BaseType & Class list for 3.15

I've been searching the forums and loot filter section of the homepage for the last hour...

So I want to make a new loot filter, but I can't find an official post about what the actual BaseType:s & Class:s are.

Except for

Also, the list of mods ( is nice... but it doesn't indicate which mods can roll on which items.

Last bumped on Aug 17, 2021, 6:40:15 AM
Try wiki

and the links in
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
neohongkong wrote:
Try wiki

and the links in

First link if just for the wiki, which is horribly outdated:
"curprev 20:30, 16 September 2018‎ Ruba159753 talk contribs‎ 328 bytes +39‎"

Second link just leads to a bunch of filter, and old filter command (newer ones on the homepage) + Links that lead back to homepage which lists the NEW BaseType:s. Neither lead to a list of all BaseType:s and/or Class:es that I can see :P
My current filter. Have a feeling I'm missing a lot of stuff, but I don't want to remake it from scratch until I know all the BaseType:s and Class:es. Need it for the new structure I'm planning with all the new commands available which I havn't incorporated yet.




#Class <Class> Full or partial item class name
#BaseType <Type> Full or partial item name

#AreaLevel [Operator] <Value> Numeric Level (0-100)
#ItemLevel [Operator] <Level> Numeric Level (0-100)
#DropLevel [Operator] <Level> Numeric Level (0-100)
#Quality [Operator] <Quality> Numeric Quality (0-20)
#Rarity [Operator] <Rarity> Normal, Magic, Rare, Unique

#LinkedSockets [Operator] <Links> Numeric Number of Links (0-6)
#SocketGroup [Operator] <GroupSyntax> Numeric Number of Linked Sockets followed by R, G, B, D, A, W
#Sockets [Operator] <GroupSyntax> Numeric Number of Sockets (0-6) followed by R, G, B, D, A, W
#Height [Operator] <Value> Numeric number of slots (1-4)
#Width [Operator] <Value> Numeric number of slots (1-2)

#GemLevel [Operator] <Value> Numeric number of slots (1-21)

#Identified <Boolean> True or False
#Corrupted <Boolean> True or False

#SetBorderColor <Red> <Green> <Blue> [Alpha] 0-255
#SetTextColor <Red> <Green> <Blue> [Alpha] 0-255
#SetBackgroundColor <Red> <Green> <Blue> [Alpha] 0-255
#SetFontSize <FontSize> 18-45 (default: 32)
#MinimapIcon <Size> <Color> <Shape>
# Size: 0 (largest), 1 (medium), 2 (small)
# Color: Red, Green, Blue, Brown, White, Yellow
# Shape: Circle, Diamond, Hexagon, Square, Star, Triangle
#PlayEffect <Color> [Temp] Red, Green, Blue, Brown, White, Yellow



#saddle brown #8B4513 139 69 19
#moccasin #FFE4B5 255 228 181

#unique light 175 96 37
#unique dark 53 13 13

#maroon #800000 128 0 0 (weapon)
#tomato #FF6347 255 99 71 (shield)
#dark khaki #BDB76B 189 183 107 (body)
#olive drab #6B8E23 107 142 35 (ring)
#olive #808000 128 128 0 (amulet)
#slate blue #6A5ACD 106 90 205 (belts)
#cadet blue #5F9EA0 95 158 160 (helmet)
#steel blue #4682B4 70 130 180 (boots)
#teal #008080 0 128 128 (gloves)
#black #000000 0 0 0
#white #FFFFFF 255 255 255

#gold #FFD700 255 215 0
#golden rod #DAA520 218 165 32
#dark golden rod#B8860B 184 134 11
#black #000000 0 0 0
#dark blue #00008B 0 0 139

#dark grey #A9A9A9 169 169 169
#violet #EE82EE 238 130 238
#black #000000 0 0 0
#white #FFFFFF 255 255 255

#spring green #00FF7F 0 255 127
#black #000000 0 0 0

#Red #FF0000 255 0 0
#Navy #000080 0 0 128
#Gray #808080 128 128 128

#purple #800080 128 0 128
#white #FFFFFF 255 255 255

#Divination Card
#cyan #00FFFF 0 255 255
#black #000000 0 0 0

#dark green #006400 0 100 0
#white #FFFFFF 255 255 255
#forest green #228B22 34 139 34
#yellow #FFFF00 255 255 0
#lime green #32CD32 50 205 50
#black #000000 0 0 0


#Always show
Class "Quest" "Fishing Rods" "Hideout" "Microtransactions" "Leaguestones" "Pantheon" "Piece" "Labyrinth Trinket" "Labyrinth Map Item"
SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Triangle
PlayEffect Brown
SetFontSize 40

#No clue stuff
Class "Shard" "Shard Heart" "Atlas Region Upgrade Item"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40

AnyEnchantment True
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40

#Lab keys
Class "Labyrinth Item"
BaseType "Silver Key"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40
Class "Labyrinth Item"
BaseType "Golden Key"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40
Class "Labyrinth Item"
BaseType "Treasure Key"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40
Class "Map Fragments" "Labyrinth Map Item"
BaseType "Offering to the Goddess"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40
Class "Labyrinth Trinket"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40
Class "Labyrinth Map Item"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40

#Incursion & Metamorph
Class "Incursion Item"
BaseType "Flashpowder Keg" "Stone of Passage"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40
Class "Metamorph Sample"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40

Identified True
HasExplicitMod "Veil"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40

Identified True
HasExplicitMod "Craiceann" "Farrul" "Fenumus" "Saqawal"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40

Identified True
HasExplicitMod "Betrayer" "Brinerot" "Deceiver" "Mutewind" "Redblade" "Turncoat"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40

Identified True
HasExplicitMod "Citaqualotl" "Guatelitzi" "Matatl" "Tacati" "Topotante" "Xopec" "Puhuarte"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40

FracturedItem True
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40
SynthesisedItem True
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40

Class "Map Fragments"
BaseType "Tribute to the Goddess" "Gift to the Goddess" "Dedication to the Goddess"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40

#Class "HarvestInfrastructure"
#Class "Harvest"
#SetFontSize 40

#Class "Harvest Seed"
#SetFontSize 40

Class "Heist Cloak" "Heist Brooch" "Heist Tool" "Heist Gear"
AreaLevel < 68
SetBackgroundColor 0 50 160
SetTextColor 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 255 255 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Heist Cloak" "Heist Brooch" "Heist Tool" "Heist Gear"
ItemLevel > 80
SetBackgroundColor 0 50 160
SetTextColor 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 255 255 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Trinket" "Contract" "Blueprint" "Quest Item" "Heist Target"
SetBackgroundColor 0 50 160
SetTextColor 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 255 255 0
SetFontSize 40



Class "Expedition Logbook"
SetFontSize 40
BaseType "Runic Helm" "Runic Crest" "Runic Crown" "Runic Greaves" "Runic Sollerets" "Runic Sabatons" "Runic Gloves" "Runic Gages" "Runic Gauntlets"
SetFontSize 40


#Start of game
AreaLevel < 6

#Currency, Stackable Currency, Delve Socketable Currency, Delve Stackable Socketable Currency & Incubator
Class "Currency"
AreaLevel < 68
BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom" "Scroll Fragment" "Portal Scroll"
SetBackgroundColor 255 215 0
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Currency"
AreaLevel > 67
BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom" "Scroll Fragment" "Portal Scroll"
SetBackgroundColor 255 215 0
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Currency"
AreaLevel < 68
BaseType "Orb of Transmutation" "Transmutation Shard" "Orb of Augmentation" "Alchemy Shard" "Alteration Shard"
SetBackgroundColor 255 215 0
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Currency"
AreaLevel > 67
BaseType "Orb of Transmutation" "Transmutation Shard" "Orb of Augmentation" "Alchemy Shard" "Alteration Shard"
Class "Currency"
AreaLevel < 78
BaseType "Armourer's Scrap" "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Glassblower's Bauble" "Orb of Chance"
SetBackgroundColor 255 215 0
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Currency"
AreaLevel > 77
BaseType "Armourer's Scrap" "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Glassblower's Bauble" "Orb of Chance"
SetBackgroundColor 255 215 0
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Jeweller's Orb" "Orb of Fusing" "Chromatic Orb" "Orb of Regret" "Silver Coin"
SetBackgroundColor 218 165 32
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Orb of Alchemy" "Orb of Alteration" "Orb of Scouring" "Cartographer's Chisel"
SetBackgroundColor 218 165 32
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Chaos Orb" "Blessed Orb" "Gemcutter's Prism" "Regal Orb" "Vaal Orb"
SetBackgroundColor 184 134 11
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40

Class "Currency"
BaseType "Essence"
SetBackgroundColor 184 134 11
SetTextColor 0 0 139
SetFontSize 40

Class "Currency" "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Splinter" "Vial" "Oil" "Catalyst"
SetBackgroundColor 184 134 11
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40

Class "Delve"
BaseType "Fossil" "Resonator"
SetBackgroundColor 184 134 11
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40

Class "Currency"
BaseType "Delirium"
SetBackgroundColor 184 134 11
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Simulacrum"
SetBackgroundColor 184 134 11
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40

Class "Currency" "Stackable Currency" "Delve Socketable Currency" "Delve Stackable Socketable Currency" "Incubator"
SetBackgroundColor 184 134 11
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 0 White Diamond
PlayEffect White
SetFontSize 40

Class "Wands" "Shields" "Claws" "Daggers" "Rune Daggers" "One Hand Swords" "One Hand Axes" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Maces" "Sceptres" "Bows" "Staves" "Warstaves" "Two Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Quivers"
Rarity > Rare
SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Triangle
PlayEffect Brown
SetFontSize 40
Class "Helmets" "Body Armours" "Gloves" "Belts" "Boots" "Rings" "Amulets"
Rarity > Rare
SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Triangle
PlayEffect Brown
SetFontSize 40

