Couple words on past old forum badges and recent supporter pack themes...

Just stopped by to appreciate the old times when supporter badges actually looked clean and represented the themes of their supported leagues, as opposed to the random abstract mess that seems to be en vogue with the current designers. I haven't bought many packs over the past two years to be honest, but the few I did get, I mostly hid the ugly badges.

And this goes beyond the badges themselves a well...isn't a big part of the whole supporter pack concept in general (from the buyer stand point) to serve as exclusive memorabilia of the leagues long gone? If so, then why exactly have they stopped being league-theme oriented? There is just no more of that game-history prestige factor of owning them down the line anymore, and considering the pack point value has been steadily degrading over the years as well, I don't see why most would not just grab something from the permanent store collection next time they'd feel the urge to own a generic themed armor set...

^Some of the old-school POE badges that gradually become less frequent in the forums as older players move on from the game (included recent "Crescent" with that group as its uncharacteristically clean-looking for the modern ones)

^The current random bloated mess style

Last bumped on Sep 25, 2021, 1:16:29 PM

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