it, it just displays "Cannot connect to instance. That subarea no longer exists".

Next, I waited 8 to 10 minutes to close the Sanctum door again, which is now always open, even after restarting the game.
I opened the door and got into the loading screen, but got disconnected with the message "The operation timed out".

Rip to my Divine Orb i guess.
Last bumped on Dec 8, 2023, 2:35:56 AM
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Short update: after trying to enter again 10 minutes later, I could enter the Sanctum, and the door to the boss even opened, but after 20 seconds the server disconnected me with the message "Your authentication for instance transfer was invalid".
Second Update: After a few more tries, I entered the boss room and saved my Divin Orb, but the rest of the run is lost. Just a loading screen into disconnect with the message "The operation timed out".

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