-Looking for MATURE chill individuals looking to help create a tight group of ACTIVE players to push RUTHLESS CRUCIBLE content and have some fun!

-We are looking for members who are interested in being part of a fun and helpful community. We are not going for a massive number of members. Rather a close group of talented and knowledgeable individuals looking to help, work together, and have fun.

-We currently have 5 active ruthless members and are looking for more players with diverse kits to help us reach our goal of getting to ruthless end game and completing it.

-Our primary loadouts are:
Chaos DoT
Cold DoT*2
Elemental damage ranger

-We have gotten a lot of gems and equipment for mine/trap, minion and melee builds. People who prefer to play these loadouts are prefered.

-Please be Active and looking to play for more than a short time. Not looking for players who will be quitting two days into joining.

-This is a guild only private league that we are on. Meaning you would need to make a new character. We have stuff to help you level up.

-If you are looking to Join please leave your.


-OR contact me via Discord: Br33ze420#9584
Last edited by TheBladezPurge#7645 on May 19, 2023, 5:37:12 PM
Last bumped on May 22, 2023, 4:56:20 PM

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