[BIG UPDATE, +VIDEOS!] [3.25] LACERMAN 2 BUILD (Fast ClearSpeed + EZ to Play + All Content + Tanky)

ATTENTION: The build is finally out of beta state with all newly recorded videos, 24.5m Pinnacle DPS and 780k EHP! Currently, this is x3.2 times more DPS than the beta release and x2.7 times more than good old Lacerman 1 Build! But you know that there is no limit for improvements. This build became that good and loved back in the day mostly thanks to players improving it by sharing their ideas here. If you see any improvements, I kindly ask you to share them in this thread with a Pob link if possible. Thank you and once again after so long: Happy Lacerating!🪽

Here is the original post of Lacerman Build 1 which died in 3.15 for some nostalgia. Here is my farewell message in 3.15 for what we have achieved in those 2 years, all the records, old Pobs of how the build was in its old days and more! Also, don't forget to check out Sunderman build here which was before Lacerman build, again for some nostalgia.


Patch Changes:

Changes to Build:

~UPDATE 3.3: Excessive Bleed Chance Fix (19.09.2024)

Changes to Gears: Required Gear had 6.08m to 6.23m DPS, 771k EHP to 783k EHP, and life from 5.3k to 5.4k. Meta Gear had 23.95m to 24.56m DPS and 773k to 780k EHP, and life from 5.3 to 5.4k.

1) It turns out I made an awful mistake while calculating the bleed chance in the game, I picked normal attack instead of Lacerate. This resulted in %25 overcapped bleed, but thankfully the change required and the impact to the build is very minimal. Interestingly, no one playing the build warned me until yesterday, where linsam made a post and warned me. I removed the Bleed Chance node on Savage Wounds and picked the faster bleeding node instead. I also refunded(scoured) x2 bleed tattoos (Tattoo of the Kitava Shaman).
2) Our Life Mastery is refunded in place of a life node on both gears. This increased life a little bit.

~UPDATE 3.2: 20 div Cost Reduction on Both Gears! (06.09.2024)
1) Previously on this thread, I have told you Required Gear costs 50-60 div and Meta Gear 150-170 div. But after days of stalking trade, even though these are achievable, I decided to increase the budgets by a bit. Meta Gear cost is increased to 160-180 div and Required Gear to 60-70 div. Until this update! Please read on.
2) Changed level 4 Enlighten Support on both gears with level 3 Enlighten Support, crafted 7% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills on Required Gear helmet and changed previous Eater mod with 7% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills on Meta Gear helmet. This reduced Required Gear cost from 60-70 div to 40-50 div and Meta Gear cost from 160-180 div to 140-160 div. In terms of Required Gear, the only barrier is broken and gearing up is much easier now! Meta Gear DPS is also reduced from 24.02m to 23.95m.
3) It turned out Required Gear had an error in configurations. It was actually 5.99m DPS instead of 6.15m. Sorry for this.
4) Added 21-20 Brutality, Melee Physical Damage and Cruelty supports to Lacerate on Required Gear since they are pretty cheap. This increased DPS of Required Gear from 5.99m to 6.08m.

~UPDATE 3.1: Small Fixes (03.09.2024)

1) Axe mastery on the left was forgotten on Blood/Sand stance bonuses, but we do not switch between stances anymore. It's changed with Bleeding you inflict deals Damage %15 faster. This increased Meta Gear DPS from 22.91m to 24.02m, and Required Gear DPS from 5.91m to 6.15m with minimal initial hit loss.
2) I managed to find a 1-skill shorter way of getting both life and mana leech on passive trees. This also reduces the mana cost of both Leap Slam and Lacerate/Sunder by %23, making managing mana a bit easier until we get a Soul Taker. Please note that all of the leveling trees are updated. Also, we now refund the Spirit of War node and the small node leading to it when we get a Soul Taker, and also refund the small life leech node on the upper part of Unwavering Stance after applying the Tattoo of the Kitava Blood Drinker (0.5% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life).

~UPDATE 3: End of Beta State and All New Videos (30.08.2024)

Changes to Meta Gear: In total, DPS has improved from 9.42m to 22.91m, EHP has improved from 734k to 773k, life has reduced from 6.1k to 5.3k, Physical Damage Reduction has improved from %79 to %89, and Spell Suppression Chance has been improved from %80 to %100.

Changes to Required Gear: In total, DPS has improved from 2.92m to 5.91m, EHP has improved from 671k to 771k, life has reduced from 6.0k to 5.3k, Physical Damage Reduction has improved from %80 to %88, and Spell Suppression Chance has been improved from %66 to %92.

