Mask of the Tribunal stat-stacking Aurabot reserved mana bug

Hi all,

I'm min-maxing an aurabot in league with Mask of the Tribunal. I just switched from a normal 42 strength implicit Mageblood to a double implicit (Hatred / Wrath) one, and my unreserved mana went down from 16 (exactly what I need) to 10. All the reserved mana cost of my skills went up a notch (Wrath 9.52% -> 9.55%).

PoB doesn't understand the build anymore either. If I load myself I get 11 mana with either Mageblood, and also with a test MB which has only 25 strength. But ingame the uncorrupted one gives 16 unreserved mana, and the one without strength gives 10 unreserved mana.

I tested and it seems there's a stat breakpoint within 11-20 stats of my current setup, by putting on the no-strength Mageblood and adding 2x 10 str or other stat small passives.

Mask of the Tribunal line 250 stats = 2% RMR shouldn't be affected here, because my total attributes are:
Uncorrupted MB: 2659
Corrupted MB: 2612

Both are within the same range of 2500-2750, so this relatively small stat change shouldn't influence my total RMR, right?

Am I missing something, or did I find a bug?

Last edited by Allubz#3195 on Jul 11, 2023, 7:25:01 AM
Last bumped on Jul 13, 2023, 5:33:54 AM
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post the two Mageblood using forum function.....
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The only effective difference is 42 strength. But, like I said, with the no-strength MB about 11-20 stats will 'fix' the problem. The thing is, I don't understand why it would change my RMR within the scope of 2500-2750 stats at all?

Helm, for reference:
Last edited by Allubz#3195 on Jul 11, 2023, 9:52:25 AM
per 250 total attribute.....

losing 42 str may means losing 2% efficiency

and the reservation efficiency is no longer flat line but a curve....
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This is why I put the following in the original post:

"Uncorrupted MB: 2659
Corrupted MB: 2612

Both are within the same range of 2500-2750, so this relatively small stat change shouldn't influence my total RMR, right?"

Every 250 stats the RMR changes. 2500 is a breakpoint, and 2750, not 26xx to 26xx. Hence I believe there's a bug.

See, PoB does calculate an RMR change every 250 >total< attributes breakpoint.

I "fixed" the problem in-game by rerolling some attributes on items. I'm now at a total of 1674+262+704 = 2640 attributes. This puts me at 17 unreserved mana (PoB showing 12), which is fine for usage, but the problem remains. The next real breakpoint at 2750 would put me at 21 unreserved mana according to PoB. So something's really off between the game, and how PoB is usually right about this +250 total attribute RMR breakpoint.
Last edited by Allubz#3195 on Jul 12, 2023, 7:16:28 PM
Post screenshot in-game to proof your in-game total attribute......POB is not related to the game....
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Just take my word for it that I can add three numbers together. The issue ingame is clearly described, and the total attributes are named, so I'll wait for someone with actually relevant questions.

PoB is as related to the game as a trade macro or any other external resource is. What I'm saying about it is that it usually calculates these things correctly at other breakpoints, and right now it also shows this helmet acts with 250 >total< attribute breakpoints.

Last edited by Allubz#3195 on Jul 13, 2023, 5:29:43 AM
If you want the dev to read and do some investigation , i don't really think they rely on POB which is not affiliated with GGG in any way.....
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

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I dug up the following issue via the POB Github. Apparently in-game the breakpoints are per 125 attributes, rather than 250 as the helmet shows:

If I add 1% RMR in PoB it evens out to my current unreserved mana, further confirming the point that there are more breakpoints than "per 250 total attributes".

I also rerolled my stats from the previously mentioned 2612 to 2640 et voilà, I have 17 unreserved mana rather than 10.
Last edited by Allubz#3195 on Jul 13, 2023, 7:36:11 AM

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