Desecrate needs to be updated & Animated Guardian/Raise Spectre issues

Hello there, I'd like to address some issues with desecrate and in general the effects its having on the game and players using Raise Spectre.

#1 Desecrate isnt holding corpses between instances

I'm Ceartain that desecrate used to hold onto more corpses for longer and in between instances, This is a big deal if you are using Raise Spectre and primarily what i use this skill for is ONLY to re-raise my dead pets.

This has become VERY frustrating this league if myself AND my pets get killed i get launched back into my hideout i cant desecrate my pets because EVEN THOUGH my map is still loaded and i was just in that instance it's already cleared my desecrate pools.. at this point i can still go back into the map and desecrate my corpses because its holding onto them in the maps desecrate pool.

But if you cant get back in safely then you have lost your pets and have to re-aqquire them from somewhere else and in many cases these pets can be difficult or impossible to obtain without (pets) and or other resources such as sulphite, specific master missions and other things.

#2 People are actually paying for pets now

While i understand that people are grateful for someone providing a pet for them to raise as they can be difficult to obtain sometimes there has been an increasing tendency of people to expect to have to pay for these pets..

Conclusion: Desecrate needs to be fixed/changed

The easiest fix here would be to find the change which is stopping desecrate from holding onto its corpses in the previous instance? a

Some Other solutions:

Create a new skill called Entomb which will pair with Unearth, Entomb would pull a corpse into the earth storing it in the skill permanently until otherwise overwritten just the same way an active set of spectres would work, It would have a maximum amount of stored corpses likely modified by items or noteables

(consider unearth placeholder, but it just makes sense)
Unearth would then create corpses stored in your entomb and only those corpses up to the maximum allowed.

Please look into these Desecrate issues and consider updating these mechanics, Desecrate really has had a good run no?
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Last edited by SilentSymphony on Dec 21, 2021, 9:45:42 PM
Last bumped on Dec 21, 2021, 9:39:45 PM
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just anyth better than now... summoners have worst time atm
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Desecrate, Raise Spectre, AG, and AW should all have a drop-down menu showing what metadata the skill has at any given time. You should be able to interact with that metadata in a purposeful fashion.

Example: desecrate now no longer needs to save HO corpses/HO instance no longer needs to save corpse pools as part of its metadata. Instead, desecrate has a metadata that follows you and says "while in any hideout, add the following corpses to the corpse pool: x, y, z"

You can add the corpses to YOUR HO pool if you have raised them as spectres, even if those spectres are long dead.

They will ONLY be added to your HO pool in this way. Corpse pools in other zones and instances (maps, lab, acts, temple, etc) will work in the usual way, where they draw on monster types that actually spawn in that instance, or spectres you actually currently have active and alive.

This way, the only metadata that needs checked frequently enough, is "is in any hideout". If it's true, then Desecrate adds the "HO pool" saved corpses to the instance list. No need to save large loads of monster data in old hideout instances.

AG and AW should have a visible menu showing what gear and/or stats are currently on deck for your AG. You should be able to manage your AG more easily and look at its stats without using a third party program to dig into the gear and gem dependencies.

These seem like rather low-hanging fruit for the effort required. A more interactive and transparent minion interface would be very beneficial as it would lead to actually less disk space being used. Imagine being able to add spectres to a pool of potentials without having to roll one or more extra 'spectre banks'.
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
To share my limited experience a bit.

I don't play spectre as main dps but only utility (chieftains).
They added a full collection of dummy corpses to curb dps high life spectre (DD or MI), but kind of overdo it.
During Sirus fight, when they die and i try to resummon, desecrate 20 times or more and still no chieftains. Also extremely difficult to see and target corpses on the ground.
Sirus, do you happen to have a light? Not the laser beam please.
I cannot tell the difference between a Host or Carnage chieftain when one of them got killed.

Animate guardian:
I have no idea what mods is on the dress i gave to my AG.
From ally aura, i can guess some of it.

Maybe some kind of minion altar for necromancer to manage their pets would be nice, but unlikely to happen since the direction is to discourage necromancer as meta builds isn't it?
Last edited by suitto on Dec 12, 2021, 9:51:37 PM
TreeOfDead wrote:
just anyth better than now... summoners have worst time atm

If you find the time I'd like to hear your thoughts on whats wrong this patch in regards to summoners.

crunkatog wrote:
Desecrate, Raise Spectre, AG, and AW should all have a drop-down menu showing what metadata the skill has at any given time. You should be able to interact with that metadata in a purposeful fashion.

