Fix this game
How come you have not been able to fix all of the million bugs and crashes this game has for PS4 players? It kind of sucks to farm Maps for a day to be able to kill the awakener and then the game crashes... it also sucks to farm Lab for it to crash aswell. A really simple fix to this it to make us have infinite amount of portals to certain instances for exempel. I just wasted 4 orbs to be able to reach the second room in Lab just because it crashed all the time. Crashed twice on Sirus aswell. Is there anyone who`ve reached level 100 on PS4 due to all crash related deaths you have in this game?
Last bumped on Jul 13, 2020, 6:10:25 PM
they dont give a shit about ps4 . its all about money. There are still so much bugs on pc they literally dont pay any attention to ps4 i dont know how this game passed the playstation screening, its so ass
Ok but put this in the feedback section please cause this isn’t a big report
" Ok but PoE is a joke on console and they call it a game, so why can't the dude complain and call it a bug report? |
" Because its a feedback and not a bug report lol "Fix it soon becaise beong locked out of my wealth and my character puts a hold on me trading and bartering to increase my wealth" - Nameless Forum Poster.