Random Headhunter buffs

Getting random Headhunter buffs on Ramparts few times in a raw.


Bug report reference number:
901 380 340
Last bumped on Dec 11, 2022, 9:43:21 PM
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I've gotten this a few times, too. Latest happened during a delirium mirror:


Bug# 2,648,381,749
I've had this bug three times during the campaign. It always stole the ring aura but it doesn't always work.
Bug number 1.003.618.257
Perhaps this is a new monster mod or hidden reward from rare monster.
Same happened to me atleast once, stole the mana ring aura but when I looked it had 4 stacks already, so it could be happening othertimes too but just not being noticed.
Thanks for your report, this is intended.

One of the potential outcomes when killing a Rare monster is that you steal its mods.

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