Fix your fuckin game GGG WTF
I legit crashed 5 time in the last hour, fuckin syndicate mastermind won't even load and automatically closes the instance. Harvest is all lag, cracking my 3 t4 drops my fps to one. Fix the goddamn game, this is way beyond incompetent or stupid, wtf did the last patch do? Absolutely nothing, it's all just bullshit, oh and before anyone starts with the FTP bullshit, I dropped over a 100USD into this fuckin mess of a port.
Last bumped on Aug 18, 2020, 2:57:09 PM
Played on PS4 up till the first season started. Was clear to me way back then in, what was that 2012?, They were ignoring the ps4 problems and pretty much left us out to dry. I just tried to come back this season I swear it is WORSE then it was at release for crashes. And the frame drops I do not remember getting much of that till you started packing 50+ more monsters on map with double beyond and crap like that. I was getting those frame drops in the first dang act.
You killed it right when you said they were ignoring PS4 problems in 2012. You have to be at least a little realistic.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.