1) Forbidden Flesh and Forbidden Flame jewels are added.
2) Ashes of the Stars amulet is added.
3) More cluster jewels are added.
4) A lot of tattoos are added to the passive tree. Most of them was to replace the bleed nodes that weren't effective enough.
5) Vaal Double Strike is changed with War Banner. This is because after all the DPS improvements, Vaal Double Strike started to become weak and War Banner provides a very nice DPS buff to us. And the best of all is with the added support gems, War Banner lasts 34 seconds!
6) Blood and Sand is changed with Herald of Purity. No more stance changing so 1 less button press and much higher DPS!
7) Watcher's Eye on Meta Gear is changed with another Watcher's Eye having a double mod and a Watcher's Eye with a single mod is added to Required Gear. Required Gear now has Light of Meaning and rare Required Gear jewels are improved as well.
8) Small clusters having Enduring Composure are changed with Megalomaniac jewels having Enduring Composure and Battle-Hardened.

~UPDATE 2: CWDT Fix~ (21.08.2024)

Changes to Meta Gear: In total, DPS has improved from 9.26m to 9.42m, EHP has reduced from 750k to 734k, life has reduced from 6.2k to 6.1k, and Physical Damage Reduction has reduced from %80 to %79. Total cost is reduced by 19 divines.

1) Changed More Duration on CWDT with Lifetap. It has to be level 1 and %20-23 quality. This change fully fixed our CWDT problem and it is now working as intended.
2) Lowered Enlighten Support lv4 to lv3 since we don't need the extra mana anymore. This is a huge cost reduction for Meta Gear!
3) Removed a life node and added a life leech node on Passive Tree. Even if we have life leech on endurance charges and endurance charges are mostly maximum, this is for the situations where we don't have a single endurance charge.
4) Changed 9% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills Eater mod on the helmet with (20-22)% increased Attack Damage. We don't need Mana Reservation Efficiency affix anymore since CWDT works on life with this update.

Changes to Required Gear: In total, DPS is unchanged, EHP has reduced from 689k to 671k, life has reduced from 6.1k to 6.0k, and Physical Damage Reduction is unchanged. Total cost is reduced by 1 divine.

1) Changed More Duration on CWDT with Lifetap. It has to be level 1 and %20-23 quality. This change fully fixed our CWDT problem and it is now working as intended.
2) Removed a life node and added a life leech node on Passive Tree. Even if we have life leech on endurance charges and endurance charges are mostly maximum, this is for the situations where we don't have a single endurance charge.
3) Removed 9% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills Eater mod on the helmet to reduce costs since we don't need it anymore as CWDT works on life with this update.

~UPDATE 1: More DPS and EHP~ (19.08.2024)

Changes to Meta Gear:

In total, DPS has improved from 7.72m to 9.26m, EHP has improved from 480k to 750k, Life has reduced from 6.6k to 6.2k, and Physical Damage Reduction has increased from %67 to %80. Only with 3-4 more divines.

1) Added Bleeding you inflict deals Damage 7% faster Eater implicit and 5% increased Damage per Endurance Charge Exarch implicit on boots for more DPS.
2) Added Brutal Restraint on the left jewel socket. You can use dekharas 3815 or 1200 on any akhara on Brutal Restraint. This both increased DPS, some EHP, life, and removed the need for an important amount of Dexterity on gear. We also moved The Light of Meaning to the right jewel socket.
3) Replaced the helm with a better one having the same mods.
4) Removed Maim and Blind on hit on Dual Wielding Mastery and got Elusive instead. Added 2 Tattoo of the Tasalio Bladedancer on 2 Strength nodes to get back maim.
5) Increased maximum Frenzy Charges to 4 by adding Savagery node.
6) We weren't able to generate endurance charges on bosses and they weren't sustaining good enough. To fix this and even improve further, we have changed Disciple of Unyielding node with a cluster jewel having Enduring Composure and also increased maximum Endurance Charges to 5 with the Vigour and Stamina nodes. This increased EHP a lot. This also granted us more life leech than we had.
7) Removed a bleed node and added +3% to Damage Over Time Multiplier for Bleeding per Endurance Charge as Bleeding Mastery. This increased DPS by a nice amount.
8) It turned out we didn't have enough mana to cast CWDT skills and because of this, 9% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills Eater implicit is added to the helm.
9) Removed Life and Mana Leech node on passive tree and got "20 Life and Mana gained when you block" on Block Mastery on Swagger. This made casting of CWDT skills more frequent, but still not enough. I will work more on making CWDT casts more frequently in the next update.
10) Passive Trees section is updated according to the changes.

Changes to Required Gear:

In total, DPS has improved from 2.59m to 2.92m, EHP has improved from 484k to 689k, Life has reduced from 6.6k to 6.1k, and Physical Damage Reduction has increased from %68 to %80. Only with 2 more divines.