#Links, Sockets & Chromatic recipe
LinkedSockets > 5
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
MinimapIcon 2 Red Square
PlayEffect Red
SetFontSize 40
Sockets > 5
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 78
LinkedSockets > 4
SetBackgroundColor 169 169 169
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Sockets > 0W
SetBackgroundColor 169 169 169
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
# Sockets >= 1A
# SetBackgroundColor 169 169 169
# SetTextColor 0 0 0
# SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 60
Rarity < Rare
SocketGroup >= 3RGB
SetBackgroundColor 238 130 238
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 60
Rarity < Rare
LinkedSockets > 3
SetBackgroundColor 169 169 169
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 25
Rarity < Rare
LinkedSockets > 2
SetBackgroundColor 169 169 169
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40

#Chaos Orb & Exalted Shard recipe
Class "Wands" "Shields" "Claws" "Daggers" "Rune Daggers" "One Hand Swords" "One Hand Axes" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Maces" "Sceptres" "Bows" "Staves" "Warstaves" "Two Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Helmets" "Body Armours" "Gloves" "Belts" "Boots" "Rings" "Amulets" "Quivers"
HasInfluence "Shaper" "Elder" "Crusader" "Hunter" "Redeemer" "Warlord"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 78
Class "Wands" "Daggers" "Rune Daggers" "One Hand Swords" "One Hand Axes" "One Hand Maces" "Sceptres"
Rarity > Magic
ItemLevel > 59
Height < 4
Width < 2
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 78
Class "Helmets"
Rarity > Magic
ItemLevel > 59
SetBackgroundColor 95 158 160
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 78
Class "Body Armours"
Rarity > Magic
ItemLevel > 59
SetBackgroundColor 189 183 107
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 78
Class "Gloves"
Rarity > Magic
ItemLevel > 59
SetBackgroundColor 0 128 128
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 78
Class "Belts"
Rarity > Magic
ItemLevel > 59
SetBackgroundColor 106 90 205
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 78
Class "Boots"
Rarity > Magic
ItemLevel > 59
SetBackgroundColor 70 130 180
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 78
Class "Rings"
Rarity > Magic
ItemLevel > 59
SetBackgroundColor 107 142 35
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 78
Class "Amulets"
Rarity > Magic
ItemLevel > 59
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 0
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40

#Leveling stuff
AreaLevel < 45
Class "Wands" "Claws" "Daggers" "Rune Daggers" "One Hand Swords" "One Hand Axes" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Maces" "Sceptres" "Bows" "Staves" "Warstaves" "Two Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces"
Rarity = Rare
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 45
AreaLevel < 68
Class "Wands" "Sceptres"
Rarity = Rare
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Wands"
BaseType "Convoking Wand"
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 78
Class "Wands"
BaseType "Convoking Wand"
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 45
Class "Shields"
BaseType "Bone Spirit Shield"
SetBackgroundColor 255 99 71
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 45
Class "Shields" "Quivers"
Rarity = Rare
SetBackgroundColor 255 99 71
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 45
AreaLevel < 68
Class "Shields"
BaseType "Layered Kite Shield" "Ceremonial Kite Shield" "Laminated Kite Shield" "Angelic Kite Shield" "Mosaic Kite Shield" "Archon Kite Shield"
Rarity = Rare
SetBackgroundColor 255 99 71
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 68
Class "Helmets"
Rarity = Rare
SetBackgroundColor 95 158 160
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 68
Class "Body Armours"
Rarity = Rare
SetBackgroundColor 189 183 107
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 68
Class "Gloves"
Rarity = Rare
SetBackgroundColor 0 128 128
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 68
Class "Belts"
Rarity = Rare
SetBackgroundColor 106 90 205
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 68
Class "Boots"
Rarity = Rare
SetBackgroundColor 70 130 180
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 68
Class "Rings"
Rarity = Rare
SetBackgroundColor 107 142 35
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 68
Class "Rings"
BaseType "Two-Stone Ring"
Rarity < Unique
SetBackgroundColor 107 142 35
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 68
Class "Amulets"
Rarity = Rare
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 0
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40

#Wands, Shields, Claws, Daggers, Rune Daggers, One Hand Swords, One Hand Axes, Thrusting One Hand Swords, One Hand Maces, Sceptres, Bows, Staves, Warstaves, Two Hand Swords, Two Hand Axes, Two Hand Maces & Quivers
Class "Wands" "Shields" "Claws" "Daggers" "Rune Daggers" "One Hand Swords" "One Hand Axes" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Maces" "Sceptres" "Bows" "Staves" "Warstaves" "Two Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Quivers"
Rarity > Rare
SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Triangle
PlayEffect Brown
SetFontSize 40
Class "Wands"
BaseType "Convoking Wand"
ItemLevel > 83
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Wands"
BaseType "Tornado Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Profane Wand"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Wands"
BaseType "Tornado Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Profane Wand"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Shields"
BaseType "Archon Kite Shield" "Ebony Tower Shield" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Crusader Buckler" "Imperial Buckler" "Vaal Spirit Shield" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Elegant Round Shield" "Mirrored Spiked Shield" "Supreme Spiked Shield"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Shields"
BaseType "Archon Kite Shield" "Ebony Tower Shield" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Crusader Buckler" "Imperial Buckler" "Vaal Spirit Shield" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Elegant Round Shield" "Mirrored Spiked Shield" "Supreme Spiked Shield"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 255 99 71
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Claws"
BaseType "Imperial Claw" "Terror Claw" "Gemini Claw"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Claws"
BaseType "Imperial Claw" "Terror Claw" "Gemini Claw"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Daggers" "Rune Daggers"
BaseType "Ambusher" "Sai" "Imperial Skean" "Demon Dagger"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Daggers" "Rune Daggers"
BaseType "Ambusher" "Sai" "Imperial Skean" "Demon Dagger"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "One Hand Swords"
BaseType "Eternal Sword" "Midnight Blade" "Tiger Hook"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "One Hand Swords"
BaseType "Eternal Sword" "Midnight Blade" "Tiger Hook"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Thrusting One Hand Swords"
BaseType "Jewelled Foil" "Harpy Rapier" "Dragoon Sword"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Thrusting One Hand Swords"
BaseType "Jewelled Foil" "Harpy Rapier" "Dragoon Sword"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "One Hand Axes"
BaseType "Royal Axe" "Runic Hatchet" "Vaal Hatchet"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "One Hand Axes"
BaseType "Royal Axe" "Runic Hatchet" "Vaal Hatchet"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "One Hand Maces"
BaseType "Auric Mace" "Behemoth Mace"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "One Hand Maces"
BaseType "Auric Mace" "Behemoth Mace"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Sceptres"
BaseType "Carnal Sceptre" "Void Sceptre" "Sambar Sceptre"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Sceptres"
BaseType "Carnal Sceptre" "Void Sceptre" "Sambar Sceptre"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Bows"
BaseType "Imperial Bow" "Harbinger Bow" "Maraketh Bow"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Bows"
BaseType "Imperial Bow" "Harbinger Bow" "Maraketh Bow"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Staves" "Warstaves"
BaseType "Eclipse Staff" "Imperial Staff" "Judgement Staff" "Maelstr"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Staves" "Warstaves"
BaseType "Eclipse Staff" "Imperial Staff" "Judgement Staff" "Maelstr"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Two Hand Swords"
BaseType "Exquisite Blade" "Infernal Sword" "Lion Sword" "Vaal Greatsword"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Two Hand Swords"
BaseType "Exquisite Blade" "Infernal Sword" "Lion Sword" "Vaal Greatsword"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Two Hand Axes"
BaseType "Fleshripper" "Despot Axe"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Two Hand Axes"
BaseType "Fleshripper" "Despot Axe"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Two Hand Maces"
BaseType "Coronal Maul" "Terror Maul"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Two Hand Maces"
BaseType "Coronal Maul" "Terror Maul"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Quivers"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Quivers"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 255 99 71
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Wands" "Shields" "Claws" "Daggers" "Rune Daggers" "One Hand Swords" "One Hand Axes" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Maces" "Sceptres" "Bows" "Staves" "Warstaves" "Two Hand Swords" "Two Hand Axes" "Two Hand Maces" "Quivers"

#Helmets, Body Armours, Gloves, Belts, Boots, Rings & Amulets
Class "Helmets" "Body Armours" "Gloves" "Belts" "Boots" "Rings" "Amulets"
Rarity > Rare
SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Triangle
PlayEffect Brown
SetFontSize 40
Class "Helmets"
BaseType "Bone Helmet" "Royal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Hubris Circlet" "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Prophet Crown" "Praetor Crown" "Deicide Mask" "Vaal Mask"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 95 158 160
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Helmets"
BaseType "Bone Helmet"
ItemLevel > 83
SetBackgroundColor 95 158 160
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Body Armours"
BaseType "Astral Plate"
ItemLevel > 83
SetBackgroundColor 189 183 107
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Body Armours"
BaseType "Glorious Plate" "Sacrificial Garb"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 189 183 107
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Body Armours"
BaseType "Assassin's Garb" "Zodiac Leather" "Vaal Regalia" "Triumphant Lamellar" "General's Brigandine" "Saintly Chainmail" "Saint's Hauberk" "Carnal Armour" "Sadist Garb"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 189 183 107
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Gloves"
BaseType "Titan Gauntlets" "Spiked Gloves" "Slink Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Crusader Gloves" "Murder Mitts"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 0 128 128
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Belts"
BaseType "Crystal Belt" "Vanguard Belt"
ItemLevel > 83
SetBackgroundColor 106 90 205
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Belts"
BaseType "Stygian Vise" "Leather Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Chain Belt"
Rarity > Magic
ItemLevel > 83
SetBackgroundColor 106 90 205
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Belts"
BaseType "Stygian Vise" "Leather Belt" "Heavy Belt"
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 106 90 205
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Boots"
BaseType "Two-Toned Boots"
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 70 130 180
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Boots"
BaseType "Two-Toned Boots"
ItemLevel > 83
SetBackgroundColor 70 130 180
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Boots"
BaseType "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Sorcerer Boots"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 70 130 180
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Rings"
BaseType "Cerulean Ring" "Opal Ring" "Steel Ring" "Vermillion Ring"
ItemLevel > 83
SetBackgroundColor 107 142 35
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Rings"
BaseType "Two-Stone Ring"
ItemLevel > 85
SetBackgroundColor 107 142 35
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Rings"
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 107 142 35
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Amulets"
BaseType "Marble Amulet" "Blue Pearl Amulet"
ItemLevel > 83
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 0
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Amulets"
ItemLevel > 83
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 0
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Amulets"
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 0
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Helmets" "Body Armours" "Gloves" "Belts" "Boots" "Rings" "Amulets"

