Gems... Gems Everywhere

So feel free to grab some of these... Not asking for anything in return but if you have any spare Chaos Orbs, I won't say no. :)

Last bumped on Jan 30, 2022, 8:20:44 PM
Would be interested in some of these, still pretty new to this. not really sure how trading works, but i may have like one chaos orb
You will have access to all gems at the end of campaign or at the Library in Act 3 if you complete Siosa's side quest.

Overall, gems are only valuable if they have maxed level, maxed quality, or corrupted with a desirable outcome (lvl 21, 23% quality and/or vaal).

To know what gems you'd actually want or need, try following a build guide. Since you are new, pick a guide that doesn't rely on expensive items for your first character.
Last edited by thoropa on Feb 1, 2022, 10:51:37 PM
Thanks for your reply. I actually did see most of these from the vendor people, managed to get to act 4. still figuring out the rest of the build ty

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