1) Added Brutal Restraint on the left jewel socket. You can use dekharas 3815 or 1200 on any akhara on Brutal Restraint. This both increased DPS, some EHP, life, and removed the need for an important amount of Dexterity on gear.
2) Removed Maim and Blind on hit on Dual Wielding Mastery and got Elusive instead. Added 2 Tattoo of the Tasalio Bladedancer on 2 Strength nodes to get back maim.
3) Increased maximum Frenzy Charges to 4 by adding Savagery node.
4) We weren't able to generate endurance charges on bosses and they weren't sustaining good enough. To fix this and even improve further, we have changed Disciple of Unyielding node with a cluster jewel having Enduring Composure and also increased maximum Endurance Charges to 5 with the Vigour and Stamina nodes. This increased EHP a lot. This also granted us more life leech than we had.
5) Removed a bleed node and added +3% to Damage Over Time Multiplier for Bleeding per Endurance Charge as Bleeding Mastery. This increased DPS by a nice amount.
6) It turned out we didn't have enough mana to cast CWDT skills and because of this, 9% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills Eater implicit is added to the helm.
7) Removed Life and Mana Leech node on passive tree and got "20 Life and Mana gained when you block" on Block Mastery on Swagger. This made casting of CWDT skills more frequent, but still not enough. I will work more on making CWDT casts more frequently in the next update.
8) Added one more rare base jewel to the empty jewel socket we recently obtained.


Lacerman build is a combination of easiness to play and being able to do all endgame content at a high efficiency thanks to its fast clear speed and bossing capability. It’s an all-around build designed to do your daily stuff like mapping, delving, simulacrum, uber labs, uber endgame bosses, etc. efficiently. It's also very easy to manage, a complete beginner-friendly build with only 3 skills to use; Leap, Lacerate, and War Banner. Even if you haven’t played Path of Exile before, you will have no problems managing this build in a short time.

Build is mainly based on clearing huge packs of monsters both as fast and easy as possible, using Leap and Lacerate. Attack speed on everywhere possible makes us travel fast with Leap and turn Lacerate into a machine gun, then blast the whole pack with the Area of Effect and explosions combined. Our Lacerate auto-aims as well with Multistrike, so no need to even target! Then Soul Taker on offhand makes attack skills don’t spend any mana, which allows us to Leap and Lacerate unlimitedly and also allows us to fill up our mana reserve with auras. As well we use a 34 seconds long War Banner while bossing, doing high delirious maps and also whenever extra damage is needed. Lastly, we use a strategic combination of 2 life flasks and a Lion's Roar for knockback which helps us a lot in tricky situations even though we are tanky enough already!


[3.25] Fortress Map (Meta Gear) (T17):


[3.25] Fortress Map (Required Gear) (T17):


[3.25] Cortex Boss (Meta Gear):


[3.25] Simulacrum Last Wave with 2 Bosses (Meta Gear):


Note: These are new videos after the build came out of Beta state. If you have watched the previous videos while the build was Beta, here are the improvements in the videos:

Meta Gear Improvements: DPS has improved from 7.72m to 22.91m, EHP has improved from 480k to 773k, Physical Damage Reduction has increased from %67 to %89 and Spell Suppression Chance has increased from %80 to %100.

Required Gear Improvements: DPS has improved from 2.59m to 5.91m, EHP has improved from 484k to 771k, Physical Damage Reduction has increased from %68 to %88 and Spell Suppression Chance has increased from %66 to %92.

Note 2: After the videos, the DPS of Meta Gear has improved from 22.91m to 24.56m, and Required Gear DPS from 5.91m to 6.23m with small EHP and life improvements.


This section is reserved for Lacerman players who shared videos on this thread. In the previous version of the build years ago, this section had 6 videos. All you have to do is post your video on this thread and if it will be enough to share here like staying true to the build, I will add them! Currently, endgame boss videos are needed, but any kind of video is welcome.


Fast clear speed and good bossing capability
EZ to play (Even for first timers! Mostly a 2-buttoned build. Can be played drunk or whatever.)
Can do all content
Pretty tanky with 780k EHP, max block, %100 spell suppression, %89 physical damage reduction, Elusive, our 2 life flask strategy and knockback
Amazing labber
Has previous records of ranking 16th on lab ladders* and 1st Lacerator and 11th Gladiator to reach level 100** in the past.
Fun to play (Unlimited attack/leap, packs explode all at once!)
%100 tested and real build. Required Gear and Meta Gear are actual characters on my account that you can check out.
Very detailed guide
Console Friendly

*16th in League (logitewty, 24/09/2020):
Video of The Run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohqBj9Ad4H4
His post in thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2875553/page/22#p23538653

**1st Lacerator and 11th Gladiator to reach lv.100 in Ultimatum league (Whiskeys, 07/05/2021):
Screenshot of 1st in Lacerators: https://lensdump.com/i/Iy7lP1
Screenshot of 11th in Gladiators: https://lensdump.com/i/Iy7pbk
His post in thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2875553/page/96#p24088902

There are better league starters out there due to expensive melee prices. You can still league start if you really know what you are doing and follow the guide, but you also might want to pick it as a second build depending on preferences.
Managing resists and stats on gear is a bit challenging
Not recommended for Hardcore
Not recommended for SSF


Required Gear (lv94): https://pobb.in/Us7MBW56vQjr (6.23m Pinnacle DPS, 5.4k life, 783k EHP)
Meta Gear (lv98): https://pobb.in/UojbvJ7x73Cv (24.56m Pinnacle DPS, 5.4k life, 780k EHP)

IMPORTANT: When comparing DPS, import your character onto Required or Meta Gear Pob so all the configurations I made in Pob will be applied to your character. Don't forget to click the checkbox "Delete Skills" when importing Items and Skills so they won't override.