Class "Active Skill Gems" "Support Skill Gems"
Quality > 6
SetBackgroundColor 0 255 127
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Active Skill Gems" "Support Skill Gems"
GemLevel > 18
SetBackgroundColor 0 255 127
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 78
Class "Active Skill Gems" "Support Skill Gems"
Quality > 9
SetBackgroundColor 0 255 127
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Active Skill Gems" "Support Skill Gems"
BaseType "Portal" "Vaal Breach" "Awakened" "Empower" "Enhance" "Enlighten"
SetBackgroundColor 0 255 127
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 68
Class "Active Skill Gems" "Support Skill Gems"
SetBackgroundColor 0 255 127
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
AreaLevel < 78
Class "Active Skill Gems" "Support Skill Gems"
BaseType "Vaal"
SetBackgroundColor 0 255 127
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Active Skill Gems" "Support Skill Gems"

#Life Flasks
Class "Life Flasks"
Rarity > Rare
SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Triangle
PlayEffect Brown
SetFontSize 40
Class "Life Flasks"
AreaLevel < 78
Quality > 17
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetBorderColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Life Flasks"
AreaLevel < 68
Quality > 5
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetBorderColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Life Flasks"
AreaLevel < 6
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Life Flasks"
AreaLevel < 12
BaseType "Large Life Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Life Flasks"
AreaLevel < 18
BaseType "Greater Life Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Life Flasks"
AreaLevel < 24
BaseType "Grand Life Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Life Flasks"
AreaLevel < 30
BaseType "Giant Life Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Life Flasks"
AreaLevel < 36
BaseType "Colossal Life Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Life Flasks"
AreaLevel < 42
BaseType "Sacred Life Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Life Flasks"
AreaLevel < 60
BaseType "Hallowed Life Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Life Flasks"
AreaLevel < 68
BaseType "Divine Life Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Life Flasks"

#Mana Flasks
Class "Mana Flasks"
Rarity > Rare
SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Triangle
PlayEffect Brown
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"
AreaLevel < 78
Quality > 17
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 128
SetTextColor 255 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"
AreaLevel < 68
Quality > 5
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 128
SetTextColor 255 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"
AreaLevel < 6
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 128
SetTextColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"
AreaLevel < 12
BaseType "Large Mana Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 128
SetTextColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"
AreaLevel < 18
BaseType "Greater Mana Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 128
SetTextColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"
AreaLevel < 24
BaseType "Grand Mana Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 128
SetTextColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"
AreaLevel < 30
BaseType "Giant Mana Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 128
SetTextColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"
AreaLevel < 36
BaseType "Colossal Mana Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 128
SetTextColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"
AreaLevel < 42
BaseType "Sacred Mana Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 128
SetTextColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"
AreaLevel < 50
BaseType "Hallowed Mana Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 128
SetTextColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"
AreaLevel < 60
BaseType "Sanctified Mana Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 128
SetTextColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"
AreaLevel < 65
BaseType "Divine Mana Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 128
SetTextColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"
AreaLevel < 68
BaseType "Eternal Mana Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 128
SetTextColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Mana Flasks"

#Hybrid Flasks, Utility Flasks & Critical Utility
Class "Hybrid Flasks" "Utility Flasks" "Critical Utility"
Rarity > Rare
SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Triangle
PlayEffect Brown
SetFontSize 40
Class "Hybrid Flasks" "Utility Flasks" "Critical Utility"
AreaLevel < 78
Quality > 17
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetBorderColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Hybrid Flasks" "Utility Flasks" "Critical Utility"
AreaLevel < 68
#Quality > 5
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetBorderColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Utility Flasks" "Critical Utility"
AreaLevel < 68
BaseType "Quicksilver Flask" "Granite Flask" "Quartz Flask"
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128
SetTextColor 0 0 128
SetFontSize 40
Class "Hybrid Flasks" "Utility Flasks" "Critical Utility"

#Jewel & Abyss Jewel
Class "Jewel" "Abyss Jewel"
Rarity > Rare
SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Triangle
PlayEffect Brown
SetFontSize 40
Class "Jewel" "Abyss Jewel"
BaseType "Cluster"
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 128
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Jewel" "Abyss Jewel"
Corrupted True
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 128
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Jewel" "Abyss Jewel"
Rarity > Magic
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 128
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Jewel"
AreaLevel < 68
Rarity < Rare
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 128
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Jewel"
BaseType "Cobalt Jewel"
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 128
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Abyss Jewel"
BaseType "Ghastly Eye Jewel"
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 128
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Jewel" "Abyss Jewel"

#Divination Card
Class "Divination Card"
BaseType "Beauty Through Death" "Deathly Designs" "The Dragon's Heart"
SetBackgroundColor 0 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Divination Card"
BaseType "Thunderous Skies" "Mitts" "Destined to Crumble" "The Hermit" "The Flora's Gift" "The Battle Born" "The Lunaris Priestess" "Turn the Other Cheek" "The Incantation" "Call to the First Ones" "The Wolverine" "The Traitor" "The King's Blade" "Shard of Fate" "The Endurance" "The Fathomless Depths" "Struck by Lightning" "Rats" "The Rabid Rhoa" "The Army of Blood" "Tranquillity" "The Garish Power" "Lysah's Respite" "The Wolf's Shadow" "Hubris" "Dark Temptation" "Hunter's Resolve" "Might is Right" "The Eye of the Dragon" "Prosperity" "Assassin's Favour" "The Pack Leader" "Death" "The Blazing Fire" "The Watcher" "The Lich" "The Gladiator" "The Penitent" "The Scarred Meadow" "The Sun" "Rain Tempter" "The Web" "The Dragon" "A Mother's Parting Gift" "The Mountain" "Anarchy's Price" "Light and Truth" "The Standoff" "Rain of Chaos" "The Warden" "The Carrion Crow" "Cartographer's Delight" "The Catalyst" "The Siren" "The Surgeon" "The Sword King's Salute" "The Inoculated"
SetBackgroundColor 0 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Divination Card"
BaseType "Boon of Justice" "The Visionary" "Thirst for Knowledge" "The Metalsmith's Gift" "The Spoiled Prince" "The Sigil" "Doedre's Madness" "The Gambler" "The Lover"
SetBackgroundColor 0 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Divination Card"
SetBackgroundColor 0 255 255
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40

#Maps, Misc Map Items & Map Fragments
Class "Maps" "Misc Map Items" "Map Fragments"
Rarity > Rare
SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Triangle
PlayEffect Brown
SetFontSize 40
Class "Maps"
BlightedMap True
SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Maps"
ShapedMap True
SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Maps"
MapTier > 10
SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
Class "Maps"
MapTier > 5
SetBackgroundColor 34 139 34
SetTextColor 255 255 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Maps"
MapTier > 4
SetBackgroundColor 50 205 50
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
#AreaLevel < 78
Class "Maps"
SetBackgroundColor 50 205 50
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Class "Map Fragments"
BaseType "Simulacrum"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetTextColor 34 139 34
SetFontSize 40
Class "Map Fragments"
BaseType "Divine Vessel" "Scarab"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetTextColor 34 139 34
SetFontSize 40
Class "Map Fragments"
#BaseType "Sacrifice" "Mortal" "Key" "Fragment" "Timeless" "Breachstone"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetTextColor 34 139 34
SetFontSize 40
Class "Misc Map Items"
SetBackgroundColor 139 69 19
SetTextColor 255 228 181
SetBorderColor 255 228 181
SetFontSize 40
Class "Maps" "Misc Map Items" "Map Fragments"

Edit: The commands I have #-out currently give me errors.

For example(s):
Class "HarvestInfrastructure"
Class "Harvest"
SetFontSize 40
Sockets >= 1A
SetBackgroundColor 169 169 169
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 40
Last edited by Isobel on Aug 6, 2021, 8:31:34 AM
Ok... the only resource remotely linked to the official homepage is the link to the "Official" wiki at which lists the following as Class:es:

Class AbyssJewel
Class Active Skill Gem
Class Amulet
Class AtlasRegionUpgradeItem
Class Belt
Class Body Armour
Class Boots
Class Bow
Class Claw
Class Currency
Class Dagger
Class DelveSocketableCurrency
Class DelveStackableSocketableCurrency
Class DivinationCard
Class ExpeditionLogbook
Class FishingRod
Class Gloves
Class HarvestObject
Class HarvestInfrastructure
Class HarvestPlantBooster
Class HarvestSeed
Class HeistBlueprint
Class HeistContract
Class HeistEquipmentReward
Class HeistEquipmentTool
Class HeistEquipmentUtility
Class HeistEquipmentWeapon
Class HeistObjective
Class Helmet
Class HideoutDoodad
Class HybridFlask
Class Incubator
Class IncursionItem
Class Jewel
Class LabyrinthItem
Class LabyrinthMapItem
Class LabyrinthTrinket
Class Leaguestone
Class LifeFlask
Class ManaFlask
Class Map
Class MapFragment
Class MetamorphosisDNA
Class Microtransaction
Class MiscMapItem
Class One Hand Axe
Class One Hand Mace
Class One Hand Sword
Class PantheonSoul
Class QuestItem
Class Quiver
Class Ring
Class Rune Dagger
Class Sceptre
Class Shield
Class StackableCurrency
Class Staff
Class Support Skill Gem
Class Thrusting One Hand Sword
Class Trinket
Class Two Hand Axe
Class Two Hand Mace
Class Two Hand Sword
Class Unarmed
Class UniqueFragment
Class UniqueShard
Class UniqueShardBase
Class UtilityFlask
Class UtilityFlaskCritical
Class Wand
Class Warstaff

Out of which 39 are bugged... wth...

