what happens with stash tabs in PoE 2?

They said MTX transfers but what about stash tabs? it seems in PoE 2 is gold so that means we wont need currency tab anymore? does that mean other tabs also wont be needed?
Last bumped on Jul 30, 2023, 4:22:16 AM
There's still currency besides gold (you can see scrolls in the inventory in the gameplay demo), so stash tabs should still exist.

EDIT: Actually, watching Ziz's run, I'm not sure what they've done with currency.

EDIT 2: An orb of augmentation dropped, so I guess stash tabs still exist.
Last edited by King9999 on Jul 28, 2023, 8:51:24 PM
The devs have stated that ALL your stash tabs will carry over to PoE 2.

Obviously they will be altered, for example, poe 2 has no fusing, so the fusing slot will not exist in your currency tab, and poe 2 has 3 different types of jewelers orbs, so your currency tab will have more slots for those, etc.

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