Regarding 3.20 Expedition/Tujen

I have allocated points into Tujen on the Atals-Tree. To gain a 90% increase chance for my expeditions to be led by Tujen.

Upon doing a handful of maps... I have yet to be met by Tujen. I have met Gwennen "5" times in a row and Rog multiple times. I rarely if ever meet Danning. Even more rare then Danning would be Tujen.

Is there something I am missing? I need help on understanding why after the 90% boost Tujen seems to be even less likely to appear then before. Which is ironic because I would like to add that before allocating points into Tujen I had rarely received Gwennen. Now I can't be rid of her!?

I don't know how I managed to do it but through trial and error I got the image in the post lol.

Last edited by SaintLessLegend#6078 on Jan 4, 2023, 12:04:05 PM
Last bumped on Jan 6, 2023, 6:34:17 PM
I have the same problem! Ever since I went with the Tujuen I feel like he never shows up anymore....
Just run more maps. I've been using it and he does appear more often, it's just not going to make him pop up the majority of the time. It's a significant boost, but it's not going to make everything come up tujen.
meesternibbles wrote:
"It's a significant boost, but it's not going to make everything come up tujen.

I get he wont show up everytime but I have been getting Gwennen back to back... with consistency. We are talking "5" times in a row sometimes. It's as if the Tujen perk tree is actually bugging and affecting Gwennen. I say this because prior to allocating into Tujen I rarely if ever was able to get Gwennen.

In actuality I wanted to farm Gwennen before learning that Tujen was better for me. The irony is that I used to see Tujen and Rog more then Gwennen.

What's humorous is how Gwennen is dropping is probably how Tujen is supposed to be dropping.

Side Note: I have looked but found nothing talking about drop chances for Gwennen or the others. I suspect it's equal which makes sense.

If Tujen and the others have a base of 25% for instance...

Then a 90% increase would look like this: 47.5% with a 22.5% increase being that 22.5 is 90% of 25.

Meaning Tujen should be showing up far more often.

If you have anything to tell me what the drop chance is I would appreciate it. For instance if Tujen actually has a 10% drop chance but Gwennen has a 30% drops chances just for example then I can understand why Tujen is not dropping as often.
Last edited by SaintLessLegend#6078 on Jan 5, 2023, 10:27:11 AM
Yeah, I thought that was the case as well when I first added both +Tujen and +Dannig, even made a post myself because during the first few hours of having the nodes because it was insane how much Gwennen was showing up. After a while though, it seemed like the rates "corrected" themselves.

Thing is, Rog has the highest chance to appear, other than Gwennen being the first one you see during the campaign guaranteed. Gwennen comes next, probably with a pretty high number as well, then Tujen and finally Dannig.

Let's assume it's 40% Rog, 30% Gwennen, 20% Tujen and 10% Dannig to make this simpler. When you increased Tujen's chance by 90%, he goes up to 38%, and the others all lose 6% of their base chance. (can't go over 100% chance) This means Rog goes down to 34, Gwennen to 24, and Dannig to 4. For all intents and purposes, this still means every 1 in 4 expeditions you find will have Gwennen.

And since Probability is two bitches and a 1/3, you get 5 Gwennens in a row even when Tujen is sitting near 40% chance to appear.

Just keep playing though, you'll notice him appearing more often soon enough.
mindcontroler wrote:
Just keep playing though, you'll notice him appearing more often soon enough.

Appreciate your feedback and will do... Your part about two bitches and a 1/3 made me laugh.

Thank you!
Not sure if this helps you but I've noticed more broadly that chance based atlas passives (i.e. chance for things to show up) for some reason don't work right away. For example, on league start, I rushed to Kirac mission wheel and Jun mission chance nodes. They basically did not work for a while until a certain point at which they suddenly started working. We're talking I was getting 0 Kirac missions and 0 Jun missions for a bunch of maps. But once it starts working, it really works and you really notice it.

I have a feeling the way it's coded is that your picks don't reflect immediately but if you do a bunch of maps, it flushes forward and then suddenly it works. I also notice that when I take the nodes OUT, it continues to work for a bunch of maps until it suddenly stops. Almost like lag?

Also, they are not similar drop chance. The estimate I've heard from others is 40 Gwennen / 30 Rog / 20 Tujen / 10 Dannig.
Last edited by TemjinGold#1898 on Jan 6, 2023, 2:18:59 PM
I think you and mindcontroler are spot on, because I ran more maps as suggested and now I am getting Tujen multiple times in a row.

It's like you said where after awhile things just click into place.

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