Interesting examples are stuff like LifeFlask. So I encourage every player to report any and all life flasks you find in game in the official bug reporting forum, cause they are not a class. >.>

List of bugged Class:es:

#Class AbyssJewel
#Class AtlasRegionUpgradeItem
#Class DelveSocketableCurrency
#Class DelveStackableSocketableCurrency
#Class DivinationCard
#Class ExpeditionLogbook
#Class FishingRod
#Class HarvestObject
#Class HarvestInfrastructure
#Class HarvestPlantBooster
#Class HarvestSeed
#Class HeistBlueprint
#Class HeistContract
#Class HeistEquipmentReward
#Class HeistEquipmentTool
#Class HeistEquipmentUtility
#Class HeistEquipmentWeapon
#Class HeistObjective
#Class HideoutDoodad
#Class HybridFlask
#Class IncursionItem
#Class LabyrinthItem
#Class LabyrinthMapItem
#Class LabyrinthTrinket
#Class LifeFlask
#Class ManaFlask
#Class MapFragment
#Class MetamorphosisDNA
#Class MiscMapItem
#Class PantheonSoul
#Class QuestItem
#Class StackableCurrency
#Class Unarmed
#Class UniqueFragment
#Class UniqueShard
#Class UniqueShardBase
#Class UtilityFlask
#Class UtilityFlaskCritical
#Class Warstaff

Question still stands, where is the list of Class:es and BaseType:es which is correct?

The current state in me attempting to solve this issue (all lines with # give errors):

#= Equal
#! Not equal
#<= Less than or equal
#>= Greater than or equal
#< Less than
#> Greater than
#== Exact match
#AlternateQuality True
#AnyEnchantment True
#AreaLevel < 30
#BaseType "Thicket Bow"
#BlightedMap False
#Class Currency
#Corrupted True
#CorruptedMods >= 1
#DropLevel > 65
#ElderItem True
#ElderMap False
#EnchantmentPassiveNode "Damage over Time" #Cluster Jewel enchantment name
#EnchantmentPassiveNum > 5 #Cluster Jewel
#FracturedItem True
#GemLevel > 15
#GemQualityType Anomalous #Superior, Divergent, Anomalous, Phantasmal
#HasEnchantment "Enchantment Bane Damage 2" #Numeric, Labyrinth enchantment name
#HasExplicitMod >=2 "of Haast" "of Tzteosh" "of Ephij" #Numeric, Mod name
#HasInfluence Shaper #Shaper, Elder, Crusader, Hunter, Redeemer, Warlord, None
#Height <= 2
#Identified True
#ItemLevel >= 65
#LinkedSockets >= 5
#MapTier >= 15
#Mirrored False
#Prophecy "Fated Connections" #Prophecy name
#Quality > 15
#Rarity > Magic #Normal, Magic, Rare, Unique
#Replica True
#ShapedMap True
#ShaperItem True
#SocketGroup >= 5GGG #Numeric, R:Red, G:Green, B:Blue, A:Abyss, D:Delve, W:White
#Sockets >= 5GGG #Numeric, R:Red, G:Green, B:Blue, A:Abyss, D:Delve, W:White
#StackSize >= 5 #Currency only?
#SynthesisedItem True
#Width = 1
#PlayAlertSound 1 100 #Id 1 - 16 / Volume 0 - 300 (Default Value: 50) / Disabled Value None
#PlayAlertSoundPositional 16 50 #Id 1 - 16 / Volume 0 - 300 (Default Value: 50) / Disabled Value None
#CustomAlertSound ?
#CustomAlertSoundOptional ?
#DisableDropSoundIfAlertSound ?
#EnableDropSoundIfAlertSound ?
#MinimapIcon 2 Cyan Diamond #Size 0 - 2 / Colour Red, Green, Blue, Brown, White, Yellow, Cyan, Grey, Orange, Pink, Purple / Shape Circle, Diamond, Hexagon, Square, Star, Triangle, Cross, Moon, Raindrop, Kite, Pentagon, UpsideDownHouse / Disabled Value -1
#PlayEffect Red Temp #Colour Red, Green, Blue, Brown, White, Yellow, Cyan, Grey, Orange, Pink, Purple / Temp Temp / Disabled Value None
#SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 #Red 0 - 255 / Green 0 - 255 / Blue 0 - 255 / Alpha 0 - 255 (Default Value: 240)
#SetBorderColor 255 0 0 #Red 0 - 255 / Green 0 - 255 / Blue 0 - 255 / Alpha 0 - 255 (Default Value: 255)
#SetFontSize 30 #Size 1 - 45
#SetTextColor 0 0 0 #Red 0 - 255 / Green 0 - 255 / Blue 0 - 255 / Alpha 0 - 255 (Default Value: 255)
#Class AbyssJewel
Class Active Skill Gem
Class Amulet
#Class AtlasRegionUpgradeItem
Class Belt
Class Body Armour
Class Boots
Class Bow
Class Claw
Class Currency
Class Dagger
#Class DelveSocketableCurrency
#Class DelveStackableSocketableCurrency
#Class DivinationCard
#Class ExpeditionLogbook
#Class FishingRod
Class Gloves
#Class HarvestObject
#Class HarvestInfrastructure
#Class HarvestPlantBooster
#Class HarvestSeed
#Class HeistBlueprint
#Class HeistContract
#Class HeistEquipmentReward
#Class HeistEquipmentTool
#Class HeistEquipmentUtility
#Class HeistEquipmentWeapon
#Class HeistObjective
Class Helmet
#Class HideoutDoodad
#Class HybridFlask
Class Incubator
#Class IncursionItem
Class Jewel
#Class LabyrinthItem
#Class LabyrinthMapItem
#Class LabyrinthTrinket
Class Leaguestone
#Class LifeFlask
#Class ManaFlask
Class Map
#Class MapFragment
#Class MetamorphosisDNA
Class Microtransaction
#Class MiscMapItem
Class One Hand Axe
Class One Hand Mace
Class One Hand Sword
#Class PantheonSoul
#Class QuestItem
Class Quiver
Class Ring
Class Rune Dagger
Class Sceptre
Class Shield
#Class StackableCurrency
Class Staff
Class Support Skill Gem
Class Thrusting One Hand Sword
Class Trinket
Class Two Hand Axe
Class Two Hand Mace
Class Two Hand Sword
#Class Unarmed
#Class UniqueFragment
#Class UniqueShard
#Class UniqueShardBase
#Class UtilityFlask
#Class UtilityFlaskCritical
Class Wand
#Class Warstaff
#Class AbyssJewel

BaseType "Ghastly Eye Jewel"
BaseType "Hypnotic Eye Jewel"
BaseType "Murderous Eye Jewel"
BaseType "Searching Eye Jewel"
Class Active Skill Gem

BaseType "Animate Weapon"
BaseType "Arctic Armour"
BaseType "Artillery Ballista"
BaseType "Barrage"
BaseType "Bear Trap"
BaseType "Blade Blast"
BaseType "Blade Flurry"
BaseType "Blade Vortex"
BaseType "Bladefall"
BaseType "Blast Rain"
BaseType "Blink Arrow"
BaseType "Blood Rage"
BaseType "Burning Arrow"
BaseType "Caustic Arrow"
BaseType "Charged Dash"
BaseType "Cobra Lash"
BaseType "Cremation"
BaseType "Cyclone"
BaseType "Dash"
BaseType "Desecrate"
BaseType "Detonate Dead"
BaseType "Double Strike"
BaseType "Dual Strike"
BaseType "Elemental Hit"
BaseType "Ensnaring Arrow"
BaseType "Ethereal Knives"
BaseType "Explosive Arrow"
BaseType "Explosive Trap"
BaseType "Fire Trap"
BaseType "Flamethrower Trap"
BaseType "Flicker Strike"
BaseType "Frenzy"
BaseType "Frost Blades"
BaseType "Galvanic Arrow"
BaseType "Grace"
BaseType "Haste"
BaseType "Hatred"
BaseType "Herald of Agony"
BaseType "Herald of Ice"
BaseType "Ice Shot"
BaseType "Ice Trap"
BaseType "Lacerate"
BaseType "Lancing Steel"
BaseType "Lightning Arrow"
BaseType "Lightning Strike"
BaseType "Mirror Arrow"
BaseType "Pestilent Strike"
BaseType "Phase Run"
BaseType "Plague Bearer"
BaseType "Poacher's Mark"
BaseType "Precision"
BaseType "Puncture"
BaseType "Purity of Ice"
BaseType "Rain of Arrows"
BaseType "Reave"
BaseType "Riposte"
BaseType "Scourge Arrow"
BaseType "Seismic Trap"
BaseType "Shattering Steel"
BaseType "Shrapnel Ballista"
BaseType "Siege Ballista"
BaseType "Smoke Mine"
BaseType "Sniper's Mark"
BaseType "Spectral Shield Throw"
BaseType "Spectral Throw"
BaseType "Split Arrow"
BaseType "Splitting Steel"
BaseType "Summon Ice Golem"
BaseType "Temporal Chains"
BaseType "Tornado Shot"
BaseType "Toxic Rain"
BaseType "Unearth"
BaseType "Vaal Blade Vortex"
BaseType "Vaal Burning Arrow"
BaseType "Vaal Cyclone"
BaseType "Vaal Detonate Dead"
BaseType "Vaal Double Strike"
BaseType "Vaal Grace"
BaseType "Vaal Haste"
BaseType "Vaal Impurity of Ice"
BaseType "Vaal Lightning Strike"
BaseType "Vaal Rain of Arrows"
BaseType "Vaal Reave"
BaseType "Vaal Spectral Throw"
BaseType "Venom Gyre"
BaseType "Viper Strike"
BaseType "Volatile Dead"
BaseType "Whirling Blades"
BaseType "Wild Strike"
BaseType "Withering Step"

