All League Modes feel like SSF
Hey GGG,
I have a pleasure, can you please connect PS4 and PC Lobbys? All Leagues on PS4 feel like i'm playing SSF, its not even possible to buy a Calamitous Visions (Wich is not the rarest item IG) in the market, because there is none. Me and much other guys Supported this game very hard, but theres no change in terms of crashes or a fusion between all platforms. We, the console players, can not really play the game, and thats a fact. So my Question is.. Can you maybe remove the normal leagues for maybe a better Performance (Cause league makes no sense since theyre much items you can simply not buy bc nobody have it) or is there a fusion between PS4 and PC in further future? At the end i have to say its really a great game, but the implementation feels very very bad sometimes. Please, do something, and listen to the Console Community. Last bumped on Aug 10, 2020, 2:45:45 PM
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" Pure speculation but I would assume that GGG can't commit more dev resource to consoles as they don't earn enough back from the console players and they will struggle to grow the console player base further because the numerous issues that plague the console implementation (lag, crashes, clunky controller UI, inconsistent button mappings, and more) make it a difficult sell for existing players to invite in their non-PoE playing friends. Chicken, meet Egg... Maybe, *maybe* the next gen of consoles will paper over some of the performance issues (i.e. they'll still be there but the consoles now have enough juice to maintain a good performance), freeing up dev time to make UI/QoL improvements; this is my hope at least. If so then perhaps it will be easier to grow the playerbase enough to warrant adding more dev resource to fix some of the more fundamental problems with the console implementation. Cross-play with PC / XBox would be great but would require patch releases to be uniform across all platforms which I'd guess would require significant investment into their console dev teams to achieve: I don't see this happening anytime soon. Improving the trade market will only come with a larger playerbase, full crossplay or or some artifical remedy form GGG (unlikely). |
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Maybe they could handle xbox/ps4 crossplay it would solve the trade league feeling like ssf. I'd settle for just combining the trade board.
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For me worst thing after moving from PC to PS4 is lack of playing with others. Why there is no public parties that you can join like on PC? even inviting people to play with you when I find them over chat is so complicated. Even guild system is missing. I for sure feel like SSF as even as new player can't afford simple items that would help me progress as PS4 economy is crazy.
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