Bandit: Kill All
Ascendancies(in order to get): Gratuitous Violence, Determined Survivor, More Than Skill, War of Attrition

Passive Trees:
Level 12: https://www.poeplanner.com/b/9J1
Level 25: https://www.poeplanner.com/b/9JF
Level 40: https://www.poeplanner.com/b/9J_
Level 50: https://www.poeplanner.com/b/9IJ
Level 60: https://www.poeplanner.com/b/9IZ
Level 75: https://www.poeplanner.com/b/9Ig
Level 90: https://www.poeplanner.com/b/9I5

• Swap the level 90 tree with the Pob tree after you get the required jewels and tattoos. Don't forget to apply tattoos as requested, there are a lot of them.
• Only remove the Spirit of War node and the small node leading to it after getting a Soul Taker.
• Only remove the life leech node on top of Unwavering Stance after applying the Tattoo of the Kitava Blood Drinker tattoo (0.5% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life).
• Use Pride and Flesh and Stone until you get a Soul Taker and then switch to Pride, Malevolence and Blood and Sand. Stay in Sand Stance while clearing and Blood Stance while bossing. After applying Eldritch implicit 7% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills to your helmet as requested in the Required Gear part of Gear and Gems section, you can change Blood and Sand with Herald of Purity.
• If in need of Intelligence or Dexterity, pick +30 to Intelligence or Dexterity nodes.


Major God: Lunaris
Minor God: Ryslatha


1) Required Gear(cheap, can do most content) and it’s Gem Setup (6.23m DPS, 783k EHP, 40-50 div budget excluding gems):

Please read this one first before reading the next one(Meta Gear version) as I am telling all the basics about the gear we will be using here.


On main hand we need an axe that has 550+ physical dps and also having high attacks per second(at least 1.80) and then craft % increased Physical Damage from Runecrafting in Kingsmarch. Cold Damage mod is not needed here and you also don't have to have Strength here.

We need Soul Taker on off-hand to be able to use Leap and Lacerate indefinitely thanks to "Insufficient mana doesn't prevent your melee attacks" mod, also to fill mana reserve with Pride, Malevolence and Herald of Purity.

We’re going to use a rare helm having life and then required resists. Here we need to make sure we have armor/evasion as high as possible. Since we use the Iron Reflexes passive node, evasion also counts as armor for us. To get the 7% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills implicit, we need to use Lesser Eldritch Ichors until we get it. If going for a pure lab build we need Devoto's Devotion here for even more attack speed to Leap. Don't forget to cap levels of your gems in your CWDT setup here like this: Cast While Damage Taken(lv3) - Immortal Call(lv5) - Vulnerability(lv7) - Lifetap(lv1).

We need a 6-link chest with as high armor/evasion as possible and run Lacerate on it. We can use a 5-link until we get a 6-link and don't use Cruelty gem until we get a 6-link. We need Chance to Suppress Spell Damage, Life, required resistances, and %life/mana craft here. To get the Fortify implicit, use Grand Eldritch Ichor until you get it.

We need gloves with Chance to Suppress Spell Damage, Physical Damage to Attacks, Attack Speed, and Life. We need to use Grand Eldritch Ember until we get Physical Damage over Time Multiplier and Grand Eldritch Ichor until we get % chance to Suppress Spell Damage.

For boots, we need Chance to Suppress Spell Damage, required resists, life, and then craft Movement Speed and Onslaught on it. Here if you cannot get a 20-20 Efficacy Support, lower its level to 16-18 matching the Intelligence you have. The loss is minimal and War Banner stays up for 34 seconds. Don't forget to cap the level of Lifetap at 1.

We need a Stygian Vise with life, needed resists, and then craft %Increased Damage on it. On our Abyss Jewel socketed in our belt we need physical damage to attacks, physical damage to axe attacks, and life. Don't forget to use Fertile Catalysts on your belt to increase life.

For rings, we need physical damage and life on both rings, and then needed resists. And then craft %Increased Damage on at least one of them. You can also craft attack speed if you don't have a place for a prefix. Don't forget to use Fertile Catalysts on your rings to increase life.

Here we need an Ashes of The Stars amulet with %28-29 to Quality of all Skill Gems and then anoint Inveterate on it. Don't forget to use Fertile Catalysts on your amulet to increase life. Here we can also get a Carnage Heart for cheap until we can get a rare amulet like this one.