BaseType "Ancestral Cry"
BaseType "Ancestral Protector"
BaseType "Ancestral Warchief"
BaseType "Anger"
BaseType "Animate Guardian"
BaseType "Berserk"
BaseType "Bladestorm"
BaseType "Blood and Sand"
BaseType "Chain Hook"
BaseType "Cleave"
BaseType "Consecrated Path"
BaseType "Decoy Totem"
BaseType "Determination"
BaseType "Devouring Totem"
BaseType "Dominating Blow"
BaseType "Dread Banner"
BaseType "Earthquake"
BaseType "Earthshatter"
BaseType "Enduring Cry"
BaseType "Exsanguinate"
BaseType "Flesh and Stone"
BaseType "General's Cry"
BaseType "Glacial Hammer"
BaseType "Ground Slam"
BaseType "Heavy Strike"
BaseType "Herald of Ash"
BaseType "Herald of Purity"
BaseType "Holy Flame Totem"
BaseType "Ice Crash"
BaseType "Immortal Call"
BaseType "Infernal Blow"
BaseType "Infernal Cry"
BaseType "Intimidating Cry"
BaseType "Leap Slam"
BaseType "Molten Shell"
BaseType "Molten Strike"
BaseType "Perforate"
BaseType "Petrified Blood"
BaseType "Pride"
BaseType "Punishment"
BaseType "Purity of Fire"
BaseType "Rallying Cry"
BaseType "Reap"
BaseType "Reckoning"
BaseType "Rejuvenation Totem"
BaseType "Searing Bond"
BaseType "Seismic Cry"
BaseType "Shield Charge"
BaseType "Shockwave Totem"
BaseType "Smite"
BaseType "Static Strike"
BaseType "Steelskin"
BaseType "Summon Flame Golem"
BaseType "Summon Stone Golem"
BaseType "Sunder"
BaseType "Sweep"
BaseType "Tectonic Slam"
BaseType "Vaal Ancestral Warchief"
BaseType "Vaal Earthquake"
BaseType "Vaal Glacial Hammer"
BaseType "Vaal Ground Slam"
BaseType "Vaal Impurity of Fire"
BaseType "Vaal Molten Shell"
BaseType "Vengeance"
BaseType "Vigilant Strike"
BaseType "Vitality"
BaseType "Vulnerability"
BaseType "War Banner"
BaseType "Warlord's Mark"

BaseType "Arc"
BaseType "Arcane Cloak"
BaseType "Arcanist Brand"
BaseType "Armageddon Brand"
BaseType "Assassin's Mark"
BaseType "Ball Lightning"
BaseType "Bane"
BaseType "Blazing Salvo"
BaseType "Blight"
BaseType "Bodyswap"
BaseType "Bone Offering"
BaseType "Brand Recall"
BaseType "Clarity"
BaseType "Cold Snap"
BaseType "Conductivity"
BaseType "Contagion"
BaseType "Conversion Trap"
BaseType "Convocation"
BaseType "Crackling Lance"
BaseType "Creeping Frost"
BaseType "Dark Pact"
BaseType "Despair"
BaseType "Discharge"
BaseType "Discipline"
BaseType "Divine Ire"
BaseType "Elemental Weakness"
BaseType "Enfeeble"
BaseType "Essence Drain"
BaseType "Fireball"
BaseType "Firestorm"
BaseType "Flame Dash"
BaseType "Flame Surge"
BaseType "Flame Wall"
BaseType "Flameblast"
BaseType "Flammability"
BaseType "Flesh Offering"
BaseType "Freezing Pulse"
BaseType "Frost Bomb"
BaseType "Frost Shield"
BaseType "Frost Wall"
BaseType "Frostbite"
BaseType "Frostblink"
BaseType "Frostbolt"
BaseType "Glacial Cascade"
BaseType "Herald of Thunder"
BaseType "Hexblast"
BaseType "Hydrosphere"
BaseType "Ice Nova"
BaseType "Ice Spear"
BaseType "Icicle Mine"
BaseType "Incinerate"
BaseType "Kinetic Blast"
BaseType "Kinetic Bolt"
BaseType "Lightning Spire Trap"
BaseType "Lightning Tendrils"
BaseType "Lightning Trap"
BaseType "Lightning Warp"
BaseType "Malevolence"
BaseType "Orb of Storms"
BaseType "Penance Brand"
BaseType "Power Siphon"
BaseType "Purifying Flame"
BaseType "Purity of Elements"
BaseType "Purity of Lightning"
BaseType "Pyroclast Mine"
BaseType "Raise Spectre"
BaseType "Raise Zombie"
BaseType "Righteous Fire"
BaseType "Rolling Magma"
BaseType "Scorching Ray"
BaseType "Shock Nova"
BaseType "Sigil of Power"
BaseType "Siphoning Trap"
BaseType "Soulrend"
BaseType "Spark"
BaseType "Spellslinger"
BaseType "Spirit Offering"
BaseType "Storm Brand"
BaseType "Storm Burst"
BaseType "Storm Call"
BaseType "Stormbind"
BaseType "Stormblast Mine"
BaseType "Summon Carrion Golem"
BaseType "Summon Chaos Golem"
BaseType "Summon Holy Relic"
BaseType "Summon Lightning Golem"
BaseType "Summon Raging Spirit"
BaseType "Summon Skeletons"
BaseType "Summon Skitterbots"
BaseType "Tempest Shield"
BaseType "Vaal Arc"
BaseType "Vaal Blight"
BaseType "Vaal Clarity"
BaseType "Vaal Cold Snap"
BaseType "Vaal Discipline"
BaseType "Vaal Fireball"
BaseType "Vaal Flameblast"
BaseType "Vaal Ice Nova"
BaseType "Vaal Impurity of Lightning"
BaseType "Vaal Lightning Trap"
BaseType "Vaal Power Siphon"
BaseType "Vaal Righteous Fire"
BaseType "Vaal Spark"
BaseType "Vaal Storm Call"
BaseType "Vaal Summon Skeletons"
BaseType "Void Sphere"
BaseType "Vortex"
BaseType "Wave of Conviction"
BaseType "Winter Orb"
BaseType "Wintertide Brand"
BaseType "Wither"
BaseType "Wrath"
BaseType "Zealotry"

BaseType "Detonate Mines"
BaseType "Portal"
BaseType "Vaal Breach"
Class Amulet

BaseType "Coral Amulet"
BaseType "Paua Amulet"
BaseType "Amber Amulet"
BaseType "Jade Amulet"
BaseType "Lapis Amulet"
BaseType "Gold Amulet"
BaseType "Agate Amulet"
BaseType "Citrine Amulet"
BaseType "Turquoise Amulet"
BaseType "Onyx Amulet"
BaseType "Simplex Amulet"
BaseType "Astrolabe Amulet"
BaseType "Marble Amulet"
BaseType "Seaglass Amulet"
BaseType "Blue Pearl Amulet"
BaseType "Ashscale Talisman"
BaseType "Avian Twins Talisman"
BaseType "Avian Twins Talisman"
BaseType "Avian Twins Talisman"
BaseType "Avian Twins Talisman"
BaseType "Avian Twins Talisman"
BaseType "Avian Twins Talisman"
BaseType "Black Maw Talisman"
BaseType "Bonespire Talisman"
BaseType "Breakrib Talisman"
BaseType "Chrysalis Talisman"
BaseType "Clutching Talisman"
BaseType "Deadhand Talisman"
BaseType "Deep One Talisman"
BaseType "Fangjaw Talisman"
BaseType "Hexclaw Talisman"
BaseType "Horned Talisman"
BaseType "Lone Antler Talisman"
BaseType "Longtooth Talisman"
BaseType "Mandible Talisman"
BaseType "Monkey Paw Talisman"
BaseType "Monkey Paw Talisman"
BaseType "Monkey Paw Talisman"
BaseType "Monkey Twins Talisman"
BaseType "Primal Skull Talisman"
BaseType "Rot Head Talisman"
BaseType "Rotfeather Talisman"
BaseType "Spinefuse Talisman"
BaseType "Splitnewt Talisman"
BaseType "Three Hands Talisman"
BaseType "Three Rat Talisman"
BaseType "Undying Flesh Talisman"
BaseType "Wereclaw Talisman"
BaseType "Writhing Talisman"

BaseType "Jet Amulet"
BaseType "Greatwolf Talisman"
BaseType "Ruby Amulet"
#Class AtlasRegionUpgradeItem

BaseType "Crimson Watchstone"
BaseType "Cobalt Watchstone"
BaseType "Viridian Watchstone"
BaseType "Golden Watchstone"
BaseType "Ivory Watchstone"
BaseType "Titanium Tirn's End Watchstone"
BaseType "Titanium Haewark Hamlet Watchstone"
BaseType "Titanium Lex Proxima Watchstone"
BaseType "Titanium Lex Ejoris Watchstone"
BaseType "Titanium New Vastir Watchstone"
BaseType "Titanium Glennach Cairns Watchstone"
BaseType "Titanium Valdo's Rest Watchstone"
BaseType "Titanium Lira Arthain Watchstone"
BaseType "Chromium Haewark Hamlet Watchstone"
BaseType "Chromium Tirn's End Watchstone"
BaseType "Chromium Lex Proxima Watchstone"
BaseType "Chromium Lex Ejoris Watchstone"
BaseType "Chromium New Vastir Watchstone"
BaseType "Chromium Glennach Cairns Watchstone"
BaseType "Chromium Valdo's Rest Watchstone"
BaseType "Chromium Lira Arthain Watchstone"
BaseType "Platinum Haewark Hamlet Watchstone"
BaseType "Platinum Tirn's End Watchstone"
BaseType "Platinum Lex Proxima Watchstone"
BaseType "Platinum Lex Ejoris Watchstone"
BaseType "Platinum New Vastir Watchstone"
BaseType "Platinum Glennach Cairns Watchstone"
BaseType "Platinum Valdo's Rest Watchstone"
BaseType "Platinum Lira Arthain Watchstone"
Class Belt

BaseType "Chain Belt"
BaseType "Rustic Sash"
BaseType "Stygian Vise"
BaseType "Heavy Belt"
BaseType "Leather Belt"
BaseType "Cloth Belt"
BaseType "Studded Belt"
BaseType "Micro-Distillery Belt"
BaseType "Mechalarm Belt"
BaseType "Vanguard Belt"
BaseType "Crystal Belt"
Class Body Armour

