Xbox Series S , fps drops, freeze . Looks like bad ping.

1. this happened - in day time, when play many peoples.
Gateway / Location - i see gateway Frankfurt. my location is Ukraine.
It's looks like fps drop on 1-2 ms,

Video with problem -

I use cable connection
XBOX Series S
Gametag - Brazik1503

2. after i open menu, i got weird low resolution in game.

Video with problem 2 -

I had try change dns, clean mac, change NAT, upnp. Nothig helps.
I have optical connection ethernet, open NAT with white IP and this is firs time i have problem in multiplayer game.

Please help.

Last bumped on Dec 27, 2023, 5:59:46 PM
Looks like lag to me, this happened sometime on my series X too, my solution was relogin or change gateway, hope you find this help.
Im new to PoE and play on a xbox series S. Does the game drop frames for you guys when there are alot of abilities on the screen or lots of mobs?

any way to fix this other than playing on PC?

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