The final tree, its time to grow.(Crafting/Drop Influence Passive Tree)

This thread is to address a particular area of the game which has long been both a unique and awesome element of PoE but also a source of much frustration for many people most especially new players.. Crafting.. But we have crafting don't we? Kind of! maybe? *asks magic 8 ball*

The answer is we don't, We have something we call crafting and in so many senses it IS crafting but its lacking elements that many desire to consider the system complete... a certain determinism that one would get if they were actually crafting something.

This is the most important element of all.. a means with which to dispose of unwanted or over-abundant items or even items that hold value could be fed into this system giving the player much needed basic resources to begin their journey into crafting, Users might be required to deconstruct certain STAT(STR/INT/DEX/HYBRID) bases for their particular energy or a literal specific base they are looking to craft, This would likely be represented by the main attributes as your primary crafting energy and a physical medium from deconstructing item of any type or generalized types of equipment(body) etc.

This also serves another purpose on educating players on the various differences in item types and how their attributes affect mods as well as other statistics.

Unique items may even be involved in gathering the required materials and energies to achieve some of this systems more advanced options.

Once a player has built up sufficient energy they can then craft an item and depending on the available energy and amount of it invested these results can be influenced if not even forced to be a specific roll given sufficient investment, The required energy to force a high tier specific craft would be a lot as one would expect but allowing players to give their time value by enabling them to "save up" for this craft and ultimately resulting in a base item they would immediately want to start adding mods to and with the knowledge that they can create another if they should fail may drive more crafting to happen.

Time is money and this system values our time.

If i need a specific roll for an item i could save up enough required energy in something say a crucible or vessel and once its full craft an item that has that roll on it but NOTHING ELSE, this gives us a base item which sets the hook for the crafting process but with only one mod there is still a lot of room for failure.

The Tree:
Once the player has crafted a certain threshold of items they will unlock skill points for the crafting influence tree, this tree would influence ones drops in various ways in regards to the types of items being dropped from what stats they should have, what mods might roll on them more commonly and even what mods would NOT roll on them preferably as well as influencing the rolls on their items.

This further reinforces clearing content and might encourage players to interact with more items because those items in particular may yield the rolls they desire better yet tiered up rolls of already present mods they enjoy if they should be so lucky.

AN could also be included in this tree influencing its loot conversions.

Player Influence: consider this part daydreaming.
We have killed how many gods at this point? Ones capable of influencing items and so much more i feel it is only right we begin to approach the realm of being able to influence our own items, In the above skill tree i would like to see something similar to a cluster jewel that can be crafted and ONLY crafted by the player giving a select few if not a single mod capable of dropping influenced by the player, these mods would be exclusive to players and may offer even further economic advantages to people who invest in a wide variety of stats as a player may find themself walking around with a few other players influenced items on.

Obviously your name is on the item as the "influence" along with a generic influence icon representing its status from other influences as a player-influenced-item.

Edit: Some updated thoughts

Grinding the content that it comes from to get it:
This system would require you to grind killing monsters from the specific content you want the mod from as well as sacrificing various items and possibly crafting currency such as essences and all the others, In general this deterministic crafting system would seek to eat all the unused items in the market making even trash into a valuable resource to be consumed.

With it setup that way you still have to run the content that would normally net you this drop that you so desire and perhaps even specific delve nodes or monster-level requirements, map mods and more could be required to make progress.

Some may not want to grind and would seek to barter for some materials in order to craft their item which would offer value to those farming it normally not seeking to craft within its pool of mods.

Requires investment over time to be most effective:

Since having these crazy mods early on would not only make the game too easy but mess with a number of economy's early on this system should take time to reach its full potential at least enough time to give other routes to the late endgame a chance to get a foothold before players could start pumping items out for various mods on the regular.

To target craft a specific mod you would have to invest in that craft over time up to a maximum chance to get your desired outcome on top of the other mods the item can have which would be modifiable in some slight way similar to Delve crafting and likely require the consumption of a number of items as well with related stats and attributes to what you are hoping to craft ultimately.

