Lockstep bugged

Have seen the following occurrence of Lockstep bugginess in Delve: When Delve encounter ends (the Azurite encounter IIRC) the character sometimes "teleports" without good reason. This has happened at least twice this league. Also had this happen in older leagues. I dont think its the only lockstep bugginess but its the most frequently occurring for me. This probably has something to do with the "change" that happens when a Delve encounter ends which doesnt seem to be synced correctly between client and server. Note that I am almost always moving around when that happens.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Last bumped on Oct 6, 2023, 8:51:03 AM
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Another thing which seems systematically bugged is that entering sub areas sometimes leads to parts (such as lab traps in Orchards boss room) "jumping"/"teleporting". This one may be relatively new.

Another thing - this one very old - is that in one of the uber lab trials (one of the ufo ones probably) some ufos at a certain lever always make such a "jump"/"teleport". It is triggered by using the lever. Dont know if this is desync or server bug though. Ufos (IMO obviously) should not be able to teleport. Likely the lever is supposed to change the ufo direction or sth and the code somewhere messes this up.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
When Delve encounter ends (the Azurite encounter IIRC) the character sometimes "teleports" without good reason.

did you use HH and caught a Shroud Walker mod

What is the ping when you use lockstep at all? 300 ping AND lockstep ?
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Last edited by neohongkong#0222 on Sep 11, 2023, 5:29:06 PM
neohongkong wrote:
When Delve encounter ends (the Azurite encounter IIRC) the character sometimes "teleports" without good reason.

did you use HH and caught a Shroud Walker mod


neohongkong wrote:
What is the ping when you use lockstep at all? 300 ping AND lockstep ?
This is a particular bug. If there is approximately nothing going on (thats when these Delve teleports happened) I almost always have good ping (<30 ms) and no other slowdowns. If there would be a connection issue my char would stop moving. This however has not happened in these instances. I was moving around "randomly" (general tactic to not get hit much) and (IIRC) just when the Delve ends (this changes the instance so that the crawler becomes clickable, lighting changes, etc) my character makes a jump/teleport. My guess is that the Delve-end-change is not done with proper synchronization and due to me moving around during it the desync happens under certain circumstances which I dont know which they are.

And I always have 'Lockstep' as the mode.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
This also happens in Tota after the match when there is the area change which causes the reward chest to appear. Basically functionally the same as in Delve. Practical difference is that here its not very dangerous typically...
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Last edited by Zrevnur#2026 on Sep 19, 2023, 2:04:00 PM
This seems to happen systematically if interrupted/stunned while totem channelling and using Flame Dash skill. Just had a situation in which I was unable to use Flame Dash at all after totem channel stun ending. As it turned out I was desynced so far away that the server would not accept the position I tried to Flame Dash to. And the game didnt sync at all on its own. Only after moving char did it sync ("teleport to other side of arena" == sync). (There was a mode switch due to tournament win in between.)
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!

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