New to Heartbound Loop


I was recently watching CuteDog_'s YouTube video about the "worst build" he's ever played. It got me really interested in Heartbound Loop, but of course I can't figure it out.

I can get my Summon Skeleton's to proc 4x skele and my Spark to come out, but not the Forbidden Rite. Also, none of it loops and I'm not sure why. I don't really understand the game, I just copy builds from YouTube most of the time.

If anyone could help me, it would be greatly appreciated! Here is my PoB:

Here is the YT build I'm going for, which includes their PoB:

Any help is much appreciated! Thank you
Last bumped on Jan 9, 2022, 10:34:23 PM
I'm messing around with it right now and notice that whatever skill I have socketed into my staff does not proc. If I swap my FR to my chest and Spark to my staff, FR procs. Not sure if that has something to do with the loop not working.
Tyrone711 wrote:
I'm messing around with it right now and notice that whatever skill I have socketed into my staff does not proc. If I swap my FR to my chest and Spark to my staff, FR procs. Not sure if that has something to do with the loop not working.

Can't check the PoB at the moment. Don't have access to a machine with it installed. I'll hop on after work and give you a hand.

What's happening when you start your loop? Do you suicide?
What happens when you start it in your hideout? When you weapon swap to the Spectral Spirits weapons, how many summons do you see? Should be a little box with the count. I know one will give you 3. But how does the 2 x lvl 20 Spectral Spirits stack? Does it stack to lvl 40 or does it double the summons to 6?

I think that build is just a bad example to just jump into. I recommend de-leveling a lot of your gems. There are a lot of high level CWDT gems. Even with Divergent CWDT's you have to be taking a lot of damage while having crazy high life recoup/regen at all times to keep it going. You have to account for mana, life, ward, flask charges, flask duration, self dmg, dmg mitigation, low enough defenses to take that actual dmg, gem levels and whatever else I can't think of right now.

Just a quick look at your profile and I noticed your rings don't have quality.
So you're missing damage there. That's 420 dmg missing right from the start.

From the video description:

Recoup calc (maybe)
heartbound loop2 skeletons4
420*2*4=3360 per cwdt

Right away I know 420 is 350 with 20% quality.

I also noticed that your Ward is low. Helm+Gloves+Boots = 1067.
With flask active that's only 320.1 base. Yes, I know it will be higher because of modifiers and such. That's just from what I can see on your character screen.

CWDT cooldown is .25 seconds. So you want to be able to inflict x amount of damage to trigger your CWDT gems to yourself under that time. .24.

I saw you had 3 To Dust Jewels. 20/20/19. 59%.
I think that breaks the build. Needs to be 20/20/18 or 20/19/19.
Maybe it will work, but I think it throws the timing off. 58% will get you to .24s.

Lvl 18 CWDT 2874.
Lvl 19 CWDT 3142.
Lvl 20/20 D CWDT needs 2617.6 dmg to trigger.
Lvl 21/20 D CWDT needs 2864.
Lvl 22/20 D CWDT needs even more. Websites are blocked where I'm at, so I can't look it up. Don't forget the +1 in armour and +2 on staff.

Basically you want to ramp up the self damage starting with the 3 Spectral Spirits.

3 Spirits * 350 dmg from Heartbound Loop * 2 = 2100. This 2100 dmg is what should start your Skeleton loop. So CWDT should be low. You want it to trigger to summon the skeletons. Go real low. Like level 5 CWDT, level 11/20 Anomalous Skeletons, level 1 Less Duration, level 20/20 Anomalous Minion Speed. Support doesn't have to be corresponding level since it doesn't trigger.

Skeleton base duration is 20 seconds. You want this to his just under .25 seconds.
20s base(1-.58 To Dust Jewels -.4 Anomalous Minion Speed).4 Less Duration = .24s.
I know the Anomalous Skeletons gem has to be 20% quality for sure.
It will have to summon 3 times to get the loop started. Maximum of 7. So 3, 3, 3 then you'll stay at 4 from there. If you can reach that point, you'll be taking 2800 damage. Which will trigger a 20/20 D CWDT but not a standard 20/20 CWDT. It will also not trigger a 21/20 D CWDT. So you need a level 17 CWDT. The point of the Divergent gems is being able to support the level 21 damage gems since CWDT requirement has to be met. The only way to meet the level requirement while not getting beat to a pulp is the 20% less damage.

It can be a lot. But it will make sense. Once you can take enough damage, it will trigger and loop as long as you have the mana and life. Too much in defenses can slow that down and break the loop as well.

Grab 2 of these. Someone already quality'd and going for a corruption.

This will bring your self damage to 3360. Don't even think you'll need the Divergent gems. Just a super volatile build with too much dmg. It's better to do it with one Heartbound Loop.

I can show you my build and walk you through it.
I really suggest you switch to a one Heartbound Loop build. Once you get that up and running transition over to 2. Unless you have crazy amounts of currency.

Some of my old builds:

These were after turning off all the extra effects. It would get nuts. Right now my screen is so spammed it's hard to see.

Go corrupt gems and use a Skin of the Lords. Stronger. I think I have some stuff sitting around from testing and playing with the build. I'm sure some of it would help your build get up and running.

Lastly, the cool down recovery on your belt doesn't do anything at just 12%. Pretty sure you need 15% on the boots as well. 27% being the next breakpoint.

Last edited by chrischoi on Nov 24, 2021, 9:21:25 PM
OP didn't thank you so I will. You've been very helpful in getting my build running - thank you!
Trying the same build and I cannot understand why my lvl 21 Anomalous Summon Skeletons only spawns 3 skelly instead of 4 which make the build unable to function ...

What am-I missing ?
Your Anomalous Summon Skeletons is only lvl 11, not 21.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
Keep in mind CWDT only functions off of damage received. Armour and other sources of physical damage mitigation will lower your received damage. You also want your loop to function right at or after the CWDT cooldown.

If you do as chrischol recommended then you will fail-trigger because CWDT is on CD. With a .25s cooldown your skeletons must survive a minimum of .25 seconds or the damage will not be counted and break the loop.

I'm not sure how your build functions, but traditionally you want to focus on Skeleton duration. If you get 99% reduced duration then Skellies live .20 seconds. You then get 25% increased cooldown reduction to have CWDT at .20 seconds as well.

Before I decided to just quit for the league was working on a MoM variant that utilized Recoup to recover more than 100% of received damage.

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