Problem Unlocking Lush Hideout - Bug?

I'm in the Lush Hideout, Helena is there and telling me to clear out all the monsters. I've killed everything yet the quest won't advance to give me a hideout. Any thoughts?
Last bumped on Aug 15, 2023, 8:08:31 AM
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Same! Tried 4 times now.
Cleared everything in the Dread Thicket as well.
Finished all quests in Act 2.
Having the same issue, logged out and ran back, still only getting the "clear hideout" dialogue option from Helena while in the hideout, even though it is already cleared. I have also cleared the Dread Thicket, and it doesn't seem to make a difference.
We have deployed a fix for this.
Yep, that fixed it. Thanks!
same problem :(

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