Scientific Melee Tier List for 3.13 by KissMeQuick

The scientific community has decided!

#1 Gladiator - Fast, best eHP & damage
#2 Raider - Gladiator V2, very strong and fast now, plausible #1
#3 Champion - Lost ~ 20% DPS
#4 Assassin - Lost ~ 10% DPS
#5 Berserker - Not much changed, still has highest PoB DPS
#6 Slayer - Would have been bottom but got some damage buffs
#7 Juggernaut - Wack! Inefficient & game has too many DPS checks.

That's it folks!
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums -
Last bumped on Jan 12, 2021, 6:57:57 AM
Thread says melee. I seen no melee here.
I tend to agree with you here. That's a first. Don't know how to feel about that.

I like how they made the Gladiator block nodes global block instead of shield/dual block. Might bring my Staff Cyclone Berserker from Harvest over to Gladiator. He will lose around 2-3 million DPS and some speed, but will have enough DPS and 79/79 block as a two-hander.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz on Jan 12, 2021, 6:58:21 AM

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