Notable "Marked for Death" culling only from direct damage.


I'm not sure if this is intended but because of the wording of the notable i assume its a bug. Marked enemy will not get culled by my totems only from my direct damage.

if this is intended then it would be nice to clarify this with 'your hits have culling strike against marked enemy' or something similar.

-regards, aintcare.
Last bumped on Aug 10, 2023, 8:25:00 PM
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AintCare wrote:

I'm not sure if this is intended but because of the wording of the notable i assume its a bug. Marked enemy will not get culled by my totems only from my direct damage.

if this is intended then it would be nice to clarify this with 'your hits have culling strike against marked enemy' or something similar.

-regards, aintcare.

I just posted a bug about this but I am doing direct damage (self-attacking, with Lightning Arrow) and cull isn't always working.
Yet another unpaid Path of Exile 2 Alpha Tester.
Last edited by TwentyFiveEX on Apr 21, 2023, 2:28:51 PM
TwentyFiveEX wrote:
AintCare wrote:

I'm not sure if this is intended but because of the wording of the notable i assume its a bug. Marked enemy will not get culled by my totems only from my direct damage.

if this is intended then it would be nice to clarify this with 'your hits have culling strike against marked enemy' or something similar.

-regards, aintcare.

I just posted a bug about this but I am doing direct damage (self-attacking, with Lightning Arrow) and cull isn't always working.

and the dlot feepens
Stuff like this, is why people stop supporting or playing the game. Sigh.
Yet another unpaid Path of Exile 2 Alpha Tester.
TwentyFiveEX wrote:
Stuff like this, is why people stop supporting or playing the game. Sigh.

best part its not even being acknowledged, not to mention fixed (no mention in patch notes). I don't have the effort to test this thoroughly but if you apply the mark when the mob is <10% HP it will die form indirect damage (even your NPC followers can cull it)
Thanks for your report, I'll pass this on.
Jatin_GGG wrote:
Thanks for your report, I'll pass this on.

Thank you Jatin!
Bumping because it still exists and its not added to the known issues.

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