Maven Emerges art

Made this a little over a year ago, thought she looked real cool from the trailer and decided to dress it up all fancy, getting the lighting/color right took a long time.

PS: GGG if you're watching, in the name of all inspired fantasy and beautiful combos, please consider making some more Misery blades themed MTXs, specifically for crackling Lance and Molten Strike lol *crosses fingers*
Last bumped on Jul 28, 2022, 8:23:26 AM
Really cool
Not sure if I'm supposed to make a new post for each one but I have a few other pieces

First one is a ranger, I was imagining deadeye but it could be any ranger really

Second one is a little more complex, I kind of wanted to reimagine the Shaper as a good guy, but a conflicted dark one, which I think might have been part of the intention of the creators once you consider him staying behind in the Atlas to face the Elder when he could have just run away.

So here we have the Elder, being the cosmic horror abomination, here to steal, destroy, twist and consume all that is good and worthy and then we have the Shaper, his mortal but determined rival, although damaged by his task and all that he has to sustain is representing for all that is good in the world, the forces of nature aligned with the light and man's duty to protect them in the face of unspeakable evil, with the female aspect caught in the middle, I guess it could be imagined as Zana.

I also based this piece on an older Shaper and Elder art piece that featured from back in the day, I couldn't find the original artist's name
Last edited by Kisada-122#9774 on Jul 25, 2022, 5:39:38 AM
All three looking amazing
Heckin' heck these are awesome!

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