This information would definitely be useful to newer summoners but in general i do not feel we NEED metadata on whats currently inside the gem, You can see your spectres and the equipment on your guardian.

On the topic of Animate Weapon as these minions are temporary i do not think the tool would be very useful.

crunkatog wrote:

Example: desecrate now no longer needs to save HO corpses/HO instance no longer needs to save corpse pools as part of its metadata. Instead, desecrate has a metadata that follows you and says "while in any hideout, add the following corpses to the corpse pool: x, y, z"

You can add the corpses to YOUR HO pool if you have raised them as spectres, even if those spectres are long dead.

They will ONLY be added to your HO pool in this way. Corpse pools in other zones and instances (maps, lab, acts, temple, etc) will work in the usual way, where they draw on monster types that actually spawn in that instance, or spectres you actually currently have active and alive.

This way, the only metadata that needs checked frequently enough, is "is in any hideout". If it's true, then Desecrate adds the "HO pool" saved corpses to the instance list. No need to save large loads of monster data in old hideout instances.

I'm not sure how it handles it right now but i think we agree on the minimum required fix here, be able to resurrect your pets if you lost them in a map or other instance as long as they were in your desecrate before all this went down?

crunkatog wrote:

AG and AW should have a visible menu showing what gear and/or stats are currently on deck for your AG. You should be able to manage your AG more easily and look at its stats without using a third party program to dig into the gear and gem dependencies.

on management of the AG this is something i feel its severely lacking.. It makes no sense to me that we cant de-animate the guardian to manage its equipment and i really beleive AG should be a more mainstream skill with dedicated nodes in the skill tree near the marauder/scion side of the guardian.

This would likely require being able to hold all of its equipment in your inventory as it would not be able to drop on the floor of your hideout, alternatively it could use a bench but i dont see GGG adding a bench just for animate guardian.

suitto wrote:
To share my limited experience a bit.
I don't play spectre as main dps but only utility (chieftains).
They added a full collection of dummy corpses to curb dps high life spectre (DD or MI), but kind of overdo it.
During Sirus fight, when they die and i try to resummon, desecrate 20 times or more and still no chieftains. Also extremely difficult to see and target corpses on the ground.
Sirus, do you happen to have a light? Not the laser beam please.
I cannot tell the difference between a Host or Carnage chieftain when one of them got killed.

Raise Spectre is easily the most diverse skill in this game.

Do you know about holding the (A) keyboard key while targeting corpses? this way you can see their name in text to be absolutely certain that you are raising the one you want.. You may also try moving your cursor in a slow circular motion around the corpse pile, when you are stuck in a map and have to sort through 15'sh other monsters it can be annoying for sure.

Part of the problem here again is that if you lose your pets in a map when you return to your hideout the desecrate pool is cleared but the issue you are encountering where its taking too many attempts to desecrate a particular corpse is something i deal with a lot too.

Solution: we need a noteable or unique item to force desecrate to only use our pool of corpses and not interact with other players or the instances own monster list..

suitto wrote:

Animate guardian:
I have no idea what mods is on the dress i gave to my AG.
From ally aura, i can guess some of it.

I guess you are supposed to keep track of what you put into the guardian though a means to just dump all of its gear and rebuild it is the best solution here, and this "gear dump" needs to be done somewhere people cant simply run off with your AG's gear.

The metadata mentioned by Crunk would solve this problem for you.

suitto wrote:

Maybe some kind of minion altar for necromancer to manage their pets would be nice, but unlikely to happen since the direction is to discourage necromancer as meta builds isn't it?

The altar is a great idea as it would give a place to dump your animated guardians gear as well as store corpses permanently for necromancy related purposes.

Thanks for all the feedback everyone, Keep it up these are definitely some issues worth coming up with some solutions for.
Innocence forgives you
I intensely dislike double posting but this is relevant..

Sitting in my hideout rn without my pets unable to do content because of a runeblast that one shot me and my spectres in a juiced map last night, i had just a few seconds before i died been in my hideout with the corpses on the floor and as soon as i died returning to my hideout my desecrate pool had already been cleared??

This is really frustrating, I'll go here in a minute to get some placeholder pets that can clear all content just not nearly as fast as what i had and by all rights should still have... This seems like the code responsible for clearing data is doing it too often and was probably presented as a huge savings increase but the cost here is my sanity, my ability to play your game as i have for many years, and in some cases this is causing me to be unable to do anything at all.

I can create like 8 active instances of Blood Aqueduct but i cant keep one instance of my hideout with some corpses?

Innocence forgives you

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