Revert Twister Nerf and make it not proc via Triggerbots
I am writing this as someone who has written a comprehensive guide on the build and I have been playing it every league since harvest when it was enabled.
Im suggesting that the nerf be reverted and instead, make it unable to proc via trigger bots, similar to how aberrath's hooves are not able to be used with them. If this is not a viable option, I believe some sort of slightly base damage buff would be appreciated so that this build isn't immediately dead. Because as it stands currently, I believe the build is dead as soon as crucible ends because you wont even be able to get to the amount of twister as prior leagues with most variations of the build(won't be able to get reduced duration on weapons) A majority of the players who play the build, are playing chieftain, as the trigger bots variant, is not better dps due to the increasing amount of nerfs being placed towards poison damage. This problem with the crashing was happening exclusively with the triggerbot variant of the build, and has just blindsided the main ascendancy used. " The description on the hotfix notes is simply and utterly untrue. Players were at most, getting 15 Procs per second pre-crucible, let alone saying that players are STILL getting 30 procs per second, BEFORE triggerbots. If this was the case, then why nerf it at all? Because it would literally be the same thing and nothing would have changed. 30 Procs before the nerf, 15 Procs(pre-crucible)x2 = 30 procs after? Its really unfortunate that the skill was permanently nerfed due to a league mechanic(getting additional reduced skill effect duration on weapons) making it possible to over-load the servers and make them crash. I know you guys don't want something proccing that fast, and I get that, but simply nerfing it and putting out false claims, is not how I imagined it would be handled. I am just looking for some sort of compromise whether it is making triggerbots not work with it, or buffing the damage to an extent, something to allow the build to be remotely functional after this league is over, because if it to stay the way it is, as i said above, the Build will be dead and there will be just another useless unique item that virtually no one uses. Last edited by Supaspork#0294 on Apr 16, 2023, 7:50:28 PM Last bumped on Apr 22, 2023, 5:42:57 PM
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As someone who played this build until the hotfix i don't understand how GGG handled this. This build was nowhere near overpowered and cutting down the proc rate that much without any further adjustment like damage is not understandable.
I tested this build for a day after the hotfix and it honestlty feels like playing ruthless. Running around bosses for one minute isn't fun in main game. Any rare monsters with life sustain like regen, leech etc. are unkillable now. On top of that having a cooldown makes this skill break completely with cooldown map mods or temporal bubble rares. I can totally understand reducing the proc rate because of server issues. But with no other compensation, that is not even balancing. In the end for me, i can't play this build anymore at the current state. So i started another build at the weekend and hoping for GGG to overthink their decision. |
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I'm ending the league on this nerf. Cba farming more currency now after dumping it all on a build I thought be fun but then got dumpstered.
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This hotfix ended the league for me. I have been playing since day 1 of the open beta, and I don't think I've seen GGG do something so incomprehensible. They obviously didn't test these interactions before the league started, and they obviously didn't test them after these changes either.
opening the gloves and boots slots because of the weapon trees was the best thing to happen to this ability's build variety, and before extensive testing by the community could be done, the build gets absolutely gutted in comparison to what it was week one, and once crucible trees are gone (lets be honest, this league has almost a 0% chance of going core), the build is nigh-unplayable. |
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Thank you for the nerfs fun police. At least give us damage back for what you've done. You Ruthless lovers.
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Well, I think enough time has passed without any further communication that we can resign ourselves to the fact that GGG is not reviewing this nor even going to justify their factually inaccurate claim in the hotfix description.
Disappointing. |
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I think that might be my first comment ever...
I just found out about this build and this tech today and now I'm sad... Such a cool looking and not totally meme build and yet it is getting nerf so hard :/ GGG please revert the changes ! (please, I swear I will buy more supporter pack if you do so :) ) |
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We need someone with the currency to run this build. You can use The Redblade Gladius, or two 8 node cluster jewels (can move the jewels from the gloves to the tree or get Unstable Infusion Forbidden Jewels), to get more CDR so you can use curse on hit gloves to crash the servers even after the hotfix. This was posted in the Assassin thread by FiveInchSquirrel, and you can even save three travel nodes to use on the cluster jewels because he connected the left side of the tree in two different directions. Last edited by Awkward0ctopus#2501 on Apr 19, 2023, 11:47:40 AM
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" fairly sure we can just get two people with triggerbots at 15 procs/second in same map and crash it too, if thats the goal, anyway Last edited by Supaspork#0294 on Apr 19, 2023, 7:02:45 PM
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" This is true. What would 6 people with CoH gloves in the same party look like? Probably crash on a single mob within 2 server ticks. This is why this patch makes no sense to me. It’s still very much possible to recreate the problem they insist this patch fixes, yet their “fix” makes every ascendancy but 1 completely useless after crucible trees are gone… Something something “we’ve reworked saboteur so it wouldn’t be the only option for traps and mines” then make it the only option for twisters lmao. Good thing they stick to their philosophies after only 1 week… :/ |
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