So what happens to all the divination cards and uniques?

It's cool MTX and Tabs carry over when POE 2 splits from POE1 but what about these player supported items.
Last edited by Furyofwar on Jul 29, 2023, 1:34:32 AM
Last bumped on Jul 30, 2023, 6:55:12 PM
Most of the base cards / uniques will remain and xfer over if not in most cases; They will give you another X thing to redesign and make it into poe II.

The entire foundations bases and such is still there even the end game is STILL maps it's even stated IT'S STILL fucking maps and such all that's changing is basically game play mechanics such as links and even pacing of the game.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Yeah I was saving mine for POE2 so I hope it does carry over.
Furyofwar wrote:
Yeah I was saving mine for POE2 so I hope it does carry over.

For like 99% there is no "split" or carry over of actual game content/items between PoE1 and PoE2. PoE2 is basically new game.
I think he means he was saving his div card creation he bought during PoE 1 time to use in PoE 2.
Coconutdoggy wrote:
Most of the base cards / uniques will remain and xfer over if not in most cases; They will give you another X thing to redesign and make it into poe II.

The entire foundations bases and such is still there even the end game is STILL maps it's even stated IT'S STILL fucking maps and such all that's changing is basically game play mechanics such as links and even pacing of the game.

Did they confirm that somewhere? I watched what I believe was all of the livestream content relevant to PoE2 from yesterday and nowhere did they really talk about items. I figure there'll be a lot of Spiritual Successor or Descendant-Of stuff, like each game will have a version of Tabula Rasa just because it's expected, but I didn't see anywhere they were talking about items. Was that a thing they mentioned off-camera in the show itself somewhere?
Yeah, I was saving my div card creation for POE2 I purchased mine after they had mentioned at last exilecon the game was going to merge together so figured I would just use my card on POE2. They said in Q&A that they still need to work that out in POE2 to see if div cards will be in the game and did not confirm for sure they would be in the game only that they would hope to add them. Which would be kind of messed up considering originally the game was supposed to be merged together. VOD#2 for Exilecon @4hrs,35min for the Div card question.
Last edited by Furyofwar on Jul 30, 2023, 7:09:10 PM

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