Further suggestions and feedback.
Left stick + X [on Xbox] should bring you to the guild hideout from any waypoint.
The 'last/bottom' person in the list of guild members, if you are a leader is cut off and scrolling lower moves them to the top while selected and still cannot be seen well. This menu does not exist for non guild leaders. On console the ability to select and fight things is mashed with the ability to interact with things. Many actions rely on the 'A' button to interact with them and this is also the spot for one of the four "Main" skills of a player. For the most part the selection and curser functions very well prioritizing important pickups and attacking instead when mobs are close/highlighted. The issue comes in when league mechanics and masters are close and within the combat zone, Or multiple mechanics are stacked on top of each other. On the PC this is far less of an issue as you have the precision of the cursor and left clicking closes and moves you away instantly, console this progresses the dialogue. I have thought about this issue for a while and one of solutions I have come up with is: A button either 'Y' so it fits inline with other design ideas and game interactions or a combination of buttons that is currently unused [LS + RS press in at the same time, LT RT + LS/RS press or LT RT and have it be an option in the mechanic list]. For the ability to disable all inputs on an interactable object, portal or NPC for a duration of time that is settable by the player in options. A crafting UI that would function as a area to load crafting items into a menu allowing the player to craft without the many clicks it takes to get to and back from currencies on console. For example holding LT + RT inside the stash can allow options while hovering over currencies to assign it to a button. With just thinking about and not testing my initial design would be the arrow key directions. This way while in craft mode movement is disabled and the pad buttons function as expected while holding LT RT to be inside 'craft mode'. The ability to invert the position of the monsters health bar or our buffs and de-buffs. Currently the monsters health bar and modifiers often stack directly on-top of the information of the buffs in the center of the top screen. Then what can be long list of modifiers on mobs can sometimes come close to touching the top of the character. The ability to move these into the unused space at the bottom of the screen would be helpful without a full UI redesign. For future further UI improvement suggestions the ability to shrink some auroras and move them below the health globe. Specifically having a number of spots decided by the player that show whatever buff they choose that can be decided in the skill menu. Many builds have buffs they always have on that are the same size and identical locations to de-buffs. This information becomes 'mush' when coupled with many being added and removed at a fast pace then the monster information placed directly on top makes it difficult to identify what is happening. With a set number of icon spots players can see at a glance that all of their expected buffs are in place, And ones that are temporary or situational can have a dedicated spot so information is there at a glance. Inverse to the buffs, below the mini map would be a great spot to allow players to assign certain de-buffs to a spot, so that if the icon is filled the player can be aware of the de-buff and can react as the information would always be in the same location. Many of the effects are hard to recognize, many icons are similar in style having the same icon just altered colors. The buff location and function of the current UI is often fluctuating and changing rapidly. Having dedicated locations for many of the common de-buffs and ailments would go a long way for player understanding. Especially ones you can gain immunity from in accessible ways. From what I can tell there is no way on console to identify buffs as the ability to hover over them is non-existent. Adding names under the icons when LT + RT is pressed may help with understanding in the immediate. I am also curious to get additional information of the default item filter, A few leagues ago you made great improvements to the functionality of this and I often use it into maps. However the general functionality is not specified in any of the documentation that I can find help menu or otherwise. Last bumped on Sep 16, 2022, 2:10:00 PM
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