Why PoE2 shouldnt be sped up, it looks great!

Hey, just wanted to say ive been playing Diablo 2 for 15 years off and on.

I have played all Diablo Games and Lost Ark.
I have just started playing PoE and my highest character is lvl 51

While watching the poe2 trailer i noticed it looks much MUCH slower,

The boss fights actually last more than 10 seconds

You need to strategically position yourself

Using the right skills at the right time

Potion management...

You are not,
Blitzing through the map, 1 shot killing all the monsters
(Making monster design irrelevant)

I dont mind speedy gameplay, but i feel that should be earnt after many hours of play and building your character....In a game like Diablo 4...it is designed for you to run through max speed and "Blow up the screen"

I personally think that is extremely boring and uses no thought processes....just spam spam kill kill gogogogo
All the boss/monster design in that game was thrown out the window .....do you really want that for PoE2?

I got really bored of Diablo 4 because of that.

Playing PoE i notice i actually have to pay attention to whats going on and it seems more so for PoE2 and i really like that.

Just because a boss actually last more than 15 seconds does not make it a souls like game.....its a boss fight.....Maybe people are too used to this pathetic difficulty that you just cheese the "Boss" well, its not a "Boss" if you can do that.

Im really glad the devs said they dont like players cheesing there bosses, using logouts to save themself, or dying 6 times without the boss resetting.

I think PoE2 is going in a great direction.
Last edited by Warlordv on Jul 31, 2023, 8:28:02 PM
Last bumped on Jul 31, 2023, 8:38:05 PM
Well during leveling yeah its fine, however once i get the build going i should be able to steam roll the boss to some degree.
I am new to PoE so these are just my opinions and i know others view it differently..

I think you should be able to steamroll a boss, But only if you have killed it before and you are going back....

OR you have got lucky and used your skill, to make an extremely strong build so you can destroy bosses but i dont think its fun to see a new boss and just stand still and melt them

Whats the point in making a "boss" at that point?

I loved in D2 that i would struggle through hell, and then farm a bunch to make that content feel much easier, while stil having a sense of danger.

I dont really understand poe1 yet as im new but am going to push through to the endgame to see why community is so split

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