i can't use item filters both online or manually

hello. if i set the item filter from the this site i got the erro
"failed to save online item filter to files"

if i try to open the folder of item filter from the game, it create a folder namem "my games-path of exile-online filter" in the hard disk where the game is installed, i put the file inside renamed .filter ,saved as all file not text.


i try to put the item filter file in the installation folder of poe but nothing

it show nothing in the item filter section in the game
Last bumped on Jul 26, 2024, 9:57:04 PM
Put the item filter file in the folder "my games-path of exile"
i did it in all the fodler named my game-poe the folder. the game just can't see them.

my pc read those file as filter but the icon is notepad
Maybe not the right folder? Open it through the button in the settings
yes i open click on the ingame folder icon, it opens a fodler that is not in the game installation folder, but in the same hard disk.

i put the file in but nothing happen.
The problem may be in the filter file itself, or in the presence of special characters in the name of the folder with the filter (or characters in another language).

Do you play through the GGG launcher, Steam or something else?
Last edited by seaman#4993 on Jul 19, 2022, 9:52:33 AM
i play on steam.
when i try to load the online filter it say to me failed to open
"chinese character"/ my games/poe

the filter file icon is notepad but is recognized as .filter in the folder
Having same issue. Game is not playable for certain content, like ravaged blight maps. Game crashes if I try to open all the chests at the end since LOOT FILTER isn't working.

Every time I start a game, it creates a new folder that has weird names (looks like Chinese characters) and creates a new "my games/ path of exile/" location.

I also have followed loot filters on my account via GGG website. Those don't work either.

If you refresh the loot filter in-game, this is the response:

Error trying to download item filter: NeverSink-4verystr-softcore
Failed to open filter file: "[]/My Games/Path of Exile/OnlineFilters/GmXoTD"

Then it repeats this error:

Failed to open filter file: "[]/My Games/Path of Exile/OnlineFilters/GmXoTD"

(Note: the GmXoTD changes every time you log in and out of the game).
I am having this exact same problem. As stated above my post. Weird non-english character that is in the Path of Exile folder.

When I click the 'Click to open filter file folder', it opens to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\瘿-\My Games\Path of Exile

(but this folder changes everytime I start the game. For example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\Ꮀ杮LJ\My Games\Path of Exile

and another:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\櫰냛ȫ\My Games\Path of Exile

And so on. I was on Steam before, so I uninstalled the game, and reinstalled non steam. And both versions are pointing to these weird folders.

Is there an ini file or something that I can edit to point it to the proper folder or something?

Any help is super very much apreciated.

Problem is account / char names with charecters that poE can't translate to the folders on your harddrive.
Pretty sure nothing can be done other then changing account name but e-mail GGG support....
Last edited by HanSoloDK#4843 on Dec 10, 2022, 5:47:57 AM

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