After watching the QA, I am excited and yet conflicted.

The dev team has pretty much confirmed that many speedy aspects of the game such as quicksilver flasks will be leaving us in PoE 2. To me this is a welcome development as I would much rather weave through the intricate and smooth PoE 2 combat animations than zoom from pack to pack with a quicksilver up.

I am however conflicted in whether they will not buckle down and revert these changes later. They have separated PoE 1 and PoE 2 for this very reason and I hope they stay true to their vision for PoE 2 so fellows like me can enjoy the smooth slow-paced gameplay they worked on so hard. What do you guys think? Do you think they will continue development in the direction they do now or will they adapt to PoE 1?

Until then, I hope to see more interactions between slam skills, the ascendancies and their relevant support gems. With how good they have looked so far, the immense uniqueness and power of PoE 2 support gems/ascendancies can only make them look better. See you in PoE 2 as a slow and steady earthquaking bear.

PS: If you like zooming, do not doompost, PoE 1 is still there for you! (until they stop developing it).

Last bumped on Jul 31, 2023, 7:48:47 PM
I love it! Quicksilver flasks needed to go, the slower the better. I am super excited about the charge changes too! I'm glad GGG took the builder/spender gameplay from d4 and replicated it with a poe twist! Thankfully without the crafting bench, rares on the ground are going to be SUPER good, and it seems to me like they fixed almost everything we have been asking for.
I'll remain skeptical, but at least the Q&A wasn't the softball useless question fest I thought it was going to be. Also it left me with a better impression about the sequel than day 1.

Still, I'm giving a lot of credit for those who are saying the reason they split POE 1 and 2 may be because they are not that confident about all those changes.

Anyway, it's not like it will cost me 70 bucks to find out so it's all good.
Last edited by bauermayers on Jul 29, 2023, 7:14:30 PM
Newbie413 wrote:

PS: If you like zooming, do not doompost, PoE 1 is still there for you! (until they stop developing it).

That's forum signature worthy right there
it's perfect!

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