A puzzle

I was looking on PoE Ninja and I found a whole swath of players that are all using nearly the exact same gear and all of them unequipped their skill gems before PoE Ninja logged it. I think I've looked at about 75-100 of these profiles and all of them with the same basic gear and all of them with unequipped gems. Well, this is a puzzle now that I am trying to figure out.

The gear is

Devoto's Devotion
Queen of the Forest Destiny Leather
Mistwall Lacquered Buckler or Perepiteia Synthesized Ezomyte Spiked Shield
Kauri Ward or Warped Timepiece

That's the gear skeleton

I did find one similar that was using Allure, the Mistwall, and Queens of the Forest, but instead had a Saqawal's helm, boots, and gloves.

Does anyone know what kind of build or builds use these gear sets?
Last bumped on Feb 20, 2022, 5:54:59 AM
People being sneaky. Not like GGG doesn't know what they're doing. They log a whole bunch of stats that aren't being hidden at all by taking your gems out when you log out. But it makes the players feel sneaky, and so let them sneak.
Shagsbeard wrote:
People being sneaky. Not like GGG doesn't know what they're doing. They log a whole bunch of stats that aren't being hidden at all by taking your gems out when you log out. But it makes the players feel sneaky, and so let them sneak.

Sneaky for what, though? Are they trying to hide what skills they're using? And if so, what's the point?
There Is No God But Kuduku And Le Toucan Is His Messenger. O Blessed St. Harambe Who Sitteth On The Right Hand Of Our Lord, Pray For Us Scrubs Now And At The Hour Of Our Shaped Maps, Amen.
It's a basic run speed build it looks like, they might not actually be killing anything. I'm guessing they all have portal gem as well? They are probably zipping around maps trying to find things/bosses then selling portals or sharing them with guild mates for faster shared progress.
Last edited by Astasia on Feb 20, 2022, 3:30:44 AM

Gear the bots with speedy stuff. They farm lotsa currency. They make their owners rich beyond their wildest dreams.
Astasia wrote:
It's a basic run speed build it looks like, they might not actually be killing anything. I'm guessing they all have portal gem as well? They are probably zipping around maps trying to find things/bosses then selling portals or sharing them with guild mates for faster shared progress.

Yes, most of them do have portal gems. And most of them have 400-500% movement speed. Yet their delve depth goes down every day. I'm guessing that you are correct and that they are respecting every day because they are making enough currency to do so.

Sometimes I will find them with the gear listed one day, then the next Poison Concoction, Toxic Rain, Lighting Strike, or Spectral Helix (those are the most popular), then the day after that back to the gear set I listed.

Sometimes their Ascendency even changes. 99% of these people are Pathfinders, but sometimes they go from Pathfinder to Raider then back to Pathfinder. Almost all of them start with one of the other DPS builds I listed then about LVL 90 they all regear and respec and then almost all of them never change after that. Everything is spec to make their flask last as long as possible and as fast as possible.

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