[PlayStation] 3.19.1c Hotfix 3 Patch Notes
[PlayStation] 3.19.1c Hotfix 3 Patch Notes
The realm will go down for the patch to be deployed at Oct 10, 2022 10:00 PM (EDT) (this is displayed in your local time). Console-specific notes
Last bumped on Oct 13, 2022, 7:32:08 AM
Wooooowwww, finally! Thanks
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
now fix the GD invite bug
Yes, now we need to fix the next Party Invite bug
Alan Leonardo Piovesan Last edited by AlanLeoPio#9616 on Oct 10, 2022, 9:05:19 PM
Thank you!!
Thank God.
say word
you guys should not be thanking them... this sht should have been fixed leagues ago. they taking money from us console players and using it on poe2 and not fixing all these main bugs... get on fixing that invite bug that is been aroud forever.
" This! Also, we don't have a notice board, don't have pvp. Bugs that are there since day one! They are taking are trade market away. Giving us a worse (in most ways) trade system that relies on a browser so bad, acording to sony it doesn't even exist as an official feature. It's just some unfinished leftover backround code. And can use 0 of the third party tools PC can to make trade bareable. Saying thanks is the last thing you should be saying! If you critique this game and its problems your post will be removed. In a news thread about sound i asked "Why did it take multiple leagues to fix the sound on console?". Then got put on probation by Kane the sound guy! This is who GGG are! Last edited by Ac1D_FlA5H#9329 on Oct 10, 2022, 9:48:57 PM
They did something for us they didnt even need to do. Be happy. Be sad when they take market away and we left without trade.
PC version needs 10 extra addons to check prices on stuff we cant get. Last edited by harhaqvei#9841 on Oct 10, 2022, 9:43:29 PM