If PoE 1 dies after the split, is there a chance it'd be sold as offline game or otherwise offered?

I'd pay for that, not going to lie.

Was there ever a word about an offline ver possibility from devs?
Last bumped on Aug 1, 2023, 5:38:30 AM
I'd pay for that, not going to lie.

Was there ever a word about an offline ver possibility from devs?

Will never happen, and you know that too.

Also, I think Chris actually answered a similar question about offline version with a solid "no" at Exilecon, iirc.
Well if its support dies it would be really cool of them to let us host our own servers for private leagues or more.
bgdmm wrote:
I'd pay for that, not going to lie.

Was there ever a word about an offline ver possibility from devs?

Will never happen, and you know that too.

Also, I think Chris actually answered a similar question about offline version with a solid "no" at Exilecon, iirc.

I didn't know that, thanks for the answer though.
If Grinding Gear discontinues supportt for Path of Exile the First, it will be because the playerbase for Path the First is so small and unprofitable that taking the significant reputational hit of shutting the game down is preferable to continuing to pay the upkeep and development costs of the dead game. If that happens, the seven whole people still running Path the First will simply have to move on.

That said? it's unlikely to happen any time remotely soon. There's too many Religion of Zoom people screaming their heads off over game speed and "complecksuttee" and everything else for there to not be a userbase for Path the First that more than justifies continued development of the old game for years to come.

Trust me. If Mechwarrior Online can still keep the lights on and even get new features every once in a while, Path the First will do fine. And if Path the First ever does fail that bar, you'll know it's coming for years in advance.
Zero chance of that happening, as they can't monetize an offline game and it would eat up POE 2 sales.
Last edited by la_blue_girl on Jul 31, 2023, 12:32:10 PM
5 years from now I wouldn't be surprised if they re-release PoE 1 as a pay to win phone game.
bgdmm wrote:

Will never happen, and you know that too.

Also, I think Chris actually answered a similar question about offline version with a solid "no" at Exilecon, iirc.

If you have two games one will eventually be dropped. Things change in time. Chris said PoE 1 and 2 will be one game. It is not.

No. One can hope.

la_blue_girl wrote:
Zero chance of that happening, as they can't monetize an offline game and it would eat up POE 2 sales.

But they can. In a different way but they can.
They need PoE1 exactly until PoE2 gains its legs and starts making money.

Let us all enjoy it while it lasts even while the sequel slowly drains it of devs. Wonder if there are any power struggles inside GGG regarding this. Wonder why Erik left. Wonder who is creative director in POE2 now.
Second-class poe gamer
Last edited by pr13st on Aug 1, 2023, 5:43:39 AM

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