We need a Watcher's Eye having increased Physical Damage while using Pride, The Light of Meaning with increased Physical Damage, Megalomaniac having Enduring Composure and Battle-Hardened, 2 large cluster jewels having these mods, one medium cluster jewel and 3 base jewels. We need an 8-passive large cluster jewel having 3 passive skills; Battle-Hardened, Master the Fundamentals, and another one (Preferably Furious Assault if you are planning to hit level 100 as your last 2 points). Please add Megalomaniac before medium cluster jewels as Enduring Composure on it is our source of Endurance Charges, there is also a cheaper alternative you can get first that you can find below. To get the medium cluster jewel, you can buy any of these in this trade link as the result changes minimally, here. We also need one Brutal Restraint having 3815 or 1200 dekhara with any of the akharas. If you can't find these somehow, you can take dekhara 2808 at the cost of 0.1k life. You can search for these types of Brutal Restraints here. You can also get dekhara 1176 the worst case which lowers DPS but increases life, in case one day the build becomes too popular and the other better dekharas will not be enough.

If you cannot afford the Megalomaniac, you can start with a small cluster jewel like this one.

We are using 2 different life flasks to be able to survive even the hardest endgame content. When we need an instant moderate amount of life recovery we use the first flask, when we get heavy damage and life goes too low we use the second flask as a panic button. This strategy is especially efficient on tough endgame bosses. It's best if the two are used in conjunction like this. We need a T1 roll on both life mods and T1-T2 roll on the bleed mod. Don't forget to buy a %27 quality flask for higher life recovery, we will up this to %30 in Meta Gear flasks as they are a bit expensive especially in early league. Our 2 utility flasks for defense can do with all T2 rolls. Lion's Roar is mainly for the knockback it gives. Since we have pretty high attack speed, all the monsters keep on staying at a distance as long as the flask is up and we are Lacerating in that position. This provides us very nice defense, especially in tricky situations.

2) Meta Gear(more expensive, where it gets crazy. Can do all content) and it’s Gem Setup (24.56m DPS, 780k EHP, 140-160 div budget excluding gems):

It's mostly same with the cheap version having higher dps, better and different items, better min/maxing, extra endgame jewels, improved gems and some more differences. So I'll just tell the differences here other than telling the setup right from the beginning.


A main hand weapon here with higher physical damage(600pDPS or higher) and %25 increased Physical Damage crafted on it from runesmithing in Kingsmarch. Accuracy mod here is not needed and Dexterity isn't a must here since it can also be obtained from other parts of the gear such as helmet or rings, and it is easier to find an axe without Dexterity. Soul Taker on off-hand is the same except it has an implicit that improves it. Use Tempering orbs until you get the implicit.

Same helm as Required Gear. Only that we need (11-12)% increased Area of Effect by applying Grand Eldritch Embers until we get it and apply the same 7% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills by applying Lesser Eldritch Ichors. % increased Rarity of Items found is not a must to have since this is not a magic find build.

Same chest as required gear with an Exarch Implicit and a Tailoring orb implicit added, with higher life. We also change Cruelty support with Awakened Swift Affliction support here. We need to use Grand Eldritch Ember until we get increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your skills. For the Fortify mod, use Grand Eldritch Ichor until you get it. To get the increased Explicit Life Modifier magnitudes, we need to use Tailoring orbs until we get it. Increased Stun and Block Recovery mod is not needed here.

Same gloves. We need to use Grand Eldritch Ember until we get Physical Damage over Time Multiplier and Grand Eldritch Ichor until we get % chance to Suppress Spell Damage.

Everything is the same except we now have Eldritch implicits. We need to use Grand Eldritch Ember until we get %5 increased Damage per Endurance Charge and Grand Eldritch Ichor until we get Bleeding you inflict deals Damage %7 faster. As you can see on Meta Gear we couldn't get a 20-20 Efficacy support and had to go with a level 18 gem and the only difference is %1. Since it is not easy to min-max stats in this build, this is a very minimal loss and does not worth getting more expensive equipment having Intelligence.

Here we swap our Stygian Vise with a Ryslatha's Coil to get huge DPS. Please be aware that there is no resist on this item and we will need to get high resists from other items to compensate. This is why we are saving this item as a later upgrade on Meta Gear. It is cheap on its own, but makes other pieces of gear more expensive to be able to manage resists. If we can get %109 res for all and %75 chaos res, we will be fine. The extra 109 is needed because of the elemental weakness map mod. Don't forget to use Fertile Catalysts on your belt to increase life.

Same rings as Required Gear having better rolls and increased damage crafted on at least one of them. Here we can get/craft Essence of Contempt crafted rings to be able to have T0 11-17 Physical Damage to attacks instead of the regular 9-15 T1 max roll. Don't forget to use Fertile Catalysts on your rings to increase life.

Same Ashes of the Stars, but this time %30 to Quality of All Skill Gems which is a bit more expensive than %28-29 we used on Required Gear. Don't forget to use Fertile Catalysts on your amulet to increase life.

Please first check Required Gear for the required info about the jewels we are using. We change our Watcher's Eye to a double mod with a Malevolence mod added, add Forbidden Flame and Forbidden Flesh jewels both having Bane of Legends, and add another medium cluster jewel. Here I added a bit of chaos resist and more to the cluster jewels as their price increases which made a better fit for Meta Gear, and since it is also harder to balance resists on Meta Gear due to the added Ryslatha's Coil belt. Here please get Forbidden Flame and Forbidden Flesh before upgrading your 1-mod Watcher's Eye you had from Required Gear to the 2-mod one here.

