To the people who just want PoE1 to be updated instead of a whole new game

Let's take a look at what that would entail, just for the changes we've heard about at ExileCon.

- The new skill system would require a rework of all items that have mechanics related to sockets or socketed gems

- The introduction of Spirit would require a rework of all auras, minion gems, and items that interact with them or with mana/reservation mechanics

- The damage conversion change would require a rework of a lot of the passive tree and about half of all active skills

- The new stun/freeze mechanics would require a rework of all related passive nodes and items

- The removal of fusings, scours, and alts raises some major questions for existing characters, and along with the other changes to chaos and chromes, completely changes the crafting meta

My point being: these changes are already so large that they would obliterate PoE1 as we know it today. In fact, if you think PoE1 is ok as it is, you should applaud PoE2 being a wholly separate thing, because it's the only way that present day PoE1 can survive.

You don't have to like PoE2. But it's a fundamentally different game, for people with different tastes. It's probably for the best to keep the two audiences separate.
Last bumped on Jul 31, 2023, 8:43:55 PM
It was the best decision in my opinion. I like PoE1 as it is right now. Yes, I will play PoE2, but I didn't like the fact that they were going to merge both games, now I'm glad they decided to keep them separated.
Just out of curiosity, because i think i missed it. Where was it meantioned, that currency items like fusings, alts and scours are removed?
MegaHungry wrote:
Just out of curiosity, because I think i missed it. Where was it mentioned, that currency items like fusings, alts and scours are removed?

For fusing, it's obvious since PoE 2 has a new gem system that doesn't require fusing anymore. You get more gem slots (automatically link) as you progress through the game. For alts & scours, I think it was on day 2 when they discussed the "Itemisation" of PoE 2.
"A game IS supposed to waste your time but it's not supposed to make you FEEL like you're wasting your time:
It's supposed to make you WANT to waste your time."
yeah, it really has to be this way. i love poe1 and my poe1 characters, items etc. i play a lot of standard so i think more than the vast majority of us im invested in actual poe1 and the things that already exist. when they first said separate game... ok, deep breath, gonna just set this to one side and not die of a heart attack immediately, lets see where this goes...

by the end of the presentation i could see it was the only possible way to move forward while respecting our 10 year investment into the game.

MegaHungry wrote:
Just out of curiosity, because i think i missed it. Where was it meantioned, that currency items like fusings, alts and scours are removed?

i cant point you to an exact moment but i too heard them say all that. i mean there are no links now at all so fusing are gone.

ive been stockpiling jewellers in standard because the poe2 system is that you socket supports into the gems, theres no links just sockets in your skill gems. now theres lesser, normal and greater jewellers orbs that set the support sockets on skill gems to 3, 4 and 5.

they did mention no scours, no alterations and chaos orbs now remove a random mod + add a random mod, so its like hitting an annul and then an exalt back to back. so essentially theres no mass reroll item currencies, you cant sit there with anything and chaos spam or scour/alch 400 rare items out of thin air from a single white base. you can alch a base item, but then you need to find another base item to alch the next one. its not just find 1 base item and then slam it with a million orbs til its perfect from what we can see.

much more like last epoch system in some ways? where you are constantly looking for items while farming and then your throw a little crafting materials at them, they hit or miss and then you go find some more perhaps?

we will have to see how it plays out, how much currency we get in practice.
Do you know what would be cool, if GGG walks the talk and adds the second campaign to POE 1 while POE 1 keeps their POE 1 mechanics. Bam, everyone happy! And dont tell me that is not possible.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Last edited by Reinhart on Jul 31, 2023, 1:21:14 PM
suszterpatt wrote:
Let's take a look at what that would entail, just for the changes we've heard about at ExileCon.

- The new skill system would require a rework of all items that have mechanics related to sockets or socketed gems

- The introduction of Spirit would require a rework of all auras, minion gems, and items that interact with them or with mana/reservation mechanics

- The damage conversion change would require a rework of a lot of the passive tree and about half of all active skills

- The new stun/freeze mechanics would require a rework of all related passive nodes and items

- The removal of fusings, scours, and alts raises some major questions for existing characters, and along with the other changes to chaos and chromes, completely changes the crafting meta

My point being: these changes are already so large that they would obliterate PoE1 as we know it today. In fact, if you think PoE1 is ok as it is, you should applaud PoE2 being a wholly separate thing, because it's the only way that present day PoE1 can survive.

You don't have to like PoE2. But it's a fundamentally different game, for people with different tastes. It's probably for the best to keep the two audiences separate.

I'll be good when they deliver some of the things they said would come with POE2 to POE1 as they originally said. New character models, skill gem rework, etc. I would also be good if I felt like POE1 would not become the forgotten step-child after POE2 is released. I have a feeling it's about to get the DOTA treatment.

The reasons for the current situation don't change that they said one thing years ago and some of us continued to support religiously believing that that money was going toward updating the as-promised things in POE1.

I'm glad POE2 will scratch the itch for some people. I'm upset that my support in the past was misguided based on things they literally said were coming for POE1.

I know it is foolhardy to blindly trust on these things, but I did. Lesson learned. I've supported enough to never feel guilty about not spending another penny while driving POE1 until the wheels fall off. Hopefully we get a few more solid years of updates; but I'm feeling pretty skeptical now. The trust deficit is kind of big.
Last edited by Nubatron on Jul 31, 2023, 1:30:54 PM
Reinhart wrote:
Do you know what would be cool, if GGG walks the talk and adds the second campaign to POE 1 while POE 1 keeps their POE 1 mechanics. Bam, everyone happy! And dont tell me that is not possible.

It is not impossible they add POE 2 campaign to POE 1 and POE 1 campaign to poe2, but that is a lot of work and probably will be left for a later moment if at all.
Reinhart wrote:
Do you know what would be cool, if GGG walks the talk and adds the second campaign to POE 1 while POE 1 keeps their POE 1 mechanics. Bam, everyone happy! And dont tell me that is not possible.

I will tell you that 'everyone happy' is not a state for any product audience of this size. That is not possible.
Right, and I'm comfortable with all that. But basically instead of hearing more about the progress for 4.0 we have a limited view of whats in store for Path of Exile 1. Everything out of Exilecon retracted answers that were previously taken for granted and basically done nothing but raise a lot of questions. They've got about a year before they say they're going full gas and I'm pretty sure they can do really well with it, the issue is that now I have no idea what IT is.
IGN : Reamus

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