How does Ralakesh' Impatience work?

It says minimum xxx charge equal to maximum xxx charge while stationary. Sure this is great, but does it actually give you those charges? Just because the minimum charge becomes, say, 5, doesnt mean you actually gain those charges
Last bumped on Oct 12, 2022, 11:39:36 AM
Anything that gives you + minimum charges automatically applies those charges, up to but never over your maximum. Those boots eliminate the need to generate any charges, with the downside being that charges gained from +minimum cannot be consumed by skills (such as Immortal Call or Flicker Strike) and such.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
However, i've seen, that using shield with minimum charges switched to usual weapon grants charges. bug, mb
Politeness is a weapon!
minimum charge means you have those charges and you cant lose them. so you're at maximum charges of all kinds as long as you're stationary. that's why it works well for some specific builds such as badge of the brotherhood divine ire/crackling lance
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
auspexa wrote:
minimum charge means you have those charges and you cant lose them. so you're at maximum charges of all kinds as long as you're stationary. that's why it works well for some specific builds such as badge of the brotherhood divine ire/crackling lance

To expand on this a little bit:

The boots let you bypass quite a few negative effects/downsides on items. For example:

Since you just have the charges instead of "gaining" them, you never loose them.

This is a keystone from the Militant Faith Timeless Jewel - Dominus. The "gain" gets bypassed yet again. You still end up having your frenzy charges but also the insane spell damage multiplier. My current build uses 10 charges which means 30% more spell damage.

Here's a clip from a build based on those boots killing uber Exarch. The damage scaling is quite insane.

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