Marauder blunderbore build

I've just made a discharge/warcry build stacking warcry cooldown, juggernaut ascendancy with a valako flesh jewel combo for currently 9 endurance charges, I can likely get 11-12 but it's still experimental right now.

Basically, driving down the generals cry to 1.4 seconds, linked to a consecrated path since they only have roughly a second to attack for some extra side damage with corpse walkers to summon.

Using the charge generation plus jugs ascendency I easily keep max endurance charges and can run into a screen, discharge and blow up the screen and with a bereks make everything catch fire.

Right now the gems are not qualitied, or even properly leveled, yet I should be able to get anger, herald of ash and purity of elements for aura's and that I might drop as warcry can more or less keep me healed and remove debuffs as I walk.

I'm looking forward to making this thing work after I have had some nice sleep and even better coffee.
Last bumped on Jul 1, 2022, 3:51:26 PM

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