You can also get a Watcher's Eye with these mods depending on the prices, this is generally a bit cheaper but lowers down DPS by a tolerable amount.

All magic flasks need to have %30 quality. Again T1 on life mods and T1-T2 mod on bleed mod on flasks, T1-T2 affixes on utility flasks.


On my setup, flasks buttons 345 are changed with buttons WER, Blood Rage is on T, Leap is on Q and life flask buttons(1-2) are right on top of them. For utility flasks, the default 345 buttons here stay a little far and make us lose time because we activate all utility flasks continuously. Use of life flasks: When we need instant low amount life recovery we use the first flask, when we get heavy damage and life goes too low we use the second flask as a panic button. This strategy is especially efficient on tough endgame bosses. Blood and Sand is on button 3 for stance change.

When running the build, we start with activating Blood Rage(T), then forget it. Then we start leaping and when we find a pack we press buttons WER(or 345 if you didn't change) in a row before Lacerating them so our utility flasks will be activated. Here we need to keep an eye on flasks and once they fill up, we need to activate them again. You'll get used to this in a short time and your flasks will be up most of the time at that point when clearing. Please also note that we are using Lion's Roar which gives us knockback that saves us from tricky situations so you might want to not fully finish its charges. If in danger, use Lion's Roar. If need an extra DPS boost, use War Banner. Please note that War Banner now works on Valour points and the higher they get, the more effective War Banner becomes. The highest Valour point is 50, so you might want to save 50 points before facing the boss if needed. You can see the total count of Valour points on top left amongst buffs.

For bosses, we’ll first be activating Blood Rage, place War Banner, and start Lacerating. We need to keep on placing War Banners if we can get enough Valour in the fight. Or we can also save War Banner for a later phase if the boss has multiple phases having a harder phase later on. Please note that we gain 1 Valour on melee kill or on melee hit against Rare or Unique enemies, no more than once every 0.5 seconds.

For Uber Labs, Just leap and don't Lacerate anything. Don't forget to activate Blood Rage in each room as it resets. Traps will be painless most of the time because of our high physical damage reduction and fast Leap when passing them. If out of potions, find a safe place and Rhyslatha in Pantheon will fill them up. We can also get a Bloodgrip amulet to make traps less painful and for better recovery from flasks. For a pure lab build, use Devoto's Devotion as the helm.

WARNING: Do not activate Blood Rage in maps having "Players have X% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield" mod if your Atlas Tree has many of the "2% increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on your Maps" nodes allocated.


Complete Step-by-Step Levelling Guide:
Here’s a spreadsheet about trial locations and quests to skip before we go. Keep this and first levelling tree(0 to 12) open before starting:


Note: Full Step-by-step leveling guide will be added here soon!

Leveling Notes:

Use Sunder for clearing and Double Strike for bosses. While using Sunder for clear, try to gather monsters in 1 single pack with 1-2 leaps and then fire 1-2 Sunder to clear them all. Since Sunder is linear and has a huge AoE, it is better to use it like this. After adding Fist of War support, the clear will get better. For bossing, just use Double Strike until you get Vaal Double Strike. After Vaal Double Strike, you just cast Vaal Double Strike guys and Sunder the boss. Try to keep your resists as high as you can, use rare axes with as high DPS/Attack Speed as possible and keep on upgrading them as you level. If you buy axes with 1 physical mod and craft the other, you can get them for pretty cheap. Like these:

Gem Links When Levelling:
Act1 End:
GGR: Spectral Throw + Volley + Maim
GRR: Double Strike + Maim + Ruthless
Others: First Dash, then Leap Slam + Faster Attacks

Act 2 End:
RRR: Sunder + Ruthless + Cruelty
GRR: Double Strike + Ruthless + Cruelty
RG: Leap Slam + Faster Attacks
Others: Flesh and Stone, Herald of Purity

Act 3 End:
RRRR: Sunder + Melee Physical Damage + Ruthless + Cruelty
GRRR: Double Strike + Melee Physical Damage + Ruthless + Cruelty
RG: Leap Slam + Faster Attacks
Others: Flesh and Stone, Herald of Purity

Act 5 End:
RRRR: Sunder + Melee Physical Damage + Fist of War + Ruthless
GRRR: Vaal Double Strike + Melee Physical Damage + Ruthless + Cruelty
RG: Leap Slam + Faster Attacks
Others: Flesh and Stone, Herald of Purity

Act 6 End:
RRRR: Sunder + Melee Physical Damage + Fist of War + Ruthless
GRRR: Vaal Double Strike + Melee Physical Damage + Ruthless + Cruelty
RG: Leap Slam + Faster Attacks + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun
GR: Blood Rage + Increased Duration
Others: Pride, Flesh and Stone

Switch to Lacerate and War Banner when you get to maps and complete the first 3 labs.

