My accound hs been Banned for no reason .PLZ HELP!


hi manager ,my accound ip has been locked.I never use any plug-in , hack or something.I never use auto flask ,never use mouse cliker or something like that.I never RMT, I mean never ,even my friends do it and I never RMT. Now my account has been locked for no reason .My net is bad so I use speeder( or VPN something like that),plz unlock me .Thx manager!
Last bumped on Oct 26, 2021, 10:37:56 AM
Lcs910403 wrote:

hi manager ,my accound ip has been locked.I never use any plug-in , hack or something.I never use auto flask ,never use mouse cliker or something like that.I never RMT, I mean never ,even my friends do it and I never RMT. Now my account has been locked for no reason .My net is bad so I use speeder( or VPN something like that),plz unlock me .Thx manager!

your account is not banned as you can claerly see in the "my account page".
However if you try to login to the game and get a "pop up" saying -->
"Your account is locked by an administrator, please contact support..."
Then you will need to e-mail GGG support dirctly from the e-mail that is connected to your PoE account.

GGG doesn't allow or handle account related support like this via the forum.
If you're seeing any kind of restriction errors or pop ups in-game or on our website, feel free to send through a screenshot to us at If you can contact us from the email address associated to your Path of Exile account we can check on what's happening here for you :)
I dont know why but now problems solved.Now im playing.Thx so much .
since you mention an IP ban and are typing in Chinese 2 things come to mind.

1. an IP block due to your "great" firewall

2. A blanket IP ban for an area due to the high volume of botters (usualy)
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Last edited by lagwin1980 on Oct 26, 2021, 10:38:04 AM

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