Where myself and other pros have been (and will continue to be)
For those who haven't noticed, a lot of the players that actually matter have been navigating themselves a bit away from Path of Exile. Even the new season of D3 shows traces of 'decent' content. For PoE, I can't say the same, especially recently. And I know my opinion here isn't unique, we all have the innate sense to KNOW that something is wrong with the game fundamentally. One build shouldn't overthrow another completely. This is nonsense.
Anyhow, a player who hits notes on the riffs I play usually wouldn't take the smalltime to talk about this type of secret. We don't ever reveal all our cards to normal noobs that hang out around here. All I can say is, with 1-2 build tweaks, I've basically unlocked the entire game with any build. A build a lot of people almost thought about, I made work, professionally. Now that same player is telling you the game is stale, and it's time to move on. Where I'll Be: I'll be playing the latest content in a game that actually updates fun classes like Demon Hunter if you know what I mean :). Multiple set and item reworks. Better game progression. Actually challenging solo rifts. Sorry for the lesser players who don't fully understand the 'pros lament' I'm laying down for the viewer to behold. All I'm saying is, don't try too hard this season, because the best are choosing not to play. #1 isn't #1 this season without players like myself actively competing. Most of us are leaving for now, the meta has gotten more stale than saturday night nachos that you still choose to eat in the morning anyhow. Well, I'm done with this particular bed and breakfast. Last edited by Ian_GGG#0000 on Jun 3, 2023, 9:34:41 AM Last bumped on Jun 3, 2023, 9:40:09 AM
Are you Kop*****'s alternate account?
"Are you trying to trivialize a legitimate concern post with, essentialy, a 1 line meme? Real impressive, pal. |
This announcement comes from the same "pro" who claimed the last act is impossible to play with a Marauder.
" Are you trying delegitimize his inquiring post with, in essence, a 2 line meme? Verily admirable, bub. There's no powercreep here. Creep implies it's slow and could be overlooked, this is a full out sprint.
" The kitava landing was faked, it's all GGG chemtrails to inject you with the melees. There's no powercreep here. Creep implies it's slow and could be overlooked, this is a full out sprint.
Is this a copypasta?
The fuck is a pro lament LOL
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr |
Illuminati confirmed!
Hmmm... if the Illuminati all wear tin-foil hats, do they cancel each other out? |