Touch of Kalandra - worth it?

I checked some builds on PoeNinja und found out, that many of them that used Kalandras Touch doubled the Damage compared to the rest.

I assume that people owning that ring generally have a lot currency that relects the builds capability.
But i wonder it the ring is worth it, when i use it just for one last build.
When the multiple use isnt a factor for me i should be better of buying 2 rings for each 40 div than Kalandras Touch wich runs for 120 div atm.

Am i right or wrong and if so, why?

Is it expectable that Ring becomes a lot cheaper after the end of Crucible?
Im bad at math.
Last edited by LoTharios on May 12, 2023, 8:35:32 AM
Last bumped on May 13, 2023, 1:29:04 AM
Touch of Kalandra is only as good as your other ring is.
So it can be very much worth it
Or it can be terrible.

Who knows after Crucible ends.
As you've said yourself, Kalandra's Touch is only as good as your other ring.

The ring gains more and more value as the league goes on which is what's currently happening because more and more mirrored tier or at least 200+ div rings are being crafted.

It is very unlikely that the ring stays at the current price of ~50div in Crucible. It went up all the way to 150div in Sanctum because it's still a T0 unique item and there are no specific divination cards for it.

Currently, there are 4-5 times more magebloods available for trade than Kalandra's Touchs. It's only cheaper because you actually need a ring worth reflecting which is fairly difficult to come by in the first place.

I'm using one myself to reflect this ring:
Last edited by Scarletsword on May 12, 2023, 10:00:31 AM
It's likely worth using if you find one, so long as you're not running something that requires 2 specific, different rings. It's probably worth buying if you have a truly exceptional ring to mirror. It's not worth buying if you don't, unless you just want to flex it in global.
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