5-link for Lacerate before you get a 6-link if needed:
GRRR: Lacerate + Melee Physical Damage + Brutality + Volatility + Multistrike

After Soul Taker:
Use Pride and Flesh and Stone until you get a Soul Taker and then switch to Pride, Malevolence and Blood and Sand. Stay in Sand Stance while clearing and Blood Stance while bossing. After applying Eldritch implicit "7% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills" to your helmet, you can change Blood and Sand with Herald of Purity. On Passive Tree, only remove the Spirit of War node and the small node leading to it after getting a Soul Taker, and also only remove the life leech node on top of Unwavering Stance after applying the Tattoo of the Kitava Blood Drinker tattoo (0.5% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life).

Here are some tips for fast levelling:

Economy (What To Get):
Act 1: Scroll of Wisdoms(sell Blacksmith Whetstones and Armourer's Scraps / Orb of Transmutation(sell items unidentified)
Act 2: Scroll of Wisdoms(sell Blacksmith Whetstones and Armourer's Scraps / Orb of Alteration(sell items identified)
Act 3+: Scroll of Wisdoms(sell Blacksmith Whetstones and Armourer's Scraps / Orb of Alteration(sell items identified) and after item level 60 do Chaos recipe.

Zone Levels:
Level 1-16: Stay at zone level
Level 16-31: Stay 3-4 levels under zone level
Level 32-47: Stay 4-5 levels under zone level
Level 48-60: Stay 5-6 levels under zone level
Stay at these levels in zones for fastest experience gain and thus fastest leveling. Whenever you reach required level difference, keep skipping monsters by leaping.
Level 54-62: Blood Aqueducts is a good place to fast level and do chaos recipe
Level 90+: For the easiest levelling, do Beachhead rotas until level 94-95, then do Pure Breachstone rotas until level 100.

That’s all about leveling this build, it's fast and easy. We don't need any specific items for leveling as well, but here are some to make it even faster:


Note: Only use Praxis ring if you still have mana issues until Act 6, then change it with a rare ring.


Here are some experiences and success stories shared by people playing Lacerman 1 build on this thread back in the day. New experiences and success stories of Lacerman 2 Build will be yours!

Ritual League:
Horken007 wrote:
Maven is doable with ease. As long as you don't get confused with Memory Game it can be done deathless.

Erik_Morkai wrote:
Solid build all in all. Killed Sirus on A5 yesterday on a 5 Link belly with very beginner gear.

x_Alpine_x wrote:
I used this build as my league starter for Ritual. It was a smooth leveling process and was clearing red maps on a 5 link easily on day 2. Very fun and easy to play build.

fugggz wrote:
Hello. I've been running this build as my starter and it is very fun, definitely my favorite build yet.

Metacalcius wrote:
As usual i´m enjoying the build like a kid, the only build that i continue to play after 1 month of league in all my history of PoE.

Ardul wrote:
I'm fucking enjoying this build. Fun to play, pretty good DPS and good survivality, cheap and cool AF.

Nevzat wrote:
I respecced over from Bleed bow gladiator and tbh glad I did..

Thonyzuka wrote:
Your Build as mostly saved my league season XD
After loosing time in 3 previous build that needed much pricey gears this one lets me have oportunity to find sellable harvest craft!

Heist League:
Easiest and fastest clears I've ever gotten.

Xitomzz wrote:
Anyone can kill Sirus with this build :D

Phiro wrote:
I killed sirus 5, elder and shaper until now.

With 1.22m DPS and 6.0k life. Almost 1/3 of Required gear DPS, which means very cheap gear.

PwetPwet wrote:
Thank you for your build ! I played it last month, lvl 95 in 3 or 4 days and it was very fun :)
Can do all content easy for the first time !

demonardvarks wrote:
Wanted to post a review/ thank you for this guide. The build works incredibly well and does exactly what it says it does.

Loving this build so far, even with a 300 pdps weapon it still owns. I'm in very budget gear atm (5L and Soul Taker) but still having a blast.

Kasimpoe wrote:
Thanks for the Build, it is a fantastic league starter.

Lanceabbott wrote:
Insane build! My 1st "melee" build and love it.

Harvest League:
Enterem wrote:
Hey Thanks for the build. I played like 8 days with this build and what i can say great fast clear, Can do anything like uber elder, deathless Sirius. I was having so much fun playing this build.

btw sirus 7 possible,0 death

Done on 8th day of the league with 1.9m DPS and 4.9k life(much lower than Required Gear stats which is pretty cheap).

Manavor wrote:
Hello, I really enjoy your build, I have more than 3M Dps now and for mapping T16, 20quality, Corrupt, Its more than enough. For bossing, today I did my first A8 Sirus and it was almost deathless i just did a big mistake at the end.

With close to Required Gear stats(2.7m DPS, 6.1k life).

Just got my 36 challenges. This build is really strong with a fast clear and solid damage. Thanks to @PegasusRideR for the build. Got a lot of fun.

