Permanent onslaught doesn't count as "buff"

As written in the title permanent onslaught that come from Raider Ascend, synthesised implicit, Silver flask, Dreadbeak, and probably other like Omeyocan but not tested, not count as buff wich cause for example buff effect doesn't affect it and mantra of flame jewel not counting it too.
Last bumped on Apr 25, 2022, 10:37:59 PM
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From wiki:
Note that permanent Onslaught from passive skill (and other similar source such as item mod ), would not have a buff status icon.[2] Only temporary Onslaught buff (other than flask) would have a buff status icon.

Mark_GGG wrote:
This is not granting a buff, just the onslaught property.

This is correct behaviour. Onslaught itself is never a buff. Onslaught is just a boolean property that your character either has or does not have.

Some things that grant Onslaught for a set duration do so by granting a buff that gives Onslaught - but the buff itself is not onslaught, and that buff can't be scaled by buff effect modifiers because it's only effect is "character has onslaught" which isn't a scalable value.
Mark_GGG wrote:
This is correct behaviour. Onslaught itself is never a buff. Onslaught is just a boolean property that your character either has or does not have.

Some things that grant Onslaught for a set duration do so by granting a buff that gives Onslaught - but the buff itself is not onslaught, and that buff can't be scaled by buff effect modifiers because it's only effect is "character has onslaught" which isn't a scalable value.
Consider to add an indication somewhere for such properties please. There is no end of reports about Onslaught and Phasing. Players expect to see something, mainly buff icon, since there are buffs that grant the properties (and have an indication), and wiki also supports their idea. When there's nothing, players consider it's not working.

I think something like "Onslaught: Yes" in the character screen wouldn't be enough, it should be visual like EO's new indication maybe.
And that is something for the feedback section of the forums.

You aren't the first, nor will you be the last, to suggest that.
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