➡️Suggestions of hideout Functionalites / QoLs / Features⬅️
Some functionalities / Qols / Features that would be so nice to get, I also used the thread by Fall to add some of them (here).
This thread will be updated as it goes, don't hesitate to post the ideas you have too, I'll add them to the list. Update
Added new suggestions in 3.15
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🏡Hideout building functionalities - Do/Undo functionality with Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Y shortcuts. - Multiple selection of decorations / Moving them at once. - Copy/Paste one or multiple selected items (i select 2 trees, i do Ctrl + C and Ctrl + v and they are duplicated, i can rotate and invert them at once too). - Displaying a simple big/mid-sized/small grid so we can be more precise in building our hideout. - More freedom with the camera (unlocking it from the character while in edit mode for instance). - Being able to upscale/downscale decorations. - Being able to change the height of a decoration (Z-axis, if i want to put a bottle on a table or on the ground i can do it). - A "mirror" functionality so we can place 2 objects exactly in the same way. - Probably hard : being able to edit the terrain (its reliefs/depth). - Changing the color of the decorations (having a wide pallete of colors that we can apply to them). 🖱️QoLs - Tooltip to show which master sells decorations (https://i.imgur.com/HYBAp9A.png). - Smaller hitboxes for decorations and smaller hitboxes for hideout walls so we can cover them. - Invisible map device variation so we can combine it with decorations. - Ability to hide the UI. - Assign a custom doodad to the "tools" we use in game (the crafting bench / the stashes / the harvest and heist stashes / ...) ; for example if i want to use a "Verdant tree" doodad as my stash I can do it. - Add a search bar to highlight a specific doodad you want to see in your hideout (I press Edit > Alt I type in "verdant tree" in a search bar and all the verdant trees in the hideout are highlighted). 💡Other features Remark : I try to present systems with a certain complexity but of course if due to the amount of work required or/and the technical difficulty they might pose, a simplified version of them would already be extremely nice. - Moving NPCS (for a better lived-in atmosphere) => Mutiple animations would be very cool (sitting, walking, discussing, etc..) *Following a defined path in a certain order or randomly (ideally having the possibility to set a timer for each part of the path). For example I tell it to go to A then B, wait 10 sec, and go to C. A random option would allow for example to instead of doing A > B > C > D it'd do D/A > B > C > A/D and loop it. *Making them disappear for a certain amount of time upon reaching a certain area. With the example above, it appears at C in front of a house, disappears X sec/mns, and then reappears and restarts the tour, so it looks somewhat natural and they don't roam around constantly. *Having the possibility to do the same with our pets would be nice too. * Ideally if it could work with objects too, so for instance we could make a boat moving on the water. - Similarly to the NPCS system, a sort of appear/disappear system upon reaching a certain time, this would allow for example to make a weather system (X rain decorations appear every X minutes, stay for Y time, and disappear after Z minutes, and loop it), it could work for other purposes like making a fog appears/disappears or other effects such as changing the decorations/lighting from various decos sources from time to time which would make a very good point of making multiple versions of a same hideout. - A day/night toggle with the possibility to set a timer, it could be mixed with the previous system so when the rain stops the lighting changes. - Being able to play custom sounds (ideally with an option to get certain sounds limited to certain areas)/music in our hideout (more details here : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2913742). - The possibility to have working stairs with multiple floors in our hideout. - Add an option to allow the NPCS voice lines in our hideout (I walk past Niko and he starts to tell me one of his lines for example, it'd add some atmosphere to the hideout). - To be able to set where our pets can't go when they roam randomly in our hideout. ❗Bugs❗ - The wp can't be rotated. - Ground textures are flickering when they overlap. - Increase the rendering distance if possible please (https://youtu.be/mK4xGREIn38). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other link :🏠Hideout decorations suggestions. 📜My hideout thread : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2542497 Last edited by Synopsis#1060 on Sep 15, 2021, 2:56:10 AM Last bumped on Sep 10, 2021, 3:52:28 AM
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" Move decorations on a Z axis. Problem solved, and tons of possibility added. ps: GUILDHIDEOUTWHEN ? Last edited by Bigbadmurloc#7691 on Mar 22, 2021, 7:13:04 PM
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Bump 3.15
📜My hideout thread : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2542497
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