Chris Wilson!

Thanks for listening, It's too bad so many people were upset by the changes but i believe everything you did will create a more stable PoE for a wider audience than where it was headed previously.

I count you among the greatest devs of all time in great part due to how this game has managed to hold onto its soul for so long even after the deal with TenCent which scared us all for the future of the game but here it still is chugging along and these latest changes showing just how far you will go to keep this game within the vision.

Blizzard, Bethesda and so many of my other favorite developers fell into ruin leaving behind a husk of their former glory or nothing at all.. but not PoE and not GGG and while i don't agree with everything you do i very much do still believe in you and have faith that even years from now i will be able to play this game and still find new ways to enjoy it.
Innocence forgives you
Last bumped on Aug 26, 2022, 9:06:46 AM
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Loot and rares will be fine after next patch.

Crafting on the other hand is not. Some of the removed harvest crafts that made crafting interesting needs to come back. Specifically reforge keep affix/suffix and much more likely.
It is funny to hear someone say such glowing praises and align that praise with a bright more abundant community, when the changes have alienated the vast majority of the current community, created the most quickly abandoned patch of all time, and is seeing more people leaving the game entirely than ever before.

For me personally, after the quadruple down, I guess I have to think real hard. I dont know why, but I had somehow held on to hope for POE and a shift away from this current vision. But this is CW's hill... This has been THE game for me for 8 years. But, I am not sure it can be anymore :(
The thing is if all of the people unhappy left the game for good, there would be no arguments or feedback left on the forums, steam reviews would go back to positive eventually, and nobody would criticise chris again. The community would be peaceful and positve and you'd probably think this was a good thing. Of course the community at that point would just be chris and his cult slowly dying on a hill, but hey at least you would all agree with each other.
Deliverme wrote:
It is funny to hear someone say such glowing praises and align that praise with a bright more abundant community, when the changes have alienated the vast majority of the current community, created the most quickly abandoned patch of all time, and is seeing more people leaving the game entirely than ever before.

For me personally, after the quadruple down, I guess I have to think real hard. I dont know why, but I had somehow held on to hope for POE and a shift away from this current vision. But this is CW's hill... This has been THE game for me for 8 years. But, I am not sure it can be anymore :(

My statement is based on my experience since 2013 seeing this game grow more and more yet somehow still be the game i knew and loved, not everything has made the cut however and critical elements of the game that made it the magical world that so often i find myself lost in have also gone as the game charged forward to stay the relevant ARPG it is.

I was as shocked as everyone else to see some of the recent changes but in some ways this allowed entire build archetypes to stay within the game.. Had things continued as they were we would have found ourselves in a game with one less unique layer of complexity that made it what it is today perhaps even less than that.

This truly did hit home for me as one of my primary build types is a Rarefinder, I was overjoyed to see the loot in the state it was despite not playing a rarefinder i knew once again i could be that person who would join your party and lighten your day with better drops which for so long was the core of my experience in this game.

It also hurts to see so many people very angry and not just a few but a lot of them including long time supporters from before my time which i take notice of because you know if they are out in force then something is actually wrong and its not just a mass panic.

Also i am definitely not in the cult of Chris Wilson, You can find me saying lots of not nice things about/to him here on the forums in the past even recently just before the lake of kalandra release..

But i feel he's actually listening to us here on the forums and that what we really need to do right now is come together and give the best honest feedback we can as we head into what may be the 2nd golden age of PoE (PoE2) so that the coming leagues and ultimately expansion of the game might be playable for everyone.

Innocence forgives you
When you are saying thank you for having 90% taken away and 2% given back then IMO you are in the cult of Chris. There is reasonable, then there is unreasonable. I get really annoyed with entitlement but his is taking the knees out of the casual player which all of the rich players survive off of. If the casuals are not playing there is one to buy the uber players gear. It is we that farm the millions of chaos for the economy.

Chris has an obsession with D2 and this is getting unhealthy for the game. What was once fun for the casual has now become unfun. You think it's the 1% leaving that caused 50% of the population to quit in less than 1 week? Negative its the casuals that are quitting, those 1% are the most addicted to the game. Cutting the legs out of crafting make anyone in the middle want to quit. I just got to a place in this game where I was starting to learn crafting and how to make gear good for myself and now it's shit, total shit. F that. It's not fun anymore when I've had all avenues taken away from me so that the 1% can keep having their fun.
Last edited by Valkaneer on Aug 26, 2022, 9:08:51 AM

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