BaseType "Plate Vest"
BaseType "Chestplate"
BaseType "Copper Plate"
BaseType "War Plate"
BaseType "Full Plate"
BaseType "Arena Plate"
BaseType "Lordly Plate"
BaseType "Bronze Plate"
BaseType "Battle Plate"
BaseType "Sun Plate"
BaseType "Colosseum Plate"
BaseType "Majestic Plate"
BaseType "Golden Plate"
BaseType "Crusader Plate"
BaseType "Astral Plate"
BaseType "Gladiator Plate"
BaseType "Glorious Plate"

BaseType "Shabby Jerkin"
BaseType "Strapped Leather"
BaseType "Buckskin Tunic"
BaseType "Wild Leather"
BaseType "Full Leather"
BaseType "Sun Leather"
BaseType "Thief's Garb"
BaseType "Eelskin Tunic"
BaseType "Frontier Leather"
BaseType "Glorious Leather"
BaseType "Coronal Leather"
BaseType "Cutthroat's Garb"
BaseType "Sharkskin Tunic"
BaseType "Destiny Leather"
BaseType "Exquisite Leather"
BaseType "Zodiac Leather"
BaseType "Assassin's Garb"

BaseType "Simple Robe"
BaseType "Silken Vest"
BaseType "Scholar's Robe"
BaseType "Silken Garb"
BaseType "Mage's Vestment"
BaseType "Silk Robe"
BaseType "Cabalist Regalia"
BaseType "Sage's Robe"
BaseType "Silken Wrap"
BaseType "Conjurer's Vestment"
BaseType "Spidersilk Robe"
BaseType "Destroyer Regalia"
BaseType "Savant's Robe"
BaseType "Necromancer Silks"
BaseType "Occultist's Vestment"
BaseType "Widowsilk Robe"
BaseType "Vaal Regalia"

BaseType "Scale Vest"
BaseType "Light Brigandine"
BaseType "Scale Doublet"
BaseType "Infantry Brigandine"
BaseType "Full Scale Armour"
BaseType "Soldier's Brigandine"
BaseType "Field Lamellar"
BaseType "Wyrmscale Doublet"
BaseType "Hussar Brigandine"
BaseType "Full Wyrmscale"
BaseType "Commander's Brigandine"
BaseType "Battle Lamellar"
BaseType "Dragonscale Doublet"
BaseType "Desert Brigandine"
BaseType "Full Dragonscale"
BaseType "General's Brigandine"
BaseType "Triumphant Lamellar"

BaseType "Chainmail Vest"
BaseType "Chainmail Tunic"
BaseType "Ringmail Coat"
BaseType "Chainmail Doublet"
BaseType "Full Ringmail"
BaseType "Full Chainmail"
BaseType "Holy Chainmail"
BaseType "Latticed Ringmail"
BaseType "Crusader Chainmail"
BaseType "Ornate Ringmail"
BaseType "Chain Hauberk"
BaseType "Devout Chainmail"
BaseType "Loricated Ringmail"
BaseType "Conquest Chainmail"
BaseType "Elegant Ringmail"
BaseType "Saint's Hauberk"
BaseType "Saintly Chainmail"

BaseType "Padded Vest"
BaseType "Oiled Vest"
BaseType "Padded Jacket"
BaseType "Oiled Coat"
BaseType "Scarlet Raiment"
BaseType "Waxed Garb"
BaseType "Bone Armour"
BaseType "Quilted Jacket"
BaseType "Sleek Coat"
BaseType "Crimson Raiment"
BaseType "Lacquered Garb"
BaseType "Crypt Armour"
BaseType "Sentinel Jacket"
BaseType "Varnished Coat"
BaseType "Blood Raiment"
BaseType "Sadist Garb"
BaseType "Carnal Armour"

BaseType "Grasping Mail"
BaseType "Sacrificial Garb"

Class Boots

BaseType "Iron Greaves"
BaseType "Steel Greaves"
BaseType "Basemetal Treads"
BaseType "Plated Greaves"
BaseType "Reinforced Greaves"
BaseType "Antique Greaves"
BaseType "Ancient Greaves"
BaseType "Darksteel Treads"
BaseType "Goliath Greaves"
BaseType "Vaal Greaves"
BaseType "Titan Greaves"
BaseType "Brimstone Treads"

BaseType "Rawhide Boots"
BaseType "Goathide Boots"
BaseType "Cloudwhisper Boots"
BaseType "Deerskin Boots"
BaseType "Nubuck Boots"
BaseType "Eelskin Boots"
BaseType "Sharkskin Boots"
BaseType "Windbreak Boots"
BaseType "Shagreen Boots"
BaseType "Stealth Boots"
BaseType "Slink Boots"
BaseType "Stormrider Boots"

BaseType "Wool Shoes"
BaseType "Velvet Slippers"
BaseType "Duskwalk Slippers"
BaseType "Silk Slippers"
BaseType "Scholar Boots"
BaseType "Satin Slippers"
BaseType "Samite Slippers"
BaseType "Nightwind Slippers"
BaseType "Conjurer Boots"
BaseType "Arcanist Slippers"
BaseType "Sorcerer Boots"
BaseType "Dreamquest Slippers"

BaseType "Leatherscale Boots"
BaseType "Ironscale Boots"
BaseType "Bronzescale Boots"
BaseType "Steelscale Boots"
BaseType "Serpentscale Boots"
BaseType "Wyrmscale Boots"
BaseType "Hydrascale Boots"
BaseType "Dragonscale Boots"
BaseType "Two-Toned Boots"

BaseType "Chain Boots"
BaseType "Ringmail Boots"
BaseType "Mesh Boots"
BaseType "Riveted Boots"
BaseType "Zealot Boots"
BaseType "Soldier Boots"
BaseType "Legion Boots"
BaseType "Crusader Boots"
BaseType "Two-Toned Boots"

BaseType "Wrapped Boots"
BaseType "Strapped Boots"
BaseType "Clasped Boots"
BaseType "Shackled Boots"
BaseType "Trapper Boots"
BaseType "Ambush Boots"
BaseType "Carnal Boots"
BaseType "Assassin's Boots"
BaseType "Murder Boots"
BaseType "Fugitive Boots"
BaseType "Two-Toned Boots"
Class Bow
BaseType "Crude Bow"
BaseType "Short Bow"
BaseType "Long Bow"
BaseType "Composite Bow"
BaseType "Recurve Bow"
BaseType "Bone Bow"
BaseType "Royal Bow"
BaseType "Hedron Bow"
BaseType "Death Bow"
BaseType "Grove Bow"
BaseType "Reflex Bow"
BaseType "Decurve Bow"
BaseType "Compound Bow"
BaseType "Sniper Bow"
BaseType "Ivory Bow"
BaseType "Foundry Bow"
BaseType "Highborn Bow"
BaseType "Decimation Bow"
BaseType "Thicket Bow"
BaseType "Steelwood Bow"
BaseType "Citadel Bow"
BaseType "Ranger Bow"
BaseType "Assassin Bow"
BaseType "Spine Bow"
BaseType "Imperial Bow"
BaseType "Harbinger Bow"
BaseType "Solarine Bow"
BaseType "Maraketh Bow"
Class Claw

BaseType "Nailed Fist"
BaseType "Sharktooth Claw"
BaseType "Awl"
BaseType "Cat's Paw"
BaseType "Blinder"
BaseType "Timeworn Claw"
BaseType "Shadow Fangs"
BaseType "Sparkling Claw"
BaseType "Fright Claw"
BaseType "Double Claw"
BaseType "Thresher Claw"
BaseType "Gouger"
BaseType "Tiger's Paw"
BaseType "Gut Ripper"
BaseType "Prehistoric Claw"
BaseType "Malign Fangs"
BaseType "Noble Claw"
BaseType "Eagle Claw"
BaseType "Twin Claw"
BaseType "Great White Claw"
BaseType "Throat Stabber"
BaseType "Hellion's Paw"
BaseType "Eye Gouger"
BaseType "Vaal Claw"
BaseType "Imperial Claw"
BaseType "Terror Claw"
BaseType "Void Fangs"
BaseType "Gemini Claw"
Class Currency

BaseType "Abrasive Catalyst"
BaseType "Accelerating Catalyst"
BaseType "Albino Rhoa Feather"
BaseType "Armourer's Scrap"
BaseType "Awakened Sextant"
BaseType "Awakener's Orb"
BaseType "Bestiary Orb"
BaseType "Blacksmith's Whetstone"
BaseType "Blessed Orb"
BaseType "Blessing of Chayula"
BaseType "Blessing of Esh"
BaseType "Blessing of Tul"
BaseType "Blessing of Uul-Netol"
BaseType "Blessing of Xoph"
BaseType "Cartographer's Chisel"
BaseType "Chaos Orb"
BaseType "Chromatic Orb"
BaseType "Crusader's Exalted Orb"
BaseType "Divine Orb"
BaseType "Elevated Sextant"
BaseType "Exalted Orb"
BaseType "Fertile Catalyst"
BaseType "Gemcutter's Prism"
BaseType "Glassblower's Bauble"
BaseType "Hunter's Exalted Orb"
BaseType "Imbued Catalyst"
BaseType "Imprint"
BaseType "Imprinted Bestiary Orb"
BaseType "Instilling Orb"
BaseType "Intrinsic Catalyst"
BaseType "Jeweller's Orb"
BaseType "Maven's Orb"
BaseType "Mirror of Kalandra"
BaseType "Noxious Catalyst"
BaseType "Orb of Alchemy"
BaseType "Orb of Alteration"
BaseType "Orb of Annulment"
BaseType "Orb of Augmentation"
BaseType "Orb of Chance"
BaseType "Orb of Fusing"
BaseType "Orb of Regret"
BaseType "Orb of Scouring"
BaseType "Orb of Transmutation"
BaseType "Orb of Unmaking"
BaseType "Portal Scroll"
BaseType "Prime Regrading Lens"
BaseType "Prime Sextant"
BaseType "Prismatic Catalyst"
BaseType "Redeemer's Exalted Orb"
BaseType "Regal Orb"
BaseType "Rogue's Marker"
BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom"
BaseType "Secondary Regrading Lens"
BaseType "Silver Coin"
BaseType "Simple Sextant"
BaseType "Stacked Deck"
BaseType "Tailoring Orb"
BaseType "Tempering Catalyst"
BaseType "Tempering Orb"
BaseType "Turbulent Catalyst"
BaseType "Unstable Catalyst"
BaseType "Vaal Orb"
BaseType "Veiled Chaos Orb"
BaseType "Warlord's Exalted Orb"

