《新手必备基础-构建BD知识》 Essential foundation for beginners - building BD knowledge


*Battle mode selection of exiled BD

战斗模式 分为 攻击 或者 法术

Combat mode is divided into attack or spell

攻击 伤害 分为 ①物理击中伤害 ⑥物理持续伤害 (流血,中毒)

The attack damage is divided into ① physical hit damage and ⑥ physical continuous damage (bleeding, poisoning)

② 火焰击中伤害 ⑦ 火焰持续伤害 (点燃)

② Fire strike damage (7) continuous fire damage (ignite)

③冰霜击中伤害 ⑧冰霜持续伤害 (技能持续伤)

③ Frost hit damage 8. Frost sustained damage (skill sustained damage)

④闪电击中伤害 ⑨闪电持续伤害 (技能持续伤)

④ Lightning strike damage (9) lightning sustained damage (skill sustained damage)

⑤混沌击中伤害 ⑩混沌持续伤害 (中毒、技能持续伤)

⑤ Chaos hit damage (10) chaos sustained damage (poisoning, skill sustained damage)

法术 伤害 分为 ①物理击中伤害 ⑥物理持续伤害 (流血,中毒)

Spell damage is divided into 1 Physical hit damage and 6 physical continuous damage (bleeding, poisoning)

② 火焰击中伤害 ⑦火焰持续伤害 (点燃)

② Fire strike damage (7) continuous fire damage (ignite)

③冰霜击中伤害 ⑧冰霜持续伤害 (技能持续伤)

③ Frost hit damage 8. Frost sustained damage (skill sustained damage)

④闪电击中伤害 ⑨闪电持续伤害 (技能持续伤)

④ Lightning strike damage (9) lightning sustained damage (skill sustained damage)

⑤混沌击中伤害 ⑩混沌持续伤害 (中毒、技能持续伤) 特列:腐蚀伤害

⑤ Chaos hit damage (10) chaos continuous damage (poisoning, skill continuous damage) Special: corrosion damage

持续伤害一般都是 伤害性异常 还有非伤害性异常 如冰冻冰缓,感电。。。。

Continuous damage is usually injurious, and non injurious, such as freezing, ice slowing, electric shock, etc....


For example, the selection of combat mode is as follows:

尝试1: 攻击 ①物理击中伤害 击中可以走暴击流 也可以走超载流 前期 超载(暴击时伤害提供额外伤 暴击不提供伤 中后期走 暴击流 暴击流伤害 游戏中最高)

Try 1: Attack (1) physical hit. Damage hit can go through critical hit stream or overload stream. Overload in the early stage (critical hit provides frontal trauma, while critical hit does not provide middle and late stage damage. Critical hit stream has the highest damage in the game)

尝试2 :如果选择 攻击⑥物理持续伤害 那么一般 就是流血流派了 流血一般在天赋盘下方区域

Try 2: if you choose attack 6 physical continuous damage, it's usually the bleeding genre. Bleeding is usually in the area below the talent disk

尝试3: 如果选择 法术 ⑦火焰持续伤害 (点燃) 那么一般 就是点燃)流派

Try 3: if you choose spell 7 fire continuous damage (ignite), then it's usually ignite (ignite) genre

*攻击技能 不靠技能石等级 靠武器获得大量点伤害和增加伤害 做大伤武器*法术技能 靠技能石等级 堆点伤 每提升1等级加大量点伤 伤害直线飙升 做等级武器

*Attack skills don't depend on skill stone level, but on weapons to gain a lot of point damage and increase damage to become a big damage weapon * magic skills depend on skill stone level to stack point damage, and increase a lot of point damage by 1 level to become a level weapon

(所有想做装提升 第一首选 武器然后其他, 一个伪镜子 提升至少1/3 高的能提升 1/2 有没有伪镜子武器 差距很大)

(all those who want to be the first choice weapon to upgrade, then others. If a fake mirror can upgrade at least 1 / 3, it can upgrade 1 / 2. There is a big gap between the fake mirror weapon and the fake mirror weapon.)

开荒 选择流派:1-70 建议 走超载 流按

Schools of choice for reclaiming wasteland

到了异界 80-90 级时 超载打不动时 击中流派 走暴击流

When you reach alien level 80-90, you are overloaded. When you can't move, you hit the genre and take a critical hit stream

持续流派无法走暴击流派 只能换BD或者4条T1以上的装备搞起来 建议还是换个技能。。

Continuous genre can't go, critical genre can only change BD or 4 T1 above equipment. It's suggested to change a skill..

装备目标 :1-70 目标 暗金人

Equip target: 1-70 target dark gold man

80-90 暗金人 可以打就继续干 不换装

80-90 dark gold man can fight and continue to work without changing clothes

否则 过度 武器盾牌黄装攻击

Otherwise excessive weapons shield yellow attack

防具全生命抗性 +点攻击 T2T3的就行

Armor full life resistance + point attack t2t3 on the line

90-100级目标 打的过就不换了打不过 换黄装 4t1的至少3条半 或者直接换bd换技能 看排行榜一般2周就可以看哪个排行强大了

The 90-100 level target won't be changed after playing, but you can change at least three and a half of the Yellow 4T1 or directly change the BD skills to see which ranking is strong in 2 weeks


*Construction of exiled BD defense

第一步选择致死血量: 回血 ,回盾流 。魔力流

The first step is to choose the lethal amount of blood: return blood, return shield flow. Magic flow

第二步 必备: ①火冰电抗性 80% (极限流派可以 -60以上)

The second step is necessary: ① the fire ice reactance is 80% (the limit is above - 60)

