In this post we will compile all the Harvest teasers as they're posted. The most recent will always be at the top.

The Duskblight unique boots have received a new skill!


Here are the starting levels for the new gems in Path of Exile: Harvest


Here's a preview of The Traitor, a new Timeless Jewel Keystone


Here is a video of the new General's Cry skill in action!


Check out the Chieftain changes in Path of Exile: Harvest

Tawhoa's Chosen skill triggers when you use a slam attack, creating an image which mirrors your Slam attack.

Check out the Berserker changes in Path of Exile: Harvest


A Note in the Wind


Here are Might and Influence and the Inevitability threshold jewels!


What Happens When You Put The Path of Exile: Harvest Patch Notes Through an Algorithm

We ran the 3.11 Patch Notes through a Markov Chain generator and this was the result.
  • With 3.11.0, there are Standard, Hardcore and Solo Self-Found variations of the user's next eight Strike strike attacks.
  • Complete challenges and demonstrate your mastery of Path of Exile's engine
  • Once you reach 12 challenges, you will receive the Harvest challenges you completed during the league.
  • When you reach 24 challenges, you will receive pieces of the Council
  • At 36 challenges completed you'll receive the Harvest Challenge League, you'll meet Oshabi, an Azmeri Mystic who has enlisted your help in exploring the mysterious powers of the basetype's chance to cause enemies to explode on death.
  • Added a new economy. All of your mental faculties.
  • Added more music to the passive skill hovers
  • Added a new instance of your build.
  • Now gains more area of Wraeclast
  • You may hit like a hammer
  • Warcries all now cause a certain number of other wonky microtransaction interactions.
  • Weapon Skins from Supporter Packs can now take damage equal to 8% of the main crack
  • The amount by which allies are healed when you die has been increased by at least one side crack.
  • Gloomfang: No longer causes Magma Orb to fire an additional Legion Encounter.
  • Enduring Cry and Intimidating Cry are now offered to the list of Hideout music options
  • Map tiers and locations have been struck fewer times.
  • Enduring Cry and Seismic Cry are now offered to the Marauder and the Elder Mod
  • You'll now have a cooldown of 4 seconds (from 10).
  • Improved the visual effects of a number of sockets
  • Fixed a bug where Cassia could appear in the cluster.
  • Existing versions will have the same thing as other clusters, with the doors!
  • Split Personality: Now limited to 1.
  • Now has a chance to encounter a Mirror of Delirium then you are Blinded
  • Gives a brief burst of life regeneration, as well as a buff based on the eyes.
  • Delirium has been added to the Witch for completing The Eternal Nightmare.
  • Improved how audio is handled for performance.
  • Fist of War Support is now offered to the Witch and Templar for completing Lost in Love

Path of Exile: Harvest introduces a small quality of life feature that allows you to hide your Remove Only tabs!


She took all she had.


The benefits to consuming corpses can be many.


Check out the long awaited rebalance of the Reach of the Council bow!


A shining monument.


The Corruption cluster has changed. Here's how it looks now!


Here is another preview of Harvest crafting options!


Imbue the body with stolen spirit, hold the leash tight.


Check out a new Passive Skill cluster! By the way, we're also introducing a new oil. Every notable on the Passive Skill Tree will now be anointable, including all the new ones.


Some seek to change the world.


Here's another new Passive Skill cluster you can utilise in Path of Exile: Harvest


Here is one of the new clusters on the Passive Skill Tree!


We're revealing several rebalanced unique items for our daily news, in the meantime we'll leave you with the new version of Fragile Bloom...


We'll reveal the new Warcry Skills soon. While you wait, check out this new Keystone!


Chasing purity in the rising light means facing the darkening edges of the spirit.


Savour these moments, for they may never return.


Supreme Ostentation is one of the new Timeless Jewel Keystones


Here's a look at the rebalanced Essentia Sanguis unique!


What we shared was a lifelong bond.


Here is one of the new Timeless Jewel Keystones!


It is mortal man's folly to seek power beyond his comprehension.


In case you missed it yesterday, here are the Timeless Jewel keystones that are now part of the regular Passive Skill Tree!


The Harvest teasers begin! Here is one of our new unique items, Abhorrent Interrogation.


Posted by 
Grinding Gear Games
ty for teasers <3

i hope GGG double test everything before release so we dont get again legacy mods or legacy gear in middle of league

or not again 1 build that will be super over powered like heralds while other builds weaker or same... so all will be new OP build and all gear will skyrocket for THAT 1 build

BTW it would be super nice to see changes lab leaderboard and reward for it! uniq emperor jewels should NOT be monopolized
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
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Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Jun 3, 2020, 5:24:26 PM
Next league gonna be lightning meta, I can feel it
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After completing the service,please vouch my thread,vouches are greatly appreciated!
Thor_Inica wrote:
Next league gonna be lightning meta, I can feel it

looks like it BUT i hope it will be MORE balanced than heralds and how aura and buffs worked on start deli league lol

GGG need to double/tripple test all again and be more careful with balance
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Jun 3, 2020, 5:13:12 PM
Meh just like delirum uniuqes
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
"enemies take 4% increased elemental damage from your hits for each withered you have inflicted on them"

uh...okay...does that mean infinte increase until dead or is the wording just off and its limited to 60% (15 stacks)
Tyrion2 wrote:
"enemies take 4% increased elemental damage from your hits for each withered you have inflicted on them"

uh...okay...does that mean infinte increase until dead or is the wording just off and its limited to 60% (15 stacks)

Same wording as Yoke of Suffering, no doubt same effect (60% cap)
Hmm, interesting gloves.
Lol, again for spell builds... bored, there is no good things about melee builds pure physical for example.. swords, two hand mace axe are totally useless and GGG give us nothing.

Ok its fun for some players to play spell builds and kill everything, but other wants to play with swords, maces, axes...

Give us something about it.

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