BaseType "Alchemy Shard"
BaseType "Alteration Shard"
BaseType "Scroll Fragment"
BaseType "Splinter of Chayula"
BaseType "Splinter of Esh"
BaseType "Splinter of Tul"
BaseType "Splinter of Uul-Netol"
BaseType "Splinter of Xoph"
BaseType "Transmutation Shard"

BaseType "Muttering Essence of Anger"
BaseType "Weeping Essence of Anger"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Anger"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Anger"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Anger"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Anger"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Anguish"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Anguish"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Anguish"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Anguish"
BaseType "Whispering Essence of Contempt"
BaseType "Muttering Essence of Contempt"
BaseType "Weeping Essence of Contempt"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Contempt"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Contempt"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Contempt"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Contempt"
BaseType "Essence of Delirium"
BaseType "Weeping Essence of Doubt"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Doubt"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Doubt"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Doubt"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Doubt"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Dread"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Dread"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Dread"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Envy"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Envy"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Envy"
BaseType "Muttering Essence of Fear"
BaseType "Weeping Essence of Fear"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Fear"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Fear"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Fear"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Fear"
BaseType "Whispering Essence of Greed"
BaseType "Muttering Essence of Greed"
BaseType "Weeping Essence of Greed"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Greed"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Greed"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Greed"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Greed"
BaseType "Whispering Essence of Hatred"
BaseType "Muttering Essence of Hatred"
BaseType "Weeping Essence of Hatred"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Hatred"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Hatred"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Hatred"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Hatred"
BaseType "Essence of Horror"
BaseType "Essence of Hysteria"
BaseType "Essence of Insanity"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Loathing"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Loathing"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Loathing"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Loathing"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Misery"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Misery"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Misery"
BaseType "Weeping Essence of Rage"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Rage"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Rage"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Rage"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Rage"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Scorn"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Scorn"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Scorn"
BaseType "Muttering Essence of Sorrow"
BaseType "Weeping Essence of Sorrow"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Sorrow"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Sorrow"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Sorrow"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Sorrow"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Spite"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Spite"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Spite"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Spite"
BaseType "Weeping Essence of Suffering"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Suffering"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Suffering"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Suffering"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Suffering"
BaseType "Muttering Essence of Torment"
BaseType "Weeping Essence of Torment"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Torment"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Torment"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Torment"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Torment"
BaseType "Whispering Essence of Woe"
BaseType "Muttering Essence of Woe"
BaseType "Weeping Essence of Woe"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Woe"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Woe"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Woe"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Woe"
BaseType "Weeping Essence of Wrath"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Wrath"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Wrath"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Wrath"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Wrath"
BaseType "Wailing Essence of Zeal"
BaseType "Screaming Essence of Zeal"
BaseType "Shrieking Essence of Zeal"
BaseType "Deafening Essence of Zeal"

#BaseType "A Master Seeks Help"
#BaseType "A Valuable Combination"
#BaseType "Fated Connections"
#BaseType "Golden Touch"
#BaseType "Resistant to Change"
#BaseType "Smothering Tendrils"
#BaseType "The Beautiful Guide"
#BaseType "The Hardened Armour"
#BaseType "The Jeweller's Touch"
#BaseType "The Sharpened Blade"
#BaseType "Touched by the Wind"
#BaseType "Trash to Treasure"
#BaseType "Twice Enchanted"
#BaseType "Vital Transformation"
#BaseType "Fated Uniques"

#BaseType "A Dishonourable Death"
#BaseType "A Forest of False Idols"
#BaseType "A Rift in Time"
#BaseType "A Vision of Ice and Fire"
#BaseType "Agony at Dusk"
#BaseType "Ancient Doom"
#BaseType "Battle Hardened"
#BaseType "Black Devotion"
#BaseType "Blind Faith"
#BaseType "Blinding Light"
#BaseType "Burning Dread"
#BaseType "Cold Blooded Fury"
#BaseType "Cold Greed"
#BaseType "Crimson Hues"
#BaseType "Dance of Steel"
#BaseType "Dark Instincts"
#BaseType "Darktongue's Shriek"
#BaseType "Dying Cry"
#BaseType "End of the Light"
#BaseType "Faith Exhumed"
#BaseType "Fire and Brimstone"
#BaseType "Fire and Ice"
#BaseType "From The Void"
#BaseType "Greed's Folly"
#BaseType "Heavy Blows"
#BaseType "Last of the Wildmen"
#BaseType "Mouth of Horrors"
#BaseType "Nature's Resilience"
#BaseType "Pleasure and Pain"
#BaseType "Power Magnified"
#BaseType "Severed Limbs"
#BaseType "Song of the Sekhema"
#BaseType "Sun's Punishment"
#BaseType "The Apex Predator"
#BaseType "The Beginning and the End"
#BaseType "The Bishop's Legacy"
#BaseType "The Bloody Flowers Redux"
#BaseType "The Bowstring's Music"
#BaseType "The Dreaded Rhoa"
#BaseType "The Fall of an Empire"
#BaseType "The Flow of Energy"
#BaseType "The Great Leader of the North"
#BaseType "The Great Mind of the North"
#BaseType "The Karui Rebellion"
#BaseType "The King and the Brambles"
#BaseType "The King's Path"
#BaseType "The Malevolent Witch"
#BaseType "The Mentor"
#BaseType "The Misunderstood Queen"
#BaseType "The Nightmare Awakens"
#BaseType "The Queen's Sacrifice"
#BaseType "The Servant's Heart"
#BaseType "The Silverwood"
#BaseType "The Snuffed Flame"
#BaseType "The Storm Spire"
#BaseType "Trapped in the Tower"
#BaseType "Winter's Mournful Melodies"
#BaseType "Tempest"

#BaseType "Crushing Squall"
#BaseType "Fire from the Sky"
#BaseType "Ice from Above"
#BaseType "Lightning Falls"
#BaseType "The Undead Storm"
#BaseType "Vaal Winds"

#BaseType "A Call into the Void"
#BaseType "A Firm Foothold"
#BaseType "A Prodigious Hand"
#BaseType "A Whispered Prayer"
#BaseType "Abnormal Effulgence"
#BaseType "Against the Tide"
#BaseType "Baptism by Death"
#BaseType "Blood in the Eyes"
#BaseType "Blood of the Betrayed"
#BaseType "Cleanser of Sins"
#BaseType "Custodians of Silence"
#BaseType "Fear's Wide Reach"
#BaseType "Fire, Wood and Stone"
#BaseType "Flesh of the Beast"
#BaseType "From Death Springs Life"
#BaseType "Graceful Flames"
#BaseType "Heart of the Fire"
#BaseType "Lost in the Pages"
#BaseType "Nemesis of Greed"
#BaseType "Notched Flesh"
#BaseType "Roth's Legacy"
#BaseType "Storm on the Horizon"
#BaseType "Storm on the Reef"
#BaseType "Strong as a Bull"
#BaseType "The Brutal Enforcer"
#BaseType "The Eagle's Cry"
#BaseType "The Flayed Man"
#BaseType "The Hollow Pledge"
#BaseType "The Lady in Black"
#BaseType "The Last Watch"
#BaseType "The Lost Undying"
#BaseType "The Mysterious Gift"
#BaseType "The Nest"
#BaseType "The Petrified"
#BaseType "The Prison Guard"
#BaseType "The Prison Key"
#BaseType "The Queen's Vaults"
#BaseType "The Singular Spirit"
#BaseType "The Sinner's Stone"
#BaseType "The Soulless Beast"
#BaseType "The Stockkeeper"
#BaseType "The Sword King's Passion"
#BaseType "The Vanguard"
#BaseType "The Walking Mountain"
#BaseType "The Ward's Ward"
#BaseType "The Watcher's Watcher"
#BaseType "Weeping Death"
#BaseType "Wind and Thunder"
#BaseType "Reward: Currency"

#BaseType "A Regal Death"
#BaseType "Erased from Memory"
#BaseType "Lasting Impressions"
#BaseType "Overflowing Riches"
#BaseType "Pools of Wealth"
#BaseType "Reforged Bonds"
#BaseType "The Alchemist"
#BaseType "The Corrupt"
#BaseType "The God of Misfortune"

#BaseType "An Unseen Peril"
#BaseType "Deadly Twins"
#BaseType "Defiled in the Sceptre"
#BaseType "Echoes of Witchcraft"
#BaseType "Ending the Torment"
#BaseType "Fallow At Last"
#BaseType "Forceful Exorcism"
#BaseType "Hidden Reinforcements"
#BaseType "Hidden Vaal Pathways"
#BaseType "Holding the Bridge"
#BaseType "In the Grasp of Corruption"
#BaseType "Living Fires"
#BaseType "Monstrous Treasure"
#BaseType "Mysterious Invaders"
#BaseType "Mysterious Invaders"
#BaseType "Mysterious Invaders"
#BaseType "Mysterious Invaders"
#BaseType "Mysterious Invaders"
#BaseType "Path of Betrayal"
#BaseType "Plague of Frogs"
#BaseType "Plague of Rats"
#BaseType "Possessed Foe"
#BaseType "Rebirth"
#BaseType "Risen Blood"
#BaseType "Soil, Worms and Blood"
#BaseType "The Brothers of Necromancy"
#BaseType "The Child of Lunaris"
#BaseType "The Cursed Choir"
#BaseType "The Forgotten Garrison"
#BaseType "The Forgotten Soldiers"
#BaseType "The Four Feral Exiles"
#BaseType "The Hungering Swarm"
#BaseType "The Invader"
#BaseType "The Trembling Earth"
#BaseType "The Twins"
#BaseType "The Undead Brutes"
#BaseType "Undead Uprising"
#BaseType "Unnatural Energy"
#BaseType "Vaal Invasion"
#BaseType "Visions of the Drowned"
#BaseType "Waiting in Ambush"

#BaseType "Bountiful Traps"
#BaseType "Erasmus' Gift"
#BaseType "Gilded Within"
#BaseType "Hunter's Lesson"
#BaseType "Kalandra's Craft"
#BaseType "The Dream Trial"
#BaseType "The Dreamer's Dream"
#BaseType "The Fortune Teller's Collection"
#BaseType "The Lost Maps"
#BaseType "The Scout"
#BaseType "The Wealthy Exile"

#BaseType "Anarchy's End I"
#BaseType "Anarchy's End II"
#BaseType "Anarchy's End III"
#BaseType "Anarchy's End IV"
#BaseType "Ancient Rivalries I"
#BaseType "Ancient Rivalries II"
#BaseType "Ancient Rivalries III"
#BaseType "Ancient Rivalries IV"
#BaseType "Beyond Sight I"
#BaseType "Beyond Sight II"
#BaseType "Beyond Sight III"
#BaseType "Beyond Sight IV"
#BaseType "Day of Sacrifice I"
#BaseType "Day of Sacrifice II"
#BaseType "Day of Sacrifice III"
#BaseType "Day of Sacrifice IV"
#BaseType "Deadly Rivalry I"
#BaseType "Deadly Rivalry II"
#BaseType "Deadly Rivalry III"
#BaseType "Deadly Rivalry IV"
#BaseType "Deadly Rivalry V"
#BaseType "The Feral Lord I"
#BaseType "The Feral Lord II"
#BaseType "The Feral Lord III"
#BaseType "The Feral Lord IV"
#BaseType "The Feral Lord V"
#BaseType "The Plaguemaw I"
#BaseType "The Plaguemaw II"
#BaseType "The Plaguemaw III"
#BaseType "The Plaguemaw IV"
#BaseType "The Plaguemaw V"
#BaseType "Thaumaturgical History I"
#BaseType "Thaumaturgical History II"
#BaseType "Thaumaturgical History III"
#BaseType "Thaumaturgical History IV"
#BaseType "The Ambitious Bandit I"
#BaseType "The Ambitious Bandit II"
#BaseType "The Ambitious Bandit III"
#BaseType "Unbearable Whispers I"
#BaseType "Unbearable Whispers II"
#BaseType "Unbearable Whispers III"
#BaseType "Unbearable Whispers IV"
#BaseType "Unbearable Whispers V"
#BaseType "The Unbreathing Queen I"
#BaseType "The Unbreathing Queen II"
#BaseType "The Unbreathing Queen III"
#BaseType "The Unbreathing Queen IV"
#BaseType "The Unbreathing Queen V"
#BaseType "The Warmongers I"
#BaseType "The Warmongers II"
#BaseType "The Warmongers III"
#BaseType "The Warmongers IV"

BaseType "Vial of Awakening"
BaseType "Vial of Consequence"
BaseType "Vial of Dominance"
BaseType "Vial of Fate"
BaseType "Vial of Sacrifice"
BaseType "Vial of Summoning"
BaseType "Vial of the Ghost"
BaseType "Vial of the Ritual"
BaseType "Vial of Transcendence"

BaseType "Alchemy Shard"
BaseType "Alteration Shard"
BaseType "Ancient Orb"
BaseType "Ancient Shard"
BaseType "Annulment Shard"
BaseType "Binding Shard"
BaseType "Chaos Shard"
BaseType "Engineer's Orb"
BaseType "Engineer's Shard"
BaseType "Exalted Shard"
BaseType "Harbinger's Orb"
BaseType "Harbinger's Shard"
BaseType "Horizon Shard"
BaseType "Mirror Shard"
BaseType "Orb of Binding"
BaseType "Regal Shard"
BaseType "Transmutation Shard"

#BaseType "Perandus coin"

BaseType "Aberrant Fossil"
BaseType "Aetheric Fossil"
BaseType "Bloodstained Fossil"
BaseType "Bound Fossil"
BaseType "Corroded Fossil"
BaseType "Dense Fossil"
BaseType "Enchanted Fossil"
BaseType "Encrusted Fossil"
BaseType "Faceted Fossil"
BaseType "Fractured Fossil"
BaseType "Frigid Fossil"
BaseType "Gilded Fossil"
BaseType "Glyphic Fossil"
BaseType "Hollow Fossil"
BaseType "Jagged Fossil"
BaseType "Lucent Fossil"
BaseType "Metallic Fossil"
BaseType "Perfect Fossil"
BaseType "Prismatic Fossil"
BaseType "Pristine Fossil"
BaseType "Sanctified Fossil"
BaseType "Scorched Fossil"
BaseType "Serrated Fossil"
BaseType "Shuddering Fossil"
BaseType "Tangled Fossil"

BaseType "Potent Alchemical Resonator"
BaseType "Potent Chaotic Resonator"
BaseType "Powerful Alchemical Resonator"
BaseType "Powerful Chaotic Resonator"
BaseType "Prime Alchemical Resonator"
BaseType "Prime Chaotic Resonator"
BaseType "Primitive Alchemical Resonator"
BaseType "Primitive Chaotic Resonator"

BaseType "Amber Oil"
BaseType "Azure Oil"
BaseType "Black Oil"
BaseType "Clear Oil"
BaseType "Crimson Oil"
BaseType "Golden Oil"
BaseType "Indigo Oil"
BaseType "Opalescent Oil"
BaseType "Sepia Oil"
BaseType "Silver Oil"
BaseType "Tainted Oil"
BaseType "Teal Oil"
BaseType "Verdant Oil"
BaseType "Violet Oil"

BaseType "Abrasive Catalyst"
BaseType "Accelerating Catalyst"
BaseType "Fertile Catalyst"
BaseType "Imbued Catalyst"
BaseType "Intrinsic Catalyst"
BaseType "Noxious Catalyst"
BaseType "Prismatic Catalyst"
BaseType "Tempering Catalyst"
BaseType "Turbulent Catalyst"
BaseType "Unstable Catalyst"
Class Dagger
#Class DelveSocketableCurrency
#Class DelveStackableSocketableCurrency
#Class DivinationCard
#Class ExpeditionLogbook
#Class FishingRod
Class Gloves
#Class HarvestObject
#Class HarvestInfrastructure
#Class HarvestPlantBooster
#Class HarvestSeed
#Class HeistBlueprint
#Class HeistContract
#Class HeistEquipmentReward
#Class HeistEquipmentTool
#Class HeistEquipmentUtility
#Class HeistEquipmentWeapon
#Class HeistObjective
Class Helmet
#Class HideoutDoodad
#Class HybridFlask
Class Incubator
#Class IncursionItem
Class Jewel
#Class LabyrinthItem
#Class LabyrinthMapItem
#Class LabyrinthTrinket
Class Leaguestone
#Class LifeFlask
#Class ManaFlask
Class Map
#Class MapFragment
#Class MetamorphosisDNA
Class Microtransaction
#Class MiscMapItem
Class One Hand Axe
Class One Hand Mace
Class One Hand Sword
#Class PantheonSoul
#Class QuestItem
Class Quiver
Class Ring
Class Rune Dagger
Class Sceptre
Class Shield
#Class StackableCurrency
Class Staff
Class Support Skill Gem
Class Thrusting One Hand Sword
Class Trinket
Class Two Hand Axe
Class Two Hand Mace
Class Two Hand Sword
#Class Unarmed
#Class UniqueFragment
#Class UniqueShard
#Class UniqueShardBase
#Class UtilityFlask
#Class UtilityFlaskCritical
Class Wand
#Class Warstaff
I said again wiki has a collection of link

read them

3.15 change
3.14 change
and so on

Read from 2.6 (google item filter legacy league

There is some undocumented change BTW
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
Last edited by neohongkong on Aug 8, 2021, 3:30:32 AM
neohongkong wrote:
I said again wiki has a collection of link

read them

3.15 change
3.14 change
and so on

Read from 2.6 (google item filter legacy league

Just searched through all patch notes since 2.0.0

No mention of LifeFlask or that it has been changed = missing info in patch notes.

neohongkong wrote:

There is some undocumented change BTW

Yeah, what I'm trying to do here is document them...

I guess we could just start guessing class names... see which work...

Edit: Which is something GGG should have done on their own homepage since they decided that the community should make their own loot filters. They don't even show their own default.filter to players.
Last edited by Isobel on Aug 8, 2021, 4:28:55 AM
Does the Life Flask item page is correct or not?

(right hand side. Also note that "item class id" and the "item class" are two things. pypoe datamine the id and then use wiki module to translate as the real item class, which may be wrong as last "complete" datamining exporting was in 3.12)
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
The list I found was the list I posted above. Which had all the errors.

Ok just tested:

Class Life Flask
Class "Life Flask"
Class "Life Flasks"
Class Life Flasks
Class Flask
Class Flasks
Class Flasks life
Class Flasks Life
Class Life

All but 1 worked... only 1 should.

So what will show up in my loot filter when I search for the Class Flask compared to Class Flasks compared to Class Life Flasks?

Edit: One Flask should have been Flasks.
Last edited by Isobel on Aug 8, 2021, 4:45:30 AM
Isobel wrote:
The list I found was the list I posted above. Which had all the errors.

Ok just tested:

Class Life Flask
Class "Life Flask"
Class "Life Flasks"
Class Life Flasks
Class Flask
Class Flasks
Class Flasks life
Class Flasks Life
Class Life

All but 1 worked... only 1 should.

So what will show up in my loot filter when I search for the Class Flask compared to Class Flasks compared to Class Life Flasks?

Edit: One Flask should have been Flasks.

Not sure this 3.15 change affect the function or not

You can now specify item classes by category, if there is exactly 1 category for that class. This results in it being backwards compatible, because the ItemClasses uses the plural form and the ItemClassCategories uses the singular. The syntax is the same, for example you can search either Class "Abyss Jewels" or Class "Abyss Jewel".

and the quotation mark it seems a must. (or you can reverse engineering neversink filer)
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
Last edited by neohongkong on Aug 8, 2021, 5:05:02 AM

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