② 怪物物理伤害处理:护甲 或者 承受物理伤害转为元素伤 或者 耐力球 或者 减承受伤等等

② Monster physical damage handling: armor or bear physical damage to elemental damage or endurance ball or reduce bearing damage, etc

③ 可选必备 怪物混沌伤害处理: 1堆混沌抗性 或者走1血免疫混沌 等等

③ Optional necessary monster chaos damage handling: 1 pile of chaos resistance or 1 blood immune chaos and so on

④ 怪物腐化之血处理:珠宝 用瓦尔宝珠 瓦出 免疫腐化之血

④ How to deal with the monster's rotten blood: Jewels use warball tiles to produce immune rotten blood

怪物伤害和人物伤害类型都有 火冰电物混 击中和持续伤害 多了个腐化之血 血飞一样的掉如果没有免疫的话

Both monster damage and character damage types have fire, ice, electricity, mixed strike and continuous damage. If you don't have immunity, you'll lose the same amount of corrupt blood

第三选择:①减承受伤②魔力抵扣③双躲④双格挡 ⑥ 光环流 等等

The third choice: ① reduce bearing injury, ② magic deduction, ③ double hiding, ④ double block, ⑥ halo flow, etc

(*最强防御 就是极限攻击 怪物在屏幕外就已经被秒 投射物都发不出来)

(* the strongest defense is extreme attack. Monsters can't be launched by missiles in seconds outside the screen)


*Basic knowledge of jewelry (attributes: strength, sensitivity, intelligence, point injury)

基础珠宝红蓝绿 优先属性排序: 暴击伤害> 属性>攻速>伤害 +生命/护盾/魔力 。。有时候还会+增益状态 如:猛攻 。致盲等等。。。

Basic jewelry red, blue and green priority attributes: critical hit damage > attributes > attack speed > damage + life / shield / magic.. Sometimes it will be + gain state, such as: attack. Blinding and so on...

深渊珠宝 优先属性排序: 属性>攻速>暴击伤害>伤害 +生命/护盾/魔力 。。有时候还会+增益状态 如:猛攻 。致盲.嘲讽等等。。。

Abyss jewelry priority attributes: attributes > attack speed > critical hit damage > damage + life / shield / magic.. Sometimes it will be + gain state, such as: attack. Blinding, mocking, etc...

特列: 召唤珠宝 优先召唤伤害 、召唤攻速+生命/护盾/魔力 (不同流派 选择不同的 致死血量 !)

Special line: Summon jewels first summon damage, summon attack speed + HP / shield / Magic (different schools choose different lethal HP!)

列如:① 暴击伤害① 暴击伤害① 暴击伤害①生命 暴击-生命流派 用的

For example: 1. Critical damage 1. Critical damage 1. Critical damage 1. Life critical - used by life schools

千敏 千智 千力 选择 对应属性的 +生命/护盾/魔力

Qianmin Qianzhi Qianli chooses the corresponding attribute's + life / shield / magic

*伤害属性条选择 法术附加点伤害 还有附加点伤害是攻击附加

*In the damage attribute bar, choose the spell bonus point damage, and the bonus point damage is the attack bonus

不要 玩法术 选了附加点伤害那是攻击附加 错误 法术附加一般 都写法术的

Don't play magic. If you choose additional damage, it's an attack additional error. Magic additional is usually written for magic


What we don't write is attack plus damage

是增加伤 还是额外伤 还是点伤 请移步pob模拟

Do you want to add damage or extra damage or point damage? Please move to POB simulation

*新手日常猝死 原因: 被诅咒了(怎么走的这么慢 怎么发不出技能),身上多个异常状态(中毒,流血,冰冻,点燃),腐化之血,腐蚀地面,燃烧地面,)

*Causes of novice's daily sudden death: cursed (how to walk so slowly, how can't develop skills), multiple abnormal states (poisoning, bleeding, freezing, lighting), rotten blood, corroding the ground, burning the ground,)

(怪物攻击减抗性 5000物理伤 3000混沌伤 怪物暴击 怪物幸运暴击,

(monster attack reduces resistance by 5000, physical damage by 3000, chaos damage by 3000, monster critical hit by 3000, monster lucky critical hit by 3000),

怎么一直在掉血怪物在吸血 ,怪物瞬秒 反射元素伤害 反射物理伤害 ,

How can you lose blood all the time? Monsters are sucking blood. Monsters instantly reflect elemental damage and physical damage,

无法回复生命地图 没药了 无法吸血吸魔 怪物打断施法被 眩晕 小怪怎么这么强你被秒了 被法术怪物 多个投射物 丢死了 小怪怎么这么强)

Can't restore life map myrrh can't suck blood sucking monster interrupt casting stun little monster how so strong you've been killed by multiple projectiles of spell monster how strong little monster is)
Last bumped on Feb 25, 2021, 5:42:40 PM
Thanks for the tip.
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3573673)
I'm sure this sounded better in the Original Chinese. I have no idea what you're talking about tho. Thats ok. I got English poe wiki
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Feb 25, 2021, 1:02:21 AM
lol wtf
What is the value of my own life when it is taken from others so easily?
I knew it. Those damned continuous injurious damages sucking my blood.
I'll be reducing my bearing injury by doubling hiding and improving my basic jewelry knowledge (point injury) so that next time, I'll be prepared for the 1. Critical damage 1. Critical damage 1. Critical damage usually ignite genre.

Thanks for the advice.
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
you must be really bored...
Is this the combat log everyone always complains about China client having and us not?
innervation wrote:
Is this the combat log everyone always complains about China client having and us not?

And that was only what happened in the last 1 second before you died...

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