To spec into something new would require most likely that you respec your crafting tree and lose built up energy at an amount that would at least make people think before casually swapping it out as the buildup of crafting energy would take some time to reach its full potential again.

Additionally just to stop abusive levels of consumption the system should not allow you to consume more than x amount of any given item type per period of time in a sense taking time to "digest" it, The system should not allow the trading of crafting energy as it produces a physical item with mods those can be traded with ease and no risk to users.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Jun 4, 2023, 5:29:44 PM
Last bumped on Apr 28, 2023, 8:05:11 AM
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Sounds like...Last Epoch's crafting system?

Find items, smash them into pieces for crafting materials, use crafting materials to target high tier mods?

And how would that play with, say, essences?

How many mods would you be able to target? How deterministic would that crafting be? How many items would you need to feed to "exalt" a particular guaranteed mod on an item? How would you prevent the system from letting someone double-dip on an item multiple times?

That is, say I started rolling essences of Wrath on a claw until I got two open prefixes. Would I just be able to deterministically slam a tier 1 cold flat on it, no questions asked?

What prevents this system from becoming another item editor/printer ala 3.13 Harvest?
IlyaK1986 wrote:
Sounds like...Last Epoch's crafting system?

Find items, smash them into pieces for crafting materials, use crafting materials to target high tier mods?

And how would that play with, say, essences?

How many mods would you be able to target? How deterministic would that crafting be? How many items would you need to feed to "exalt" a particular guaranteed mod on an item? How would you prevent the system from letting someone double-dip on an item multiple times?

That is, say I started rolling essences of Wrath on a claw until I got two open prefixes. Would I just be able to deterministically slam a tier 1 cold flat on it, no questions asked?

What prevents this system from becoming another item editor/printer ala 3.13 Harvest?

Those are some really good questions :P

I did not take into account essence crafting but the general idea is that you would scrap items to then at some point produce your desired base item there would be an option when creating that base item to target(or garuntee?) the roll you want the item to start with.

You'd get to ensure that one important attribute you need makes it on your item though it may take you some time to (like harvest) but in a different way save up the energy to do it.

You couldn't use essences with the current concept, but what if you could optionally add a crafting currency in the forging process that would apply its effects but not overwrite the base mod? That sounds a little OP though.

But yeah it would by default only allow you to start items worth crafting on not finish them other than the normal crafting process methods we currently have to add 1-2 mods on an item in that light blue crafted text.

This could also become a source for synthesized items in a more immersive manner.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Dec 7, 2022, 9:23:37 PM
TLI and warhammer inquisitor has crafting systems that value player time more. it may take away a huge amount of value from the mirror tier items you can craft in those games but my argument is, what the point of being able to craft something worth a thousand mirrors when your chance of crafting that item is abysmally low it would be "practically impossible". EDIT: add in LE as well lol.

back in harvest league, that was the FIRST TIME i actually managed to craft gear that were maybe 30-60 exalts worth. a few patches later we were introduced awakened mods. in a way its GGG's way of telling players, heh we let you make BIS by mistake, we re not gonna take away your achievements so instead we'll make it possible to make something better than what you currently have.

i m quite disillusioned by POE/undecember when it comes to crafting.

sure you can get a 6 mod top tier high roll gear. you can but doesnt mean you will. i've already given up any notion of crafting mirror tier items in poe. making crafting easy for players will make older players rage as their mirror gear becomes trivialized. i would prefer if crafting is more accessible but i am 95% certain that GGG will not make any efforts to make it so.

this is how POE's crafting was designed from the ground up. it works as intended.

ironically poe made me appreciate other games more. craftingwise, poe simply does not cater to the "casual gamer". ggg cant make crafting easier without taking away the epicness of mirror tiered gear players have crafted before.
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Last edited by exsea on Dec 7, 2022, 10:45:38 PM
relevance bump, the alt spamming thread reminded me.
Innocence forgives you

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