Relentless Pursuit wheel allows allocating a mastery without taking a Notable passive skill
The Relentless Pursuit Mark Mastery wheel (South-East of the ranger start by Arrow Dancing) allows you to choose and allocate a mark mastery without allocating a notable passive skill. This is extremely powerful since the Notable (Relentless Pursuit) has no synergy with Mark on Hit setups, but the wheel itself has reduced mark mana cost which is extremely valuable.
By allocating only the reduced mana cost Small passives, you can allocate the mark mastery. If you don't allocate the second Small Passive granting 10% reduced Mark skill mana cost, it does not allow you to allocate the mastery without taking the notable. If you take Relentless Pursuit by pathing through Mark Cast speed instead of reduced mark mana cost, the mastery becomes available to allocate as normally expected. Last bumped on May 26, 2023, 2:44:31 PM
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