Our Endless Delve event is in full force, and from close calls to bouts of luck (or lack thereof), we wanted to share a few highlights from Twitch! Endless Delve ends at Noon December 13 (PST) which is Dec 13, 2021 2:00 PM (CST) (Log in to view in your local time), so be sure to get in on the action while you can! To find out more about our events schedule, be sure to check out this post or our events calendar!

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Grinding Gear Games
Event has been a lot of fun. Hopefully next news update will include Steel's Aul fight (or at least the end of it KEKW ).
super nice event, thanks GGG!
As per usual...
I am Drakunia... and you are not! And I am also GFL (Gamer For Life)
Delve alternative lvling is fine.
GGG should give us endless delve as an side option next to campaign at league start, leveling in delve was much more fun !
First time playing such an event and doing 3.16 delving.

I TOTALLY want this as a permanent feature as an alternative to the campaign.

I used to be super against removing Lab for ascendancies, but I have to admit, the loss is negligible.
Thank you for all these events guys, hope you have a nice Holiday season and wish you all the best !
Im still newbie in many things in PoE and im having alot of fun in endless delve. First time trying this event. Loving it.

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