Damage Multiplier on Void Jaguars MLvL 83+ too high?

According to poedb,

internal Damage Multiplier on Void Jaguars spikes from 20% to 175% with Monsterlevel 83+.

The Leap Skill itself has "Deals 20% more Damage" from lvl 68 - 82
At lvl 83 it suddenly "Deals 175% more Damage". That's ridiculous! Not sure if it's a bug or intended. I just compared to some kind of Rhoa's. There is no such increase in Dmg Multipliers between lvl 82 and 83.


I think poedb datamines those numbers out of the gamefiles, so these numbers should be the same like in the game itself.

Could explain some ridiculous oneshots from white mobs.
Last bumped on Sep 22, 2022, 9:01:40 AM
Gufi wrote:
The Leap Skill itself has "Deals 20% more Damage" from lvl 68 - 82
At lvl 83 it suddenly "Deals 175% more Damage".
This is not accurate. There is no such sudden jump in the values actually used at different levels in-game.
Ran into one in a T16 last night. My inquisitor has 36k armour, 5k evasion, 62/57 block (no glancing blows), 4048 life, 4377 ES, capped res including chaos. I can tank all the hits from both bosses at once in Guardian's Aid (doesn't matter which bosses and map is not blank).

That Void Jaguar 1-shotted me with his leap TWICE in that map. The rest of the mobs in that map including the Essence mobs and the map boss were harmless. Something is definitely up with his damage.
Mark_GGG wrote:
There is no such sudden jump in the values actually used at different levels in-game.

Can you check the damage of the Gargoyle when they use the leapslam in the uberlabs 83lvl (gift to the goddess)?
The attack speed is higher than the reaction of any person, and their physical damage is incredible.
It's strange that they have higher damage than Izaro himself.
👉Labyrinth enchant service, PM in game! 👈

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