Done with lower than Required Gear stats(2.6m DPS, 6.0k life).

Bawalbaba wrote:
Oh my lord, I just switched from Vaal Double Strike to this.

Even with the basic starter gear, I comfortably pushed into high yellow-base red maps. What a beautiful build.

Thank you for this, I don't have to play Cyclone all the time anymore.

SmokedDoubt wrote:
Hi. New player here. Started Poe late last season. I went with your build for this season and I gotta tell you, amazing man. Thank you so much.

kakalinne wrote:
Thank you for build so great i play on ps4 and have alot fun :)

Amazing build, fell in love w this!
Thanks for great job!


You can support me by sharing your experiences with the build or ideas to improve the build here, and also you can make videos for this guide. I unfortunately do not have as much time as I used to back in the day for making videos, and Lacerman has always been a build that the community itself has mostly improved. It can be any kind of video, up to you. At the moment, end-game boss videos are needed. I will be publishing all videos posted here under Videos From You section only if they don't have bad/sloppy playing or do not fit the guide. Just make sure your video shows monster level if needed and upload your video to a video-sharing site like YouTube. The more videos a guide has, the more informative it becomes to players wanting to play the build. I'm also not accepting any kind of donations like real money or in-game currency, so please don't ask. Thanks for all your support since May 2019!


That’s all about the Lacerman 2 build. I hope you like it and will enjoy playing it. I’ll keep on improving the build and will be updating the build guide page as the game evolves with new patches and items or people improve it with their ideas like before, so don't forget to check it from time to time to see possible future changes to the build. All changes made will be listed in the Changes Since Release section.

If you see any misinformation or a way to improve the build, please don’t hesitate to post them here. As well if you have any questions about the build, just ask here, and I’ll reply.

Special thanks to RonFuckingJeremy, Taraeos, Graoully, and PrimusLightNova for their ideas and support that helped a lot in the resurrection of this build.

GL HF, and Happy Lacerating!
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Last edited by PegasusRideR on Sep 21, 2024, 1:12:23 AM
Last bumped on Oct 2, 2024, 11:37:22 AM
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Last edited by PegasusRideR on Aug 17, 2024, 11:53:05 AM
I can confirm the AOE is better on Lacerate and is better Sunder replacement!
it will be my starter build, i will share my impression during lvling.
Thanks for guide!
hey i have been playing the build more than 4 hours and i think is great but i have a question.

Im alone to take like 1 minute to kill bosses ? like the vaal boss at act 2

the piety boss ( not really killing) so i can ''save'' tolman.

I am level 26
Last edited by neortikfr on Jun 21, 2020, 2:16:35 PM
neortikfr wrote:
hey i have been playing the build more than 4 hours and i think is great but i have a question.

Im alone to take like 1 minute to kill bosses ? like the vaal boss at act 2

the piety boss ( not really killing) so i can ''save'' tolman.

I am level 26

Hi. If bosses are taking too long to kill, just hang on for 2 more levels then you can get Vaal Ancestral Warchief. After that point bossing will become much faster/easier. I tried to check your character but your account is set to private. Weapons are pretty good and should be more than enough though after you get Vaal Ancestral Warchief.
𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝: /view-thread/2875553
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Last edited by PegasusRideR on Jun 21, 2020, 3:40:33 PM
now you can see my character :)

the vaal ancestral chief seems op but i will have to farm to get it right ?
neortikfr wrote:
now you can see my character :)

the vaal ancestral chief seems op but i will have to farm to get it right ?

You can also vaal regular Ancestral Warchief gems to get the vaal version. It's obtainable in Act 3 after Sever the Right Hand quest. Your gear looks good. Should get much better in terms of single targets after Vaal Ancestral Warchief addition.
𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝: /view-thread/2875553
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Is there a version of this that doesn't use cluster jewels? The nerfs in attaining them make the barrier to entry very high, as a mediocre cluster jewel will be much more expensive than in Delirium league.

Gonna give the build a shot anyway because I've always liked Lacerate and want to play it again ;)
~ Seph
sephrinx wrote:
Is there a version of this that doesn't use cluster jewels? The nerfs in attaining them make the barrier to entry very high, as a mediocre cluster jewel will be much more expensive than in Delirium league.

Gonna give the build a shot anyway because I've always liked Lacerate and want to play it again ;)

Build can be played without cluster jewels, no problem. You can simply follow trees listed under passive skill tree section. Those trees are made for levelling and also playing without using a cluster jewel. Cluster jewel trees are in Pob links.

Cluster jewel on required gear is not too hard to craft. And cluster jewel drops are buffed to compensate with delirium not appearing every map, as GGG says. They also stated they want cluster jewels to be used as before, hence they made necessary adjustments. But after some time passes and economy gets settled, we will see what will happen to them and I will make changes to the build if necessary. Meanwhile you can keep playing without cluster jewels.
𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝: /view-thread/2875553
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Last edited by PegasusRideR on Jun 22, 2020, 5:39:41 AM

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