PS4 Crashes,Transferable Cosmetics , Cross Save
I have been playing on ps4 for a while now. I am considering coming over to pc due to crashes and lag.I don't mind starting from scratch. The only problem I have is that I bough cosmetic stuff on PS4. My Question is, do you think in the future they will allow you to move cosmetic stuff bought? Will they fix the crashing problem on Consol? games like neverwinter, destiny 2, and warzone can be played on pc and console but experiences very little crashes. My final question is will they allow cross save in the future?
please feel free to tell me something I don't or your ideas. ' Everything is appreciated Last bumped on Jul 14, 2020, 12:32:41 AM
They should offer us transfers to pc at this point,this leagues performance vs last league has been so bad i quit early
I agree because it runs poorly on PS4, destiny 2 has cross save. Even if that is not possible they should at least allow us to transfer cosmetics so we don't have to spend the money again.