Relic Altar

I have a problem, I can't move my relics to the relic altar, I did quest act 2 and 7, completed two floors of the sanctum and I still can't move them into the relic altar.
Last bumped on Dec 23, 2022, 1:18:57 PM
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You can place the relic at the start of next new Sanctum run
I've tried, there is no option to move the relic to the altar, I open the altar and there is no way to move or click on the relic inside the altar, it only goes to the inventory or to the relic chest.

With the option to play with a joystick, the game does not even close the inventory and opens the relics on the left, with the mouse and keyboard game mode, when moving the relics into the altar, it turns red and they do not fit.!AvYpW-tFy-mNlRY3B3ZCehnZ4_VI?e=qnmrhF
Last edited by stark_47 on Dec 11, 2022, 9:06:19 AM
At the beginning of a new run, a relic can be placed on the altar and there is a confirmation button.

If there is no button, then the current run is already active and you can't change altar.
Last edited by seaman on Dec 11, 2022, 8:42:05 AM
I had to create a new character to be able to move the relics to the altar.
I have the same issue. I can put the Relic into the Relic Inventory, but not into the alter itself.
I am not dumb, but I am completely new.

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