[PlayStation] 3.19.0d Patch Notes

3.19.0d Patch Notes

Archnemesis and Rare Monster Changes
  • Lowered the incremental life bonus that Rare and Magic monsters receive from having additional Archnemesis modifiers, and increased the base life bonus that Rare and Magic monsters receive.
  • The overall result of this change is that rare and magic monsters with one Archnemesis modifier have unchanged life on average. Rare monsters with two or three modifiers have 15% less life on average, and Rare monsters with four modifiers have unchanged life on average.
  • Monsters can no longer be found with three Archnemesis modifiers during the campaign, and the likelihood of encountering a monster with two modifiers during the campaign has been reduced.
  • Monsters can no longer be found with the Empowering Minions modifier during the campaign.
  • Reduced the amount of extra life that Essences provide to monsters. Overall, a monster with a single Screaming/Shrieking Essence now has ~30% less life than before.
  • Reduced the amount of life that Red Beasts have by ~12%.
  • For Essence monsters and Red Beasts in Maps with two or three Archnemesis modifiers, the above changes are in addition to the 15% less life on average change.
  • Betrayal Research encounters no longer spawn packs of Rare monsters, though Scientists in the encounter are still found as Rare monsters.
  • Betrayal Intervention and Transportation encounters no longer spawn rare monsters during the encounter.
  • Increased the item rarity for monsters with two Archnemesis modifiers, and substantially increased the item rarity for monsters with three and four Archnemesis modifiers. With the item drop conversion system, this results in a lot more powerful drops when hitting certain combinations of modifiers. This also results in a lot more Unique items from monsters with three or four modifiers.

Lake of Kalandra Changes
  • Increased the likelihood of being able to make multiple choices at a Mirrored Tablet in early yellow Maps.
  • It is now possible to make three choices at a Mirrored Tablet in red Maps.
  • Massively increased the chest rewards from non-league encounters throughout the Lake, particularly at higher map levels and difficulties.

Item Drop Changes
  • Map Bosses now drop fewer items, but of substantially better rarity, resulting in more unique items being found from Map Bosses.
  • Globally increased the base drop rate of unique items by 33%.
  • Globally increased the base drop rate of currency items by 25%.

Harvest Changes
  • Reduced the life of Primal Blisterlord by 23%, Primal Crushclaw by 15%, and Vivid Devourer by 15%, in order to bring them more in line with other Harvest monsters.
  • Reduced the life of all other Harvest monsters, bringing the Harvest monster life more in line with monsters found in other league content.
  • These changes do not affect the Spectred versions of these monsters.

Other Changes
  • Increased the Lifeforce yield in Harvest encounters in lower Map tiers.
  • Increased the likelihood of finding higher-level armour base types. This is quite impactful, resulting in around 25% more high armour base types dropping.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where first acquiring Voltaxic Sulphite in the Lake of Kalandra could cause you to be unable to access the Mine Encampment. Characters who encountered this issue before this patch should be able to access the Mine Encampment after acquiring more Voltaxic Sulphite.
  • Fixed a bug where the Mirrored Tablet could spawn in doorways.
  • Kirac will no longer offer the "Slay the Beyond Boss" mission, due to irreconcilable difficulties encountered with the Beyond revamp.
  • Fixed an issue where strongboxes could sometimes drop no items. Strongboxes will now always drop at least one item.
  • Fixed an overflow issue from socketing exceptional support gems in the Vaal Caress Unique Gloves, causing them to behave as they were level 10 gems.
  • Fixed a bug where unlimited hideout decorations could sometimes not be placed.
  • Fixed a bug where Cartographer's Strongboxes in the Lake of Kalandra would mostly drop Tier 1 Maps.
  • Fixed a bug where monsters could sometimes get stuck in terrain in the Lake of Kalandra.
  • Fixed a bug where the Iridescent Weapon Effect did not propagate to your off-hand.
Last edited by Natalia_GGG#0000 on Aug 25, 2022, 6:30:08 PM
Last bumped on Aug 30, 2022, 9:01:27 AM
Woot thank you!
Thank you for the quick update! I thought we would have to wait a while
Disregard, cheers. Thought this had already been done
Last edited by S1ck_Ranchez#9233 on Aug 25, 2022, 6:11:03 PM
Neat! Any hope loot patch this week to?
Thank you !! :)

Hopefully 3.19e this week too, really want to run the Mirrors but need to wait for it to be buffed
why, do we have the 3.19.d Version, and still no Changes onthe Harvest costs?

ist their any delay to get it on the Console servers?

Thank you!!! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Please consider taking out the XP penalty this is extremely frustrating!!
What is frustrating ? As the name says its penalty for being bad in mechanics.

Git gud and play a simplier build or watch some videos how to play safe.
I never had issue getting to level 96-97 whichi is essencialy enough for juicing up everything from every build.

This is not diablo3

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