Betrayal Rewards

Last league the rewards you got from betrayal were tripled. This league it seems they removed that, or a bug, but u still only do 1 category of betrayal things. I dont remember reading about this, is this intended. PC gets a guaranteed reasearch intervention and a random third one.
Last bumped on May 3, 2021, 9:24:28 AM
straylight23 wrote:
Last league the rewards you got from betrayal were tripled. This league it seems they removed that, or a bug, but u still only do 1 category of betrayal things. I dont remember reading about this, is this intended. PC gets a guaranteed reasearch intervention and a random third one.

Not just last league. At least since Legion, probably before.

We are supposed to get 3x rewards because we get 1/3rd the encounters.

It's definitely a bug.

I'm *really* hoping it's fixed in the next patch, which should hopefully be in a few days?
Not just last league. At least since Legion, probably before.

We are supposed to get 3x rewards because we get 1/3rd the encounters.

It's definitely a bug.

I'm *really* hoping it's fixed in the next patch, which should hopefully be in a few days?

Last league they were definetly tripled. I originally started on xbox , left for pc, and came back to xbox last league and saw the difference . multiple times i got 6 it that fled benchs in research. Now i just did a safehouse and it the flad leader and i only got 1 bench. When i did catarina, i got 2 benchs (im unsure if it that fled was leader or not, i dont believe so).
straylight23 wrote:
Not just last league. At least since Legion, probably before.

Last league they were definetly tripled.

Yes, we got 3x PC rewards last league. And all the leagues before that going back *at least* to Legion.

Has there been an acknowledgement that they know it is broken? I don’t recall seeing one.

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