3.22 FAQ - list of questions I've seen asked a lot

Many of these I could answer but if I am hearing them lots of people I don't interact with are asking them too.

- The Ascendant node Chieftain contains mods that thematically tie to the 3.21 Chieftain but not the 3.22 one. Will it be changed?
- Tukohama interacts with the support gems Ancestral Call and Fist of War, and appears to incentivize using the active skill Searing Bond. Are these three gems the same as in 3.21?
- How will Ramako interact with other effects that lower or raise a monster’s resistance to fire (for example, Flammability curse, Scorch, or Searing Exarch ‘map bosses have +160% fire resistance’ altars)? Does it set the base resist to 0, or the final resist to 0?
- How will Tasalio interact with modifiers that grant ‘all elemental resistances’? Will a 40% Goldrim grant 40% total cold resist, or 60%?
- How will Tasalio interact with modifiers that grant ‘fire and cold resistances’? Will a 20% double resist benchcraft grant 30% cold resist in total, or just 20%?
- How does Tasalio handle rounding?
- How does Valako interact with modifiers to all maximum resistances, e.g. the modifier on Saffell’s Frame, or the map mod “Of Exposure”, or to modifiers to all maximum elemental resistances?
- What AOE do Hinekora corpse explosions have?
- What player stats scale Hinekora corpse explosions?
- Can Hinekora explosions be converted to chaos via The Consuming Dark?
- Can Hinekora explosions gain the ability to poison through the use of Volkuur’s Guidance (fire version) combined with generic “chance to inflict poison on hit” as a player stat?
- If Hinekora explosions gain the capacity to ignite, do the player stats increased fire damage or increased fire DOT multi scale this damage?
- As per the last question, but poison, chaos damage and chaos DOT multi instead
- How is Arohongui pronounced?
- Arohongui states you recoup 10% of damage taken by your totems as life. Is this 10% of the damage taken by the totem before or after its 80% ‘less damage taken from enemies’, 40% elemental resists and 20% chaos resist are accounted for?
- Arohongui states “totems taunt enemies around them for 4 seconds when they are summoned”. What is this radius?
- Totem summoning takes a default 0.6 seconds. If you have Arohongui and no totem placement speed effects, and summon a totem at T=0, is it correct to assume that at T=600 milliseconds, the totem checks all monsters that are within its range at that instant, applies a taunt that lasts until T=4600 milliseconds unless removed earlier, and does not attempt to taunt again if new monsters enter its range during the taunt duration?
- If a player allocates Ngamahu and puts a non-unique jewel into a jewel socket that is not a part of the classic tree, but is instead contained in a cluster jewel, will this modify any nodes?
- If a player allocates Ngamahu, allocates the notable Saboteur (which reads in part, “30% increased trap damage, 30% increased mine damage) and puts a rare jewel into the Inspired/Frenetic cluster, does Saboteur grant 60% or 30% fire damage?
- If a player allocates Ngamahu and sockets Brutal Restraint 7476 into Scion West, this grants the additional text “Minions Deal 20% Increased Damage” to the node Constitution. If the player then puts a rare jewel into the Scion South node, will that Constitution rider convert into fire damage?
- If a player allocates Spiritual Aid and Ngamahu, what will a passive node that reads “Minions Deal 10% Increased Damage” and that is in range of a non-unique jewel do?
- How is Tawhoa pronounced?
- What does ‘level 20 Tawhoa’s Chosen’ do for strikes?
- What does ‘level 20 Tawhoa’s Chosen’ do for slams? Is it the same as 3.21 or different?

- The Ascendant node Guardian contains mods that thematically tie to the 3.21 Guardian but not the 3.22 one. Will it be changed?
- Assuming a player has 4800 max life and Time of Need, and equips Kaom’s Spirit, will they regain 48 rage over one second once per four seconds in lieu of the 4800 life?
- How does Time of Need interact with the Recovery mastery that causes players to only recover life once per 4 seconds?
- Radiant Crusade grants level 20 Summon Sentinel of Radiance. Usually players cannot use level 20 skills until approximately level 69. Will this skill be balanced around the capacity of lowbies to use this skill?
- What’s a Summoned Sentinel of Radiance anyway?
- Are Summoned Elemental Relics from Unwavering Crusade durable enough to rely upon them against bosses? Will there be a way to use this notable in boss fights with minimal/no adds like Sirus, Maven or phase 1 of Aul?
- What’s a Summoned Elemental Relic anyway?
- Is Bastion of Hope a radius of 60, or something else?
- Harmony of Purpose refers to ‘between’. Between is an imprecise word with multiple meanings. Is this an inclusive or an exclusive interpretation of the word between? Does ‘between’ mean “your ally’s hit box is in contact with the graphical effect of the link”, “your ally’s hit box is in contact with the line segment connecting the middle of your hitbox to the middle of your linked target’s hitbox”, or the least restrictive interpretation, “in the triangle with corners you, your ally and your linked target, neither the angle at you nor at your linked target is obtuse”?
- Radiant Faith grants armor and ES based upon your reserved mana. Is this then scaled by the stats of the recipient, for example, if you reserve 5000 mana and thus impart 500 ES, and the recipient is a player with 77% increased ES on their passive tree, do they gain 885 ES?

Hinekora’s Lock
- Alice is considering applying a Fracturing Orb to a cluster jewel. She wipes Hinekora’s Hair over it first.
- If Alice is disappointed with the results predicted for the Fracturing Orb and elects not to go ahead, is her Fracturing Orb consumed anyway?
- If Alice is disappointed with the results predicted for the Fracturing Orb and elects not to go ahead, Hinekora’s Lock states the cluster jewel loses the ability to fortell the future. How permanent is this loss? Does it just end the predictive power of the first Locks, allowing new Locks to be used or does it forever prevent Locks being used on that cluster again?
- Rarity order of magnitude, would you consider Locks closer to a chaos orb, a divine orb, a sacred orb or a Mirror of Kalandra?
- Applying a currency item can, rarely, leave the item unmodified. For example, divining a cluster jewel. If this happens, is the item considered modified for the purpose of losing the ability to forsee?
- How do Locks interact with corruption? Does corruption beat them like it beats Eternal Orbs?

- Omen of the Soul Devourer specifies no duration. Does it last until leaving the zone?
- Rarity order of magnitude, would you consider Omen of Fortune closer to a chaos orb, a divine orb, a sacred orb or a Mirror of Kalandra?

League Mechanic
- Do you anticipate players treating this like Blight, taking extensive advantage of allies early in character progression, then eventually outgrowing the need to do this as their character powers up and they start just soloing the entire enemy team and their totems?
- Do our allies scale up in power in any way as our characters do?
- Party play?
- Are there any league specific boss encounters like Heist’s The Unbreakable?

Leaguestart Race
- The announcement page states the race is 7/7 Pinnacle Bosses, the Exilecon announcement instead stated 7/7 Uber Pinnacles. Which is correct?

- Can we target farm Sanctum forbidden tomes, or are they entirely RNG?

Le Toucan Will Return
Last bumped on Aug 1, 2023, 7:21:50 AM
So where are the answers?
makarsk1 wrote:
So where are the answers?

I'm looking for authoritative ones. Because if in 3.11 teaser season you showed me Forbidden Shako and asked what applying a Divine Orb would do to it, I'd have confidently stated "it follows the precedent set by Aul's Uprising, and the gem names are locked, only levels change".

Which of course would be wrong, because POE has a lot of inconsistencies.
Le Toucan Will Return
You forgot the question about 4.0.

Are we even getting 4.0 or are just going forever until 3.100?
IGN : Reamus
I'll do the few that i'm extremely confident about.

the fire resist nearby will set it to 0, good vs modded maps, altars, +fire res rares etc bad vs standard resist monsters.

the AC/fist of war node - doubt the gems changed its just so it offers something for strikes or slams, ignore that it doesn't actually offer anything for strikes but none of the existing support gems are ubiquitous like fist of war.

Tawhoa's won't have been changed, but if we whine enough they might change it before release as the fact it doesn't work with fist of war is what has held it back in all prior versions and why its considered a trap notable.

Keep in mind that the notable would double slam damage if it did work with fist of war which is a titanic buff for a 2 pointer, its just slams need that sort of buff anyway.

I suspect all the fire resistance related questions work the same as omniscience but i'm not 100% confident on that one just putting it out there as the most similar use case.

Hinekora will scale identically to existing explode mechanics so yes, chad ignite/prolif/fire dot multi, same if you convert it to chaos and poison (or poison with fire)

Cluster jewels don't get radius gems so flame's advance won't do anything in a cluster jewel socket.

Minion damage won't convert, minion damage is = projectile damage, area damage etc the types that convert are the base damage type damages (mouthful I know) that being Phys, Lightning, Cold, Chaos. As a result you can convert a node that says minions deal 10% increased physical damage to minions deal 10% increased fire damage but i don't think these exist - minion damage is already all encompassing for balance reasons.

This is the same for the trap/mine damage question. Trap/mine aren't damage types in the way specified. Same for brutal restraint question basically won't do anything.

I've played fuck all guardians over the years so can't help with those and most of the end questions are probably/wait and see/they won't answer except the boss rush which i'm certain will be ubers or it'll be over <24 hours.

Edit: Also in Sirgog's example of Shako I do think its a pretty glaring inconsistency and the item would have been better without being able to divine it til you hit a pog one - but I suspect they broke this because good outcomes were far too rare.
Last edited by Draegnarrr on Aug 1, 2